"What are you doing back here? Are you stupid?" Seeing that Hathaway didn't leave, Rosen followed her and attacked the Green Pheasant, cursing coldly.

"Remember this sentence for me, and I won't forget your scolding when I get away from this disaster." Hathaway bit her red lips, pursed her lips and hummed.

"Er..." Rosen was stunned. He wanted to settle for himself. I didn't do anything about you. In this case, it's the most rational way to walk one by one.

Is there something wrong with your focus, elder sister.

Kapp didn't speak. He was just doing his duty. He hit Rosen with one blow. Rosen was seriously injured, and he was not so heavy. Just now, he was several times stronger than his absolute combat power.

Although the strike was short, Rosen almost lost half of his life. Now facing the attack of Kapp, he can't resist. He was crushed in all aspects and his injury is getting worse.

If this continues, Rosen will be killed soon.

"Eight feet Qiong gouyu!" The Yellow ape took the opportunity to make a range coverage attack, and hit Rosen one by one. Although it was not concentrated enough, the Yellow ape was just making sure that he could hit, so as to cause damage to Rosen. That was enough.

"Bang!" A gunshot rang out. A special bullet, like a rainbow, ran through the whole battlefield, like a meteor. In an instant, it tore up all the bullets.

"Well?" The Yellow ape was startled. What kind of gun was it? Unexpectedly so overbearing, along with the breath, yellow ape saw a let his head big man, Ben Beckman! Red hair, vice captain.

And red hair has already drawn the sword. Since the soft is not good, it's hard to stop the war.

"Asshole! How dare you hurt the captain of the man you love Hancook was furious, so Hathaway was afraid to die, which was absolutely not allowed to happen.

"What do you want, boyahankuk!" A lieutenant general felt a very fast figure coming. After seeing the person clearly, he immediately scolded.

"Shut up, big foot!" Peng! A solid foot, directly kicked in the lieutenant general, the lieutenant general incredible, this is not friendly? Shit! But he flew out, and far away.

"The Pirate Queen, Hankook, do you know what you're doing?" A major general glared.

"The content of the agreement with you has been completed just now. Now I just can't bear to see you bully less with more, can't I?" The empress's face was ugly, and the majestic general trembled a little.

This kind of empress is beautiful.

"It's also not impossible..." major general sees this, lust heart big hair, fear and lust surge together.

"Hum..." the empress continued to rush towards the battlefield with a haughty hum

Kapp's iron fist had already shot at Rosen's head.

In this instant, the situation suddenly changed, dark clouds, lightning and thunder, the wind began to roar, and then a cold and majestic rain poured down, the whole navy headquarters were shrouded in a strange breeze.

This sudden change in the weather has attracted many people's attention. However, the climate of the great air route is just like this, which is not very noteworthy. But the next moment is different.

"It's not like you. Stop it." Among the pirates, a figure under the cloak came out. As he walked, the weather became more and more restless.

The stronger the wind, the louder the thunder, the more majestic the rain.

With his voice, he stepped out and appeared in front of Karp. He reached out and blocked Karp's blow.

"Asshole, it's you smelly boy. You're just showing up in front of me." Kapp saw clearly the face of the visitor, and his heart became more angry. Another iron fist came out.

The Dragon subconsciously took a small step back. No one even noticed this small action. Only Rosen behind him could see it. Does this subconscious action mean that the dragon has been beaten up since childhood and has psychological shadow?

It seems that it is not impossible.

But the dragon still caught the blow.

"This is the leader of the revolutionary army, the dragon!" Many Marines and pirates recognized this figure and were shocked. It was the most vicious criminal in the world, and its danger was still higher than that of the four emperors.

He's here, too! What's the matter! Is there going to be a world war? Journalists in the shampooland islands feel that their brains are shaking, which is more and more terrible. Is the war going to last forever?!

Then these ordinary people, especially the shambaldi islands, which are so close to the headquarters, will be spared once they fight.

"I think, as red hair said, end this war, Warring States, air." Long calmly looked at the Warring States marshal and the air marshal, facing the two marshals, he was still calm.

"Dragon, you bastard, why are you here?" The face of the Warring States period is so black that it can't be black any more. First the four emperors, and now the revolutionary army dragon. Is this a joint effort to destroy the Navy headquarters?

If the Warring States didn't know that there was no friendship between the two people, I'm afraid they probably thought that way.

But the appearance of the dragon is definitely not a good signal. It's true that the world government has been trying to catch the dragon for a long time.

But it's definitely not the current situation. Since he has taken the initiative, who knows what other means he has deployed.

After all, it's a dragon, the most vicious and cunning criminal in the world. The world government has searched for it many times without any result.

"What if we don't want to stop?" Marshal Kong said with a cold face, I don't know if I can take this opportunity to win the dragon, even if there will even be the death of the generals, as long as I can win it, it's worth it.

But it's just thinking about it. Let's not say that the dragon's own ability is weird and powerful. It can't come and go without a trace. Just red hair can't watch such a thing happen.

After all, the chain reaction is terrible. If the revolutionary army falls, the world government will have more power to fight for the right to speak in the new world.

This is a situation that any four emperors don't want to see.

"Go Rosen's not interested in watching them continue to bicker.

Although I don't know what the situation is, since the dragon has blocked Kapp, it seems that he also intends to end the war, while other forces have been blocked a lot. If he doesn't run at this time, this line of life may be gone.

After all, opportunities are fleeting.

Although the four emperors are rare, the dragon is more rare, the scene of father son meeting is more curious, and marshal Kong is also a legend in the legend. However, curiosity kills people. If you want to see it again, you are afraid that you will have to take your life to see it.

Rosen took Hathaway's hand.

"Wake up, sand riot!" As soon as Rosen stepped on it, his whole body soared into the air, and then flew away towards the outside of the island. Most of the island suddenly turned into a desert, rolling around aimlessly, disturbing people's sight and perception.

At the same time, Chao Kapu and others flooded the past.

"Chase The Yellow ape and the Green Pheasant chase each other in the air. The four of them leave the battlefield in an instant. Klockdale has lost most of his life. If they concentrate on attacking again, they may win.

The others wanted to pursue each other, but they all had their own opponents, and the Navy headquarters didn't dare to really go out, even if it wasn't for the Green Pheasant, they were too fast.

The Warring States wanted them not to pursue. It's not that the two of them misjudged the fighter plane, but that the current situation is very complicated.

None of the dragon, Sihuang, Blackbeard, white bearded gangsters is a gas saver.

"The rest depends on their own destiny!" As soon as Rosen and his wife left, the Navy did not continue to pursue them, and Saab and others did not want to fight again. After all, fighting is an unavoidable means.

Now it's more complicated.

But now that Rosen is no longer here, he can't be the fuse of the new war.

As a matter of fact, the Navy headquarters, white beard and Blackbeard had no heart to fight any more. If the Navy headquarters had not ventured to kill krocdal, the war would have ended.

"Does the marshal of the Warring States period and the empty Marshal really want to continue fighting?" Dragon light said.

Red hair took back the sword. Now, in any case, it's impossible to fight. Unless the world government and the Navy headquarters lose their wits and want to win the dragon, the situation of mutual fear can't be fought.

Because no one knows what kind of backhand each other has.

The marshal of the Warring States period and marshal Kong had a look at each other and understood each other's meaning. The appearance of the dragon was too strange. Moreover, the Warring States period regretted the order just given, which almost caused an irreparable situation.

"Treat the wounded first." With Kapp's words, the curtain of the war came to an end.