"Anyway, take it down first, tiancongyun sword." The Yellow ape took a look and immediately pulled out a lightsaber from between his palms. But before he started to attack, he found that the enemy took the lead.

"Well? How fast... "The Yellow ape was very surprised to see Rosen flashing and approaching. The speed was several times faster than when he fought with him last time.

Immediately no longer hesitated, a lightsaber cleaved toward Rosen, but was also blocked by Rosen's Jinsha sword, and Rosen was full of power to attack.

Under one blow, the ape was forced back several steps.

"The power is much stronger." The palm of the Yellow ape is a little numb. How can klocdal be so powerful in such a short time? No matter how you look at it, it feels ridiculous.

Powerful power is not achieved overnight, but needs to be trained assiduously and accumulated through many battles. For klockdale, who is already a capable person, there is no shortcut to increase his strength at a very fast speed.

But it's just so weird. In such a short period of time, it's unimaginable that our strength has increased to such a degree.

"I didn't expect that your navy's reaction was very quick, but today even you can't stop me." As soon as he participated in the battlefield, he would face the general, which was not expected by Rosen.

If it's a red dog, it will get what it wants, but it's not meaningful to fight with the great general of the Yellow ape. The hatred for the red dog is much greater than that of the Yellow ape.

"Try it, but I'm still curious. What are you doing here?" Although the Yellow ape was shocked, his face didn't show clearly. Instead, he continued to cut down with his lightsaber. Every blow was full of power enough to crush the mountain.

It should be easy for us to use a little bit of strength to hold down or suppress krocdal. But judging from the blow just now, if we don't use more strength, we are afraid that we will suffer losses.

It can't even be reserved.

In the gap, the laser blasted and the sand blasted, which instantly destroyed the nearby holes. The ordinary Navy did not dare to get close to them easily.

"Can you fight with the great general of the Yellow ape head on?" Dasky was fighting with the pirates not far away. When he saw this scene, he was shocked that the highest combat power of the Navy headquarters was no match for a former seven armed naval fighter?

"Thirty rounds of blooming." Robin looked at the constant influx of the Navy, although the general Navy elite dare not directly enter the combat circle, but the long-range attack is no problem.

Hundreds of elite Marines sealed her off, along with the entire area nearby.

"Take Nicole Robin first." A Naval General led a team to kill him.

Robin hands crossed, petals flying, a Navy body, suddenly grow an arm.

"Be careful. You are capable."

Of course, these navies are elites. When they react, they will take the sword to cut off Robin's arm, but Robin is now urging the explosion of the second ability.

"Dark shock!" Dozens of arms, three of them with their palms facing out, are now flashing black fog, with a trace of lightning. It looks very terrible and full of destruction.

"No, back up!"

Boom boom! But it was too late. Three crossfire waves blasted out from three directions. It was earth shaking. The ground was smashed in an instant, and there were endless screams

In a flash, hundreds of people, almost all of them were seriously injured, most of them could not get up again, and they looked very miserable.

"Sure enough, although the ability is powerful, if it is scattered into multiple shock waves, the launching speed will be slower, and the power is not as powerful as a single one..." Robin is exploring this powerful ability, following Rosen's words.

"Damn the pirate, go to hell." On the ground, suddenly there is a seriously injured Navy, and the strength of the first World War, fierce from the ground to Robin, a knife to Robin.

"Hiss!" However, in this process, it seems that it was cut on the air and did not hurt the body.

"Impossible? Is it natural? " The Navy's face changed dramatically. When did the dawn Pirate Group have another natural science department?

"This is not the natural system. It should be called the combination of the virtual and the real of the demon form. Although the virtual form is similar to the natural system, it is not, because it has the real side. Try it..." Robin said with a smile.

Then the whole person changed rapidly, his beauty disappeared, and his body began to rise, nearly five meters high. He had strong muscles, dark wings on his back, double horns on his head, and arms like dragon claws.

Its shape alone is enough to bring a strong deterrent to all the people on the scene.

"Ah, what a lovely devil form." Robin looked down at his palm. He could feel the surging power. With a wave of his hand, a piece of air was compressed at a high speed, and then ejected out to bounce the Navy.

"Lovely?" The Navy that has just surrounded nearby seems to be dreaming one by one. No matter how you look at it, it's a ferocious devil. How lovely is it?

"Black fog." Robin opened the devil's mouth, and the black fog continued to fill the air. Then he spewed out. Within a kilometer radius, he immediately shrouded in the black fog, and the Navy, who was close to him, rushed out of the black fog with a scream.

"Damn, what is this ability? Even the metal has begun to corrode in the black fog. Is it poisonous?"

"This is a monster!"

"Boss, I'll help you." Robin stepped out, very fast, the black fog automatically dispersed, and rushed to Rosen's direction.

"Peng!" The Yellow ape kicked the Jinsha sword in Rosen's hand, and then several laser beams flew out of his fingertips at the same time.

Rosen raised his hand and fired several black prison bullets to counteract the laser attack,.

"I don't really want to expose myself, but you are really annoying, yellow ape! Sand Rosen raised his hand. At this moment, the ground and nearby buildings all turned into yellow sand. At least hundreds of tornadoes and sandstorms took off. The scene was shocking. Half of the Navy headquarters became a desert in an instant.

"What is this? Quicksand? Where did the Navy headquarters come from

"Sandstorm?! Get out of the way. It's a natural ability! " The Navy fled in panic.

"What's the matter? It should not be possible for those with sand ability to control so much sand. The ground of the Navy headquarters is made of new materials made of steel bars and stones. Even if the natural system has the ability to assimilate soil and stone locally, it can not have such a scale... Is it awakening? " It is not only the Warring States period, but also the whole battlefield that has noticed hundreds of chongtian tornadoes.


"Here they are." The beautiful eyes of the empress ripple continuously.

"Ah, Lala, it's really hard to deal with." Green Pheasant sighed, but he just wanted to get out of the battle circle and find Rosen's trouble, but he was stopped by the Warring States period.

Now the first goal is still white beard. Let the recent yellow ape go. It's more efficient. If you choose another general, you'll look up to klocdal.

Moreover, in that way, their threat to white beard will be greatly reduced, which can not be changed when they have a slight advantage at present, so the Green Pheasant must continue to attack as the main force against the white beard Pirate Group.

"Awakening? However, it's unrealistic for you to beat me with these things. No matter how loud the voice is, there's no way to add hegemony to such a huge thing. For me, there's no threat. You don't even know this truth... Speed of light even kicks! " Yellow ape also a little startled, the ability to awaken?

Golden long leg instant kick, every kick is accompanied by extremely terrible explosion ability and high temperature, although Rosen took it down, but the viscera also churned violently.

It's not easy to fight at the same level, especially if you want to win.

Although the awakening of the natural system is not particularly obvious compared with other departments, it is very difficult.

And sometimes some extremely terrible attack ability will be derived. It seems that the ability to defeat his defense at that moment is just that. While fighting, the Yellow ape ponders and studies the opponent's ability.

It should be a more profound performance in the withering ability training, but the large-scale desert combat is certainly kroddar's home court, but what about it.

The ability of the Yellow ape is not awakened, although it will be subject to many inconveniences.

But he is a natural system after all. Any terrain combat has no great influence on him, so he doesn't know why klocdal spent so much effort to turn the flat land into a desert.

"Do you think I'm just building a small desert? Nothing else? " Rosen see yellow ape doubt, voice provocation way, anyway, he will immediately notice.