"Tut tut... This is really interesting. Such a war is once in a blue moon. Furfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfur Duofranmingo controlled the pirates to kill each other, and walked in the enemy, laughing and excited.

"Corpses, corpses, I want more corpses, kill them all for me, my zombies..." molya controls a fallen corpse, cuts off the shadow, and then puts it into a new corpse, controls them to fight, the corpses surge, people who don't know their ability are shocked.

"Bear's paw Bear also shot, ability to urge, compressed air gun, bombing everything in front of him, and then put his eyes on oz.

Eagle eye is even more straightforward. The sword rises and falls. It is invincible. After cleaning up many pirates, it is finally found by beasta

With the active activities of the seven armed forces, the admiral of the Navy headquarters also fought with the other captains of white beard. The whole navy headquarters is turning into ruins. If it wasn't for the Green Pheasant, it had just created this temporary battle ground.

I'm afraid the Navy headquarters has already collapsed.

Now there is no official shot, only the Warring States and Kapp, they hold the overall situation, only in the most critical moment will be out.

After that, with the defeat of little Oz, many naval generals began to die, and some of the captains also began to be injured. The war was like fire, baking all the lives on the earth

Endure, reborn, can not endure, a pile of soil.

And then the upheaval happened.


"Scuyad, what have you done, you bastard?"


Scuyad, the giant spider, successfully stabbed white beard, which made the whole war boiling like magma fall into a strange silence for a short time

"This is the white beard Pirate Group. It's so strong! And the world's number one swordsman In the distance, Hathaway looked at the war in front of her. There was no fear, only a ready madness wanted to erupt from her heart.

A lot of strong men, better than her, seem to be everywhere. If Rosen didn't have orders and continue to wait, she would really like to fight against the world's first swordsman.

She is also a swordsman, so fighting eagle eye is definitely a rare opportunity for her to grow up. The premise is that she can survive successfully without being defeated.

"Boss, you seem to have expected a lot of changes. We're not going to move now. Will the Blackbeard Pirate Group really come?" Robin looked at the war in front of him. Even if it was far away, he was frightened.

It's not that Robin's psychological quality is not good, but the war in front of him is too terrible. The strong are like clouds, and the war situation is unpredictable. Even if the strong are not careful, they will be in danger if they encounter a stronger enemy.

She clearly saw that a powerful giant General was directly knocked to the ground by white beard. With just one blow, a general lost his combat effectiveness.

However, she is still far away from the medium level combat power. No one is not afraid that she is a mole ant. No one will like the feeling of being moved involuntarily.

"It will come. The white bearded Pirate Group is good no matter what. Our goal is not for them. Keep waiting." Rosen is very patient. Now that the war has started, it doesn't matter what the process is. The important thing is that Blackbeard covets the fruits of earthquake.

"Can't imagine!" Bonis and others keep their eyes on the battlefield. People who are in the war may not be aware of it, but people who are watching the battlefield feel cruel and amazing oppression.

It's the spirit of killing that everyone's fighting spirit condenses.

"Boss, someone is approaching." Aini road suddenly opened his eyes and said that in order to highly concentrate the central network, he closed his eyes and carefully observed the changes nearby.

"Ah ah..." suddenly a warship with Luffy, Saab, Heping, the demon king and others came down from the sky, and suddenly became the focus of this battlefield.

After the war situation changed from white beard's assassination to arousing everyone's morale, the variables increased again

But at the moment, Rosen has no mind to pay attention to the changes in the battlefield ahead.

"Is it coming towards us?" Rosen asked in a deep voice. Normally speaking, they are in a high place, their breath is converging, and most people don't feel such a high place by seeing and hearing.

"No, they are moving towards the battlefield, but they are also passing by us. Just now the door of justice has opened. They are probably the people we are waiting for." Enilu judged.

Rosen and others didn't come from the special current of the propulsion City, so they didn't have to go through the gate of justice, and it was easy. The ships in the special current could only come from the gate of justice.

"Make sure that once the battle breaks out, Hathaway and enilu, you are responsible for dividing their cadres, and Blackbeard will give it to me." Rosen decided to make a move. At this time, landing from this position, Blackbeard and his gang may have been infinitely high.

