"It's not a pity not to participate in such a grand ceremony." Rosen handed Raleigh a bottle of good wine. Judging from Raleigh's ability to get close to him and others, I'm afraid that at this stage, his strength is still weaker than Raleigh's, but it's impossible to study how weak he is.

"You're still staring at the white beard's head? Also, after all, you suffered such a big loss at the beginning, and this year things about you are more and more frequent. What are you planning? " Raleigh took the drink and sat down on the edge of the balcony, quietly looking at the big screen in front of him. He felt a lot of emotion. It's good to have someone to drink with at the moment. After all, it's also an acquaintance, though not a friend.

"That's not true. There's something else in this trip." Why does everyone feel like they're looking for white beard? It seems that the failure to challenge white beard was well known all over the world. Maybe it was because of this that he was qualified to become a member of qiwuhai?

"Oh?" Raleigh was a bit surprised. He felt that the klockdale was different from the klockdale he had seen before, but it was normal. At that time, klockdale and Barrett dueled for many years.

He has also changed from a little boy to a few big pirates on the sea.

"Don't worry about your captain's son?"

"Everyone has his own life and choice. I follow Roger, not his son. Moreover, white beard has protected him well, but who can say for sure in the future." Raleigh's tone was flat, not too excited.

"That's true, but sometimes I think Roger should be playing a big game of chess. If you live in such a low profile on this island, will you be an important chess piece on this board?"

Raleigh's hand pauses slightly, which is surprising. However, in fact, it doesn't seem that it doesn't matter at all: "just take care of the new generation. After all, it's a pity if all the potential buds are removed."

"What did you and Roger see on lourderu? What's there? " As soon as Rosen changed the subject, it became more sensitive.

Luo, wuerji and others are sweating and nervous. Are you sure it's OK to ask such sensitive questions directly?

This is the underworld Raleigh. If Roger knows something, then Raleigh, as the deputy of the pirate king, should also know, which is natural.

When he heard Rosen's words, Raleigh was stunned for a moment, then he laughed, as if he thought of something interesting, but finally he asked Rosen, "are you sure you want to know?"

"To tell you the truth, I think a little, but I'm not the one you may be waiting for. There are many powerful people in this world. Some people can see the future, some people can decorate the future, some people believe in destiny, but I'm an alien. I only believe in the present and strength." Rosen thought of a lot of things.

Maybe, some things have been manipulated by people since hundreds of years ago, and Roger may just be a chess player who suddenly rises in this layout.

But his life is not long, some things in his time could not be completed, or the time is not mature, do not want to complete, so at the last moment of life, set off the era of big pirates, let more people to find, wave out qualified successors, to complete the unfinished things.

"Your words are very interesting. I always think that you know a lot about the world, but I'm sorry. I think it's totally different to see some things with my own eyes, and it's not the right time." Raleigh's refusal was expected by Rosen.

"Well, it doesn't matter. Anyway, my goal is not necessarily the throne of the pirate king." Rosen really doesn't care. The throne of the pirate king can really make his reputation reach the top of the world and help him turn over the world.

However, this is not a rigid condition. If it can surpass the four emperors, then even if it can not reach the level of the pirate king, it is enough to shake the foundation of the whole world.

"Don't you want to be a pirate king?" Raleigh was very surprised. If this sea, especially this kind of big pirate, doesn't aim at the pirate king, where is it.

"I don't think so, but I will fight for it if I need to. And I think that compared with the throne of the pirate king, the world needs to be corrected most. Roger set off an era, good or bad. I don't want to evaluate it for the moment, but the world is too dark. If I see too much, I'm not happy in my heart. If I'm not happy, I want to make some efforts." Rosen didn't cover it up.

In fact, he wanted to see how Raleigh looked at the world.

"You have a dangerous idea." Raleigh's face was a little more dignified. Over the years, what changed the noisy, angry, arrogant and impulsive sand crocodile?

"This is a special era. Many things are beginning to surface. Even if the world government wants to cover them up, how long can it cover them up? Some things are born and grow up in this era. Who can be alone..."

"Yes... The girl around you can interpret the history of this article. The man around you should be an empty Islander. After all, Xinwang is an empty Islander. That is to say, you should also know about ancient weapons... I didn't expect that. You've been dormant for many years, and you've gained a lot." Krocdal knows more than Raleigh thinks. Is this the man Roger has been waiting for to change the world?

Unexpectedly, just chatting with the "Acquaintances" once, I learned so many things. The times are really different.

"There's a white beard!! It is from the bottom of the sea directly in the bay of marinfando All of a sudden, the whole shampooland archipelago was boiling, which indicated that the war had begun.

"It's time for us to leave. We'll talk about you later."

"Don't worry about it. A few days ago, I didn't feel very well because of the affairs of several younger generations. I continued to stay on the island, and the blade of the world government was also on the island. I still want to be clean for some time, but I hope you can succeed! We used to want to change a lot of things, but before the time came, Roger left, and there was nothing we could do but rely on you

"It's said that the coating technology of your hometown is first-class on the island."

"That's no problem."

"Goodbye, then."

"If you're free, you can go to Andia Kingdom and give some advice. After all, you're very knowledgeable." After thinking, Rosen suddenly said a word.

"What's uncle up to?" When Natalie saw this, she thought it over and over.

"Oh?" Raleigh is surprised. Rosen's implication is very straightforward. In fact, he is telling him that the kingdom of Andia is his territory and under his control, but why tell himself? Let me make my own comments?

He didn't seem to be familiar with him, but because of this, Raleigh saw a kind of extraordinary boldness in klocdal at this moment. Maybe, this man has turned his thought into action.

"Hahaha, I found you. I just wanted to fight with the legendary pirates. I didn't expect to find you here, dawn Pirate Group! What double happiness But at this time, a joyful and fanatical voice suddenly sounded.

"The trouble is coming. I'll go first. The blade of the world government is really persistent. I can't stand the toss." Raleigh got up slowly and said faintly.

"Since they are all here, don't try to leave. You are surrounded by me!" Ramirez squatted from a distance with a huge chopper on his shoulder, then bounced like a rocket.

"Trouble! It's at this critical moment. " Rosen frowned. Who is this man? Rosen didn't know before, but Raleigh just reminded us that this is a member of the world government, and listen to the tone, is looking for themselves.

It should be for the sake of Tianlong people. It's not smooth!