"The world government is different from the naval headquarters. You don't understand. We are the last order on the sea." Kapp shakes his head, but the attack on hand is not weak. He once again suppresses Rosen and makes it difficult for Rosen to fight back.

"I know that, but no matter how your navy headquarters sticks to the so-called justice, it still can't escape the interference of the world government. You know the truth of the world, but you are still willing to stand on the side of the Navy. Naturally, you have your reason. But there is no final order or eternal country in this world. Sooner or later, the old order will be smashed, What should you do? Still guard the decadent Rosen has respect for Karp.

"You only see through a corner of the world, but you think you know the whole world. Even though there is a lot of rubbish in Tianlong people, it's not all. It's not all because of the achievements of our predecessors that the aristocrats of the world can occupy the world's throne. Only in this situation can we have the opportunity to carry out our own justice."

"The overall situation is cold-blooded. If even a corner of the world can not be well maintained, the collapse is only a matter of time." From Kapp's words, Rosen learned the other side of the world government, or confirmed it.

As a matter of fact, the world government is not only the super trump card of Navy headquarters, but also has the power to shake the world. However, why does Kapp tell himself this?

He is his enemy.

"Since you started from alabastan, I have investigated everything about you. I don't know what you want to do, but I hope that no matter what you do, you can understand the nature of things before you act."

"Are you persuading me to be good?" Rosen was a little bored. Unexpectedly, Kapp would preach to him like this.

"No, I'm just advising you not to turn to evil."

"Then you let me go?"

"That's no good. I'm also a lieutenant general of the Navy headquarters. Besides, you shouldn't kill red dog. Even I don't like that guy, but he's a general of the Navy headquarters, a volcano on the sea. Now that you move this volcano, the crime rate in the world will increase dramatically. That's what you do now." Said Kapp, continuing to punch.

Rosen took the first few punches and the last one. He couldn't catch them very well, and a mouthful of blood came up from his mouth.

"Has there never been a dead general in the Navy headquarters?" Rosen sneered. Are you kidding? Do they have to bear the consequences of killing the enemy? That's bullshit.

I sold you the kitchen knife. You killed people with the kitchen knife. Blame me? This indirect change is hard to say right or wrong, but Rosen firmly believes that he just did what he should do.

Kapp was stunned for a moment. It's not true. There are some dead and mutinous generals in the Navy headquarters, and many of them.

"If your order needs to be suppressed by a high-pressure volcano, it can only show one problem. The inaction of your naval headquarters, if it is really well managed, does not need to rely on iron and blood means to suppress all crimes." Rosen fought and retreated.

Kapp was a little silent. He didn't expect that this pirate in front of him had such a thorough understanding of the order of the Navy headquarters and the world government. Maybe he could not say that he had a thorough understanding, but that he had his own unique understanding.

And this understanding, even Kapp suddenly did not know how to respond.

"Lieutenant General Kapp, you are a little bit unkind. How can I say that I have done something to save ace. If red dog does not die, do you think red dog's character will spare the blood of the pirate king? As for the situation just now, if he frees his hand, the result will probably be different... "

Rosen saw that Kapp didn't speak, but continued to take the initiative to speak. Kapp was not an inhuman person, and even loved ace and Luffy.

Otherwise, when red dog killed ace, he would not have nearly run away.

"Shut up, son of a bitch!" Kapp's serious face suddenly changed and began to scold. His attack was weakened because he suddenly thought of a possibility.

If, in case, ACE is really killed by red dog, then what should he do?

Huh? Rosen felt that Kapp's attack was actually weak. He was a little happy that he would not be bombed by Kapp's abnormal iron fist again, which made it difficult for him to fight back.

At this time, a roaring sound full of rampage like madness came up: "kroddar, I'm going to kill you!"

It's Blackbeard.

From such a violent and crazy voice, Rosen knew that Blackbeard's action of seizing the shock fruit failed, which was good.

But it's not so good right now.

Boom! Blackbeard came with great power, and the black fog was released. The nearby area seemed to lose all the light in an instant, and was shrouded in the darkness of the ground.

