"Is that domineering?" Bonis, they used to have a sense of domineering, now under the guidance of Hathaway, they can gradually achieve armed.

Unlike mr.5, he also mastered the color of arms and the color of seeing and hearing.

Now his arms are covered with black and powerful colors, and he can feel the gushing power and the thick sense of defense like armor.

It's incredible that there is such power in the human body.

"Well, it's as if I really have one more eye. Although it's like intuition, it's more real, but it's not stable." Valentine's day with an umbrella floating in the air, closed eyes feel, she is good at seeing and hearing, the same as Robin.

Everyone's potential is guided out

"Uncle, uncle, you stand still and watch." Natalie came over with her little shield on her back and sweat on her face. Then she stood up straight in front of Rosen.

Rosen is controlling the sandstorm in his hand. He looks at Natalie for unknown reasons. Natalie takes a deep breath, then hits Rosen in the thigh with a straight fist.

"Yes, yes! I've learned to be domineering, too. " Natalie's hand did not go through Rosen's thigh, but fell firmly on her flesh and blood.

"Lying trough!" Rosen's face is unbelievable.

You're kidding me. I'm not surprised that Bonis and Mr. 5 are dominating.

With the strength of Bonis and others, the little soldiers in the new world are just short of teaching and knowledge in this area. Once they have it, they will be expected to master the domineering.

But Natalie, who runs around all day and talks a lot of nonsense, is also armed?

Natalie is born with a strong sense of sexuality. Rosen knows that. But how can a child master armed sexuality?

"Uncle, what's your expression?" Natalie was not happy. She kicked Rosen's foot and hit him again.

"Evil." Rosen looked up at the sky, it seems that it is not as simple as meeting, but mastering it. When he woke up, he didn't master it so fast. It's only a few days.

In addition to some basic crew members, all the officers of Liming entered a domineering era, even including a manatee.

This is good news for Rosen. Rosen also bowed his head to ask for advice from Hathaway.

"There's going to be a fight. There's going to be a fight. Sell barbecue beer juice cake... "Natalie yelled, as the only one on the ship without wages, she had to support herself.

In the open space near the manor arena, Bonis and others stepped aside, with Hathaway and Rosen standing in the middle.

"Why don't they learn to fight? You're not just waiting for this opportunity. " Rosen looked at Hathaway with high morale in front of him and asked. He just came to ask for advice. He didn't want to fight.

It doesn't matter.

"Yes, I want to see how strong you are now, and how strong I am." Hathaway nodded calmly.

"I'll have a big beer and ten Sea King barbecues." Mr. 5 waved to Natalie, who was carrying a large tray.

"Yes, yes, ten thousand Bailey." Natalie's happy and running.

"You rob. It's several times more expensive than what you sell outside." His face turned black.

"But if you go out and buy it and come back, the fight between uncle and sister may be over. Do you want it?" Natalie looks at mr.5 innocently


"I'll buy it, too."

"I'll have a drink, too." Robin is lying on the chair, wearing casual glasses, while reading, while basking in the sun, but rarely coated with sunscreen, boss's fight with Hathaway? It's very interesting.

"Hiss." A flash of lightning came from the sky. It was enilu.

"I heard that Captain Hathaway and the captain are going to fight, so I'll come and have a look." Annie road barefoot went to Natalie side, took out a pile of Bailey, handed Natalie, this is the cost of intelligence.

Natalie took it happily.

Rosen looks at the busy Natalie. She wants to throw her into the sky and let her fall freely again. No wonder Hathaway just mentioned that she would fight with her, and she strongly encouraged her.

"Do you want to bet who wins and who loses?" Natalie seems to have no way of learning how to make money.

"Yes, I bet boss will win."

"I bet on boss, too."

"I'll bet on captain Hathaway."

"Idiot, it must be the boss who will win."

"You're an idiot. Didn't you hear that just now? At the beginning, it's only better than physical skills and domineering. Domineering is the main thing. I think captain Hathaway is stronger."

"It seems reasonable."

A group of crew members discussed with relish and looked forward to it.

"I bet on sister Hathaway." The empress went to Natalie and joined in the fun.

"I'll attack first?" Rosen looked at Hathaway and asked, because he was mainly specialized in domineering first, so it was divided into two rounds. The first round was pure physical domineering, and the second round could use weapons and abilities.

Only when there is such a contrast can we judge which areas are deficient.

"Yes." Hathaway said calmly, her delicate, almost crystal clear face has a sense of war, her eyes are burning like fire.

"Shuo Lei Ying. The gun. The gun. " Rosen was quick to move. He disappeared in an instant. The next moment he appeared in front of Hathaway. He raised his fist, covered it with domineering force and blew it out.

"Knife! Crossing distance. " Hathaway sidestepped to avoid the straight fist, then slightly lowered herself, hit Rosen in the abdomen with one fist, then turned her body and hit Rosen with shoulder force.

Rosen is overbearing.

"Domineering is too slow." Hathaway's speed increased abruptly, her domineering, as if no use of time, but naturally mixed in boxing.

Peng! Rosen was hit by Hathaway's shoulder as soon as his domineering power appeared, and was directly hit. Rosen faltered a few steps before he stabilized.

"No, the captain was beaten back as soon as he fought?" One of the crew members was shocked.

"Your body is too hard." But Hathaway is not satisfied, she can beat back Rosen, because her attack broke out in front of Rosen's domineering coverage.

And Rosen is just to feel inadequate, not to win. After all, being hit has no effect on Rosen.

"Our attacks are made at the same time. Why can you take the initiative?" Rosen wondered.

"Feel it with your body." It's rare for Hathaway to have such an opportunity to teach something. Put it aside.

"Not bad." Fighting is the most useful, which is undeniable, and Rosen agrees, and Hathaway is really getting stronger and stronger.

Perhaps, in the near future, dawn will have another general class combat power, but this step is not easy, but Rosen firmly believes this.

From the point of view that Hathaway has just been able to beat herself back, Rosen knows that Hathaway has such potential.

Bang bang! The collision of the domineering martial arts and the precise control of their own strength.

So that the surrounding is not too much damage, but the air explosion caused by fists and feet and the extremely fast moving figure, the presence can see clearly, not many.

"I can't see the figure of the two. Is this really the speed that human beings can reach?" Some of the crew members were confused. They could only see the air bursting with a powerful shock wave, but they could not see their bodies at the moment of attack.

It's too fast. It's beyond their visual range.

"So strong." The empress's face became more and more dignified. She knew that Hathaway and Rosen were not ordinary strong men before, but she didn't expect that she would feel very difficult or even lose just because she was domineering.

As far as she knows, Hathaway is good at fencing, while Kroc should have fruiting ability.