"What's the matter?"?! It turned out to be the red hair Pirate Group. " The marshal of the Warring States period was as heavy as lead. A full-fledged four Imperial Regiment suddenly appeared at the top of the war, which was enough to make any force afraid, even dare not act rashly.

In particular, the youngest red haired pirate group among the four emperors, though not many people, was extremely powerful, and no one dared to ignore it. Even Marshal Kong stopped.

Blackbeard and others were also running for their lives, but when they saw the red hair, they immediately showed a smile. It seems that it is not so easy for the Navy and the world government to catch them all.

"Red hair Pirate Group!"

"Four emperors!"

The battlefield is full of shock.

As soon as this identity came out, no matter qiwuhai, Marco, or even the Navy General and Kapp all stopped attacking.

Many of them consume a lot, especially the naval headquarters. In this war, they have many enemies. If there is another red hair Pirate Group, the result may be completely different.

And how strong are the forces currently gathering at the Navy headquarters?

For the pirate side, there are dawn Pirate Group, Blackbeard Pirate Group, and white beard remnant. Among them, there are at least four or five generals, and Blackbeard is one. Among Blackbeard's subordinates, there are a lot of old time villains who are close to each other and have not yet revealed their full strength. Some of Marco and other team leaders have their own generals' combat power, while others don't, It's also a great power.

Although the world government and Navy headquarters have killed the red dog general, the Green Pheasant, the Yellow ape, Ramirez, Kapp, the Warring States period, Rufus, air force, CP0 commander-in-chief, this preliminary calculation shows that there are about eight general level combat power, among which some are even stronger than the general.

At the same time, even if the general four emperor regiment saw it, they did not dare to be hard.

It is precisely because of the unprecedented combat power invested by the Navy headquarters at the moment that we dare to say that we are sure to keep all the pirates.

However, once the red hair pirate regiment stops the Navy headquarters, there will be no big gap in strength. Although the strength of the whole red hair pirate regiment is unknown for the moment, white beard can meet the three generals of the Navy headquarters, qiwuhai and many experts.

So the red hair Pirate Group, which is as famous as white beard, has the lowest conservative combat power, which is above the level of three generals.

Once the war really starts, it's impossible to decide whether to win or lose in the Navy headquarters. I'm afraid that once the war really starts, the broken Navy headquarters will sink if it can't hold for a few minutes.

The power gathered here now is too terrible. A large proportion of the world's famous strong men have come. Once a fight starts, no matter who loses or who wins, it is doomed that countless strong men will fall. Even the top general level is no exception.

"I'm here to end this war." Red hair, with the whole Pirate Group, came down from the ship and saw Lufei, who was still alive in the distance. His eyes were filled with joy. Although he was still far away from the real strong man, he was already a qualified pirate. He must not be far away from excellence.

Red hair scanned the whole battlefield and found that the situation was more complicated than he thought, and the war was extremely fierce. If he came a step later, once the more fierce war started, even he could not stop.

Red hair then saw white beard standing body, not much accident, finally looked at the direction of the Warring States period and black beard, coldly said: "if this battle continues, it will only increase the meaningless casualties of the two armies, if there are guys who don't make enough trouble, come on, let's accompany!"

The red hair draws the sword out of the sheath and releases its domineering power. The eyes are full of the intention of killing. It is enough to make the elite experts on the scene fear for it. The strong sense of oppression makes them fear.

The sword came out of its sheath and hummed in the air. Except for a few strong people who could see each other, the rest of them were frightened.

Sihuang Pirate Group, the same level of strong, they have just learned, now this is full of red hair Pirate Group, want to fight?

The appearance of red hair has cooled down the war, which was about to heat up sharply.

"Soon, there will be a classic famous face." Rosen looked at red hair, some expectations, although the situation is not very optimistic, but can only be optimistic.

It's not that they don't want to run, but the attention of Kapp and others. Although they are attracted, they always pay attention to their arrogance. If they act rashly, they will be pursued immediately.

"What?" Hathaway looked at Rosen with a puzzled look on her face. How could he look forward to it? Such a captain with a full sense of expectation seems to be a little charming, because he has more full feelings like human beings.

