With the white heat of the war, when the naval headquarters raised the encirclement wall in the Bay, they also put the pacifists into the battlefield. Although they are rigid, they are also lethal weapons.

And there are a lot of them.

These pacifists are all developed to capture and kill over 100 million bounty criminals. Regardless of other performances, they are only capable of destructive force and combat effectiveness, which is of medium level.

However, if we face the general head-on, it will be difficult to do so. People's thinking will be more active and flexible, which can't be compared with machines.

But these costs are not cheap. Even the Navy headquarters now has only one team in front of us, which greatly enhances the winning rate of the Navy headquarters.

Ordinary knives and guns can't pose a threat to them, but the laser is extremely destructive. Even the powerful pirates dare not hard connect the laser which is enough to melt steel.

At one time, the pirates were badly hit by the sudden appearance of human weapons, and paid a heavy price. The Navy headquarters did not mean to expose these weapons to the world, so it cut off the world live broadcast ahead of time.

It's too cruel, and it can't be seen directly by other pirates, so as not to make targeted methods. Moreover, it's shameful for the Navy headquarters to execute fire fist ace in advance.

So next, people in the world just need to know that they will win in the end.

However, the white beard Pirate Group is not so easy to knead. Even if they are at a disadvantage, they still make great progress. With the help of Ozzie, they break through the siege of the bay area.

At the moment, the whole battlefield is filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke and body scorch brown. Every piece of fresh life is in full bloom. In a short moment, they are like heroes and warriors, but many people become dead in the next moment.

"Gulalala... Killed the Navy." White beard rushed into the crowd with Cong yunche in his hand. Now they are closer to the execution platform.

More than a thousand Marines, including several major generals, were unable to resist the shock of a knife sweeping across the sky.

"Hum." Red dog sees this, continues to chase white beard to launch the fierce attack, the volcano bomb, the magma fist, the domineering spirit, the body skill, he all uses to the acme, even if he is three big generals level, but is still far from white beard.

"Damn old monster!" The red dog volcanic fist erupted, and the surrounding air was twisted by the high temperature.

"Tough little devil!" Although white beard's words were frivolous and contemptuous, he didn't relax in the face of red dog.

This naval general is really very powerful. Even if he is old, ordinary experts can't fight him to this point.

Most of the entire naval headquarters was destroyed by the fighting between them.

"Damn it, it's too late! Ace, wait for me Luffy is running fast in the crowd. The Navy headquarters is going to execute ahead of time.

"Luffy, you go first, and I'll make the way for you!" Saab a dragon claw fist hit the ground, the whole ground, instant smash, surrounded by the Navy, crash fell into the cracks.

"Brother Luffy, I'll help you, too." He also hit 5000 wazheng fists with one blow, which flew many navies.

"What's the matter with that bear? He really wants to kill me." Human demon king and others also cover for Luffy.

"What do you think, Kapp? Will the revolutionary army dragon be nearby or lurking in the battlefield? " The Warring States period stood under the execution platform and asked in a low voice.

Although it is not appropriate to ask Kapp this question at this time, it must be discussed with Kapp. The Warring States hoped that Kapp could help the Navy headquarters, but did not want him to. He could understand Kapp's inner struggle at the moment.

"Luffy, Saab, ACE, why, why do you just don't want to listen to your grandfather..." Kapp looked at the active war and was very sad. Even if he didn't do it today, with the strength gathered by the Navy headquarters at the moment, white beard wanted to retreat, I'm afraid it's impossible.

"Ah..." seeing that Kapp didn't answer himself, and the Warring States didn't ask again, Kapp had to wait for him to figure it out.

"Come in, furfuru... It's a real monster." Mingo is very excited.

"Sister Hathaway didn't come? The AI family will play with you a little bit... "The empress and other seven Wu Hai, did not meet any too strong master, there are also very few.

Maybe most of the pirates also know that qiwuhai can't do its best for the Navy, so the main combat power of the pirates is to deal with the Navy headquarters.

In this way, on the contrary, the seven armed forces seem to be more skillful, while the senior general and the core cadres of white beard are fighting head and neck. Even the senior generals are beginning to get injured

But just at this time when the war was getting hotter and hotter, the naval headquarters building suddenly burst into pieces, and then a group of people fell on the battlefield like shells one after another.

And Rosen's foothold, very embarrassed, is near the execution platform, and this nearby, the fire has not yet burned, but is responsible for the standby of many generals and elites.

"Who is it?" The marshal of the Warring States period was surprised, because since the enemy attacked from behind the Navy headquarters, it means that the weak defense line there has been lost. Is this the method of white beard? But it's not much like white beard's style, otherwise he would not only arrange a little troops.

But now it's not important. What's important is that there are several very powerful ways in these breath, and even one of them is too powerful, which is no weaker than the general of the Navy headquarters.

Such combat power, even in such a battlefield, can not be ignored.

"It's really lively. It seems that another unexpected guest is coming." On the battlefield, the strong people who are a little closer to this area are aware of them. After all, the naval headquarters building is too eye-catching.

"It's him. I thought he wouldn't come. I didn't expect to come at this time. Do you have any plans?" The eagle's eye drove bistar back, and then looked in the direction of the execution platform.

"Sand crocodile." Luffy took a look, but didn't pay much attention. Saab left a little snack. What did he come for? Help white beard? It's not possible. It's even more impossible to help the Navy.

"Well, what's the matter? How did the dawn Pirate Group, klockdale, suddenly appear here? " The Yellow ape's fingertips are condensed with the laser that will be emitted soon. Among the three generals, he is the closest to klockdale, so he can see it most clearly.

However, this war has nothing to do with the dawn Pirate Group. Does it mean they want to take the head of white beard? If it is, it will be very good for the Navy headquarters. If it is not, it will be a trouble.

"Kroddar and their cadres!" The marshal of the Warring States period also saw clearly, and his heart was heavy.

"Ah, Lala... It's not good. It's not going to force me to arrest them," Green Pheasant said after freezing the nearby pirates, temporarily breaking away from the fierce battle with jotz.

This is not a good time. The responsibility of the tianlongren incident has not been cleared yet. At this time, I see the dawn Pirate Group. If there is nothing to do, it is not a good time. I have to express my intention.

But in this way, white beard's captains can't be suppressed. Once they are allowed to help white beard, red dog will suffer a lot of pressure.

"What a nuisance

"Oh, the kid playing with sand, is he going to take my head? He's really not good at learning." White beard and red dog fight fiercely, and both sides get closer to the scaffold.

"Well, they are also a group of damned pirates." Red dog took a look at it and didn't care. At the moment, white beard is the most important thing. As for the dawn Pirate Group, I believe the marshal of the Warring States period will deal with it well.

Now, nothing is more important than taking off the white beard's head.

Rosen stands up from the ground. Not far away, it's Robin.

As for the others, Rosen didn't see them for the time being. It seems that they are scattered. Although the direction is the same, the impact strength is different, and the landing place is naturally different.

"It's the dawn pirates. Take them down!" Around the Navy elite suddenly reaction, in a lieutenant general's order, many Navy elite surrounded.