"Is Charlotte palace dead? Can the enemy strike us accurately? The Green Pheasant general can't continue to pursue. Who and who did it? A group of rubbish! It's all inept ruins, rubbish, scum! " The whole saint of rozwald is going crazy. Who are they, the noblest race in the world, the descendant of the creator.

But in just a few days, the eldest son, chalroth saint, was beaten by the pirates and the second leader of the revolutionary army, Saab, and then the Charlotte palace was shot.

This had been an unprecedented gaffe, but now they told themselves that under the heavy protection of the Navy, Charlotte palace was killed by thunder.

How can rozwald keep his demeanor, how can he keep his temper, even the whole navy team that had just been informed was shot by him, and all of them were turned into a hornet's nest.

"Tell the Navy, if we don't catch the killer today, I want them to look good!" Saint rozwald roared angrily. Lieutenant Doberman was silent and didn't reply.

Even if the Tianlong people don't mention it, it's absolutely impossible to let it go when the Tianlong people are protected.

"Green Pheasant, what's the matter? Why did it happen when you were there? Have you forgotten the priority of your trip? " The Warring States also called to denounce the pheasant.

"It's my fault. Are the Tianlong people protected?" The green pheasant's face was flat, which was expected. In fact, if it was just a verbal warning from the marshal of the Warring States period, it would be OK.

But he knew that this might just be the beginning, unless he could catch kroddahl and the man who let the thunder go.

"The fighting power of the five old stars has gone to you. I hope you two can unite to arrest kroddar and the straw hat Pirate Group. Otherwise, the consequences will be very serious. I hope you will be prepared." Said the marshal of the Warring States period.

"I understand."

The Green Pheasant silently hangs up the phone, but the last thing she wants is to cooperate with the beast.

"Mad, what a madman." Kidd and others stay in a secret tavern, even if they want to leave now, it is very difficult.

There are more and more navies on the shambaldi islands, and the strongmen of the headquarters also appear in the streets one after another. He is covered with blood. He just met the flying squirrel lieutenant general on the way. After fighting for a moment, he fell into the downwind and ran away, but he was seriously injured.

On shambaldi Island, the whole line of navies are searching door to door. People are in a panic. One by one pirate group is arrested. On the street, the captured and escorted pirates can be seen everywhere.

Even if it's just a period of time, the number of Pirates gathering on shambaldi island is very terrible.

"Damn kroddar, it's all his fault. I'm going to be sent to prison before I enter the new world. Damn it! If you can come out one day, you must kill that madman. " A pirate captain was cut more than ten times, but he was still alive. He paid nearly 90 million Bailey as a reward.

On the island, as long as he doesn't die, it's no problem to live happily. But who knows, he met lieutenant general Doberman. If he surrendered a little later, he would be beheaded.

All this is because of the crazy riot caused by the killing of Tianlong people by the dawn Pirate Group.

"Sure enough, it's not easy to get into trouble. How's the voyage going?" Hawkins and his subordinates were walking along the coast, quietly divining. It was a terrible omen.

"It's all ready. We can start right away."

"Then let's go."

"Which Pirate Group are you from?" But just as Hawkins and others were about to leave, Ramirez came from a distance with a long bloody chopper.

"Who are you?" Hawkins face is very dignified, this man is not only tall and strong, but also from the top to the bottom, is transmitting a very dangerous signal.

"Answer my question, I haven't read the newspaper for a long time, but you should also be pirates. So, are you a straw hat Pirate Group or a dawn Pirate Group?"


"Yes? Forget it. Let's kill them together anyway. "

"Hum, I don't know where the madman came from. Knowing that we are pirates, he even dared to speak wild words." Hawkins, a cadre, said gravely.

Ramirez is not wearing any uniform, and probably should not be a navy, otherwise it is impossible not to know them, especially at this juncture.

So for this kind of goods that I don't know where to come from, it won't give me a good look.

"Well, good. I'll keep you till the end." Ramirez raised his blood knife. In an instant, the wind and cloud rolled up and the whole sky darkened.

"Let's go!" Hawkins's face changed. What's this? Are you capable? Or does pure force disturb the surrounding climate?

But either way, the breath of death gushed out in an instant.

After that, one after another screams were heard. According to statistics afterwards, the whole army of Hawkins pirates was destroyed. Hawkins, the new captain of the pirates, was also slashed 38 times. Finally, when the Navy arrested him and found him, he was on the verge of death, but finally survived and was sent to the propulsion city

Blood dyed the area red. It was an extremely cruel killing. When the sword went up and down, there were many mutilated limbs and arms everywhere. Finally, the civilians in the whole nearby town were also affected and became the dead under the sword.

"What's going on? Is it hell? " When a Navy team arrived at the battlefield after the fierce battle, they saw corpses everywhere. Except for Hawkins, who was dying, none of the other more than 500 corpses were complete.

Most of the Navy headquarters pursue the purpose of arrest and live arrest. Such brutal killing has rarely occurred, which makes some of the Marines who come to collect corpses unbearable and vomit.

"What happened to the island?" Ayn was able to see the fleet in a hurry, then stopped one of them, identified himself and consulted a major.

"Major general, captain of the dawn Pirate Group, klocdal ordered the killing of Charlotte palace! Now the whole navy and the spy agency are searching. " After the major saluted, he told the whole story.

On the contrary, he was surprised that the other side was clearly a major general, and did not receive the information released by the headquarters?

He didn't know that Ayn was acting alone, not a major general sent from the Navy headquarters.

"What?" Ayn was stunned. No wonder the whole island was in chaos. The dawn pirate group committed such a heinous crime. What should we do now?

At first, she thought, if possible, to have a look at her father. Although the memory is not very deep, since he came to find himself, he would have to see him.

Although I can't go back with him or anything.

However, the two sides hold different positions. Even if they meet in private, they will meet in private. But now that they have become the targets of the public, I'm afraid it's not easy for them to get in touch with each other.

And then Ayn received an order from the Navy headquarters, ordering all the navies on the island to carry out a search operation, even if they were on holiday.

As long as the Navy on the island, at this moment, all obey orders unconditionally.