"Red hair, you are more and more aggressive." Blackbeard looked at red hair. This guy, in such a short period of time, came to the new world. He was so powerful that he didn't get the fruits. I'm afraid he would not be his opponent if he really fought.

"Dicky!" Red haired shanks gazed at Blackbeard. He was not strong enough, but he suffered a lot.

"Thief ha ha, I don't want to fight you now, brothers, let's go!" Although Blackbeard wanted to be a little harder, he could still bend before he got the fruit. Klockdale, he's mad!

Red hair quietly watched Blackbeard leave. Ramirez wanted to intercept, but was stopped by the empty marshal. The red hair Pirate Group, even the empty marshal, was also afraid, and the relationship was very complicated.

Now that red hair is here, we have to think it over carefully. When we come back to our senses, we find that the casualties at the naval headquarters are very serious and not optimistic.

"Eagle eye, where are you going?" A navy officer suddenly looked at the eagle's eye, turned away and asked in a voice.

Eagle eye looked back at him and said faintly, "I only promise to fight with white beard. Fighting with red hair is not within the scope of the agreement."

With that, he left on his own, and no one dared to stop him, one is because Hawkeye is powerful, the other is because the content of the agreement is so.

The departure of eagle eye is not only a person's intention, but also means that the contents of qiwuhai's agreement have been completed. As a reminder, the rest of qiwuhai are not stupid and can no longer work for the Navy headquarters in vain.

It also shows that qiwuhai, a powerful force, has withdrawn from the battle.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I hope to sell my face here." If ordinary people, no, even generals, dare to say such things in front of so many strong people.

But when a four emperors, the youngest, the peak four emperors and the legendary pirate with a bounty of more than four billion Bailey, say such words, the weight is heavy, even the marshal of the Warring States period or even the empty Marshal must seriously consider them.

Because the identity of red hair is not just a pirate, what he said needs to be treated carefully.

Once the answer is no, then they have to face a full state of Sihuang Pirate Group. Moreover, although the cost of this war is heavy, the Navy headquarters has also achieved their goal, which can be said to be a tragic victory.

But victory is victory.

Perhaps it is the best result to stop now, because once the red hair pirate group stands on the opposite side, this even more terrible battle will be launched in an all-round way, and the fighting capacity of the enemy and us will far exceed that of the previous war.

The strike now is a result that the Navy headquarters can barely accept.

The whole battlefield gradually quieted down

"Why, the red dog general's revenge can't be denied!" Admiral Doberman suddenly said with a cold face that the red dog general was kind to him. Now he was killed, and he couldn't accept it.

"Red dog died?" Red hair was a little stunned. They came all the way. They didn't know much about what happened on the battlefield just now. They didn't see red dog just now, and red hair was not surprised.

After all, the red dog general is so powerful. Even if he has red hair, he doesn't dare to say that he can take his life in the battle of 1v1. How can he lose his life here? Is it white beard?

In addition to white beard may kill red dog, the rest of the people are not likely, even black beard is no exception.

"Yes, we can't let him go." As soon as Lieutenant General Doberman's voice dropped, one of the generals answered with a gloomy face. They all belonged to the red dog, the hawk's general. Naturally, they would not give up at this moment.

As the two generals' words fell, each Navy began to tighten their weapons. Some of them were tired and didn't want to fight again. But once the war started again, no one could avoid it.

At the same time, everyone's eyes were on Rosen and Hathaway.

"It seems that this situation is not good." Rosen quickly smoked a cigar to suppress the shock. Isn't it common for war dead?

But now it's just being taken out to say that it's not good. Rosen doesn't think the red hair Pirate Group has any reason to help himself.

"Both the enemy and us don't want to fight any more in this war, but the murderer who killed the red dog general can't let go. You can leave, but klocdal must stay." Marshal Kong spoke.

It also symbolizes the final decision of the navy in this war.

As soon as the decision came out, Blackbeard stopped and left in no hurry. It seemed that he was going to suffer for such a miserable guy. Hahaha

If lieutenant general Doberman doesn't mention it, I'm afraid the war will come to an end, but there is no if.