"What? The Navy here has been dealt with? Are we exposed? " Blackbeard and others landed on the coast of the Navy headquarters, looking at the already unconscious Navy, it was a surprise.

Didn't the war break out ahead? It doesn't seem to be peaceful here. This is not what Blackbeard wants to see. He shows two rows of incomplete teeth and frowns.

Because of the participation of Saab, the revolutionary army, Magellan spent a lot of effort. In the end, both sides involved in fighting against Magellan. So soon after straw hat and Saab escaped, Blackbeard was ready to leave, which was much easier than Blackbeard thought.

Sure enough, it's all up to you, thief ha ha

Now as long as we find the right opportunity to kill white beard and successfully seize his ability to shake the fruits, we will become the king of pirates as planned.

Now he's Blackbeard, Marshall D. teach, who has initially got his own team, or enhanced team, including the evil king Pizarro, the big wine bucket jotter, the rain Xiliu, the dark moon Hunter Katrina, and the huge warship San Juan.

These are the poor and vicious criminals in the sixth floor, and they were killed from them! The average bounty is more than 700 million Bailey, and even those who are stronger than the bounty.

Although some of them are old, they have just been released from prison. Once they get a chance to recuperate, they will be better and stronger. Most of them can fight with the general level.

This is a force that can influence the world situation!

"San Juan, your body is too big. Keep it hidden. Now the play has just begun. Don't worry." With a smile on his face, Blackbeard went to the battlefield with many of his former and present temporary subordinates.

"It seems that someone is here, coming... Ou..." poison Q suddenly said a word, and then hit a drunk burp.

"What? Are they the Marines? Yes, it doesn't matter. If you kill all of them, there will be no tip off. " Although Blackbeard was a bit surprised, he didn't care. Now that there is a Navy down here.

It's normal that reinforcements will come when we get the news, but how much spare power can the Navy fighting with white beard send strong men here?

At this moment, suddenly, a flash of lightning and a sword split to Blackbeard's left and right sides.

"What a strong attack The cadres around Blackbeard immediately gave way. These two attacks are really not joking. I'm afraid that other people, except Blackbeard, will be seriously injured if they are forced to join in. This is a surprise attack after all.

“ROOM! Slaughterhouse Luo's voice rang out, and then Blackbeard's face changed, because krocdal appeared in front of him like a blink before he saw and heard the color and domineering sensation, and at the same time clapped his hand!

"Dark water!" Although all of a sudden, Blackbeard's reaction ability is extremely fast, directly using the dark fruit ability. The palm is filled with black fog, like a black hole, like to devour everything.

Peng! Rosen's fist changed into sand and broke away from it, making it attracted by the dark water. Then, with his other arm, he quickly gathered his domineering spirit and hit Blackbeard firmly in front of his chest, shaking him away for a certain distance.

"Captain!" Poison Q and bashas and others suddenly exclaimed, how could this be possible? Even if it was a sneak attack, the strength of the comer was too strong. They directly sent their captain out with one blow. Is it a general?

"Damn it, it hurts so much. Which bastard is it... It hurts me so much..." Blackbeard steadied his steps, but his body was very painful. The pain he had to bear was doubled.

"Slaughterhouse!" Luo continued to mobilize his ability. Rosen appeared in front of Blackbeard in an instant, but he didn't attack again. He just showed his strength, which was enough. If he fought again, it would attract the attention of the Navy headquarters.

Whoosh, whoosh! Bonis and others also quickly came to fight with Blackbeard's men.

Hathaway, enilu and others blocked Blackbeard's cadres.

"Oh, you can't underestimate the strength of the baby now. Do you need help, Dicky?" After looking at Hathaway enilu, the evil king asked blandly that the other cadres were not in front of him.

However, on Bonis Valentine's day, Luo wuerji and others are not their only opponents, but there is no problem in uniting to deal with or hold down one or two cadres of Blackbeard.

And enilu and Hathaway have no problem dragging either one.

But even so, the overall strength of Rosen's subordinates is far inferior to the quality of Blackbeard's subordinates at the moment!

But it's not really for the fight, and Rosen believes that soon they will all be stronger.