Black fog wrapped around Blackbeard's body, wrapped, let him become extremely powerful, and then a blow.

Rosen's face changed slightly. He just received a punch from Karp. His blood was churning and his strength was hard to lift.

Even if Kapu doesn't have a strong intention to kill, his strength is too strong! Although they can make a little counterbalance, but it is not easy.

Now it's really dangerous to kill another Blackbeard.

"Earth movement, sand stab through the sky!" Rosen stepped back and clapped his hand on the ground. Whoosh! In an instant, the sharp thorns of yellow sand burst out like a mountain peak, more than 100 meters high, and directly flew out the top of Blackbeard.

But Kapp's fist also hit Rosen's head solidly, and he flew thousands of miles away. Rosen's head was dizzy.

"Fortunately, the bet is right. Kapp didn't kill in an instant. Just now, if he could prevent Kapp's attack, Blackbeard would definitely kill. It's safer to prevent Blackbeard and bear Kapp's attack, but it's really painful." Rosen rolled awkwardly on the ground several times before he grasped the ground and stabilized himself.

Just now two people's attack, he can only choose to bear one side, defend one side.

"No, it's easy." Kapp saw Rosen stand up, and then a huge sandstorm rolled up, and the sand waves almost filled the entire Navy headquarters.

"What's going on? Sandstorm? "

And Rosen's figure began to disappear in the dust storm.

"Don't try to escape!" Blackbeard roared, but the natural disaster and huge sandstorm in front of him were not enough to kill him and Karp, but they were obstacles that needed time to clean up.

"We'll cooperate next time." Rosen left a word, ready to escape.

"Well. I'll take your life next time. " Hathaway looked at the Yellow ape, left a word, also disappeared, yellow ape did not give up, continued to catch up, but was forced back by a sword.

"No one can leave! With your ability, solidify the whole island, how long can it last. " Marshal looks at CP0 commander in chief.

They have arrived at the battlefield.

"Five to ten minutes, depending on their attack frequency and intensity, if several powerful pirates attack jointly, it will not take more than two minutes. In addition, during the period of maintaining the freezing ability, I can't do it."

"Then let's make a quick decision! The goal is to get Blackbeard first. " Marshal Kong stares at the whole battlefield indifferently. Even if he doesn't want to make a quick decision, he can't do it. They are now investing so much combat power away from the Navy headquarters.

In the new world, the protective forces of all countries in the world are empty. This time, I'm afraid there will be some great changes in more than a dozen countries. Even if they have more than 170 franchise countries, the loss is still very big.

"Good." The commander in chief of CP0 said, wearing a mask and the Department's exclusive uniform, he opened his hands. Suddenly, it was dark.

"Freezing!" As he fell, the air in the sea area around the Navy headquarters seemed to stop flowing, and the whole navy headquarters was shrouded in a huge air bubble.

Pengpeng! All the shells fired by the fleet in the sea area outside the Navy headquarters on the island hit the transparent cover and exploded.

And many of the retreating pirates also hit the air barrier, as if they hit the entity, instantly black and blue.

"What is this?"?! Are we trapped? " The pirate was stunned for a while, groping for the air hood in front of him, and then looking up, the whole navy headquarters was enveloped.

"At last." The marshal of the Warring States period said to himself that he did not know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing, but the escalation of the war was beyond his control.

"What the hell is going on?" Very flat with Luffy Saab and others are also fighting on the edge. Marco insists on the retreat of the white bearded Pirate Group. Although the loss is heavy, the Navy headquarters is not much better.

"Dragon claw boxing!" Saab hit with all his strength, but failed to break it.

"Rubber rocket launcher!"

"Fire fist!"

Boom! The bubble cap was shaken violently, but still failed to break through.

Not far from the sea.

The pirate ship of Sihuang red hair Pirate Group suddenly appeared.

Red haired shanks looked at the naval headquarters not far away. His face was solemn: "I'm afraid that the situation will escalate as soon as possible. The world government even sent him out. Aren't you afraid that all the bases in the new world will be uprooted?"