Rosen doubts, a tongue with a little sea water gushing into his mouth, and then Rosen savors the taste of blood, at the same time, Rosen feels that his breathing is much smoother, even the blood in his mouth contains a trace of oxygen.

"What's going on?" Rosen's face is blank. Does Hathaway's blood still have this function? And it's not just blood. She's really giving herself the oxygen in her body all the time.

In principle, if it is an ordinary person, this method is not impractical, but the efficiency is almost equal to none. The air exhaled by a person is mainly composed of carbon dioxide, unless it has been stored in the mouth without internal circulation.

Of course, Hathaway's body is special. It's normal to do what ordinary people can't do.

But how much air does Hathaway have for herself? Even if her constitution seems to be different from that of ordinary people, she can adapt to various environments quickly, but after all, the sea environment is too different from the outside.

Sure enough, after passing the air through her mouth to Rosen, Hathaway's speed was much slower, and she was almost bitten by a sea animal with an open mouth.

Rosen's feeling is very subtle. Hathaway is a woman. In fact, Rosen has always regarded her as a partner far more than a real crew member.

She was really a terrible and powerful fighter, which was more impressive than her appearance. For a while, Rosen didn't treat her as a woman.

But now she is not only a woman, but also a stubborn and lovely woman.

If she left herself early, or rather than left herself, but left at her own will at the naval headquarters, she would not have to suffer this crime, let alone take risks with herself.

And with her progressive strength, even without herself, Rosen believes that it's not a big problem to survive with Robin.

Her talent is too high. In time, it is possible to fight for the fourth emperor's position with her talent.

But she didn't want to stay, as if it was just to save herself. She was moved, but more grateful.

Hathaway has not yet left her mouth, because her air is generated by boiling blood mist in her body, and her body is really adaptable.

Although her speed is slow, it's not what ordinary sea animals can catch up with. Due to the change of posture, Rosen can only hold Hathaway. It's really delicate to face her like this.

Rosen felt a little uncomfortable and looked up at the sea. How could he be passive? This seems to be a bit of a loss. It can't be done.

Rosen thought, subconscious instinct had a feeling, tongue out, and then he regretted, because Hathaway opened her eyes, Lengleng Leng looking at him, what is this bastard captain doing?

He pries his teeth because he is too clumsy. In that case, you don't have to think about it. You all know that you want to pass the air to him, but he is good. He doesn't know what he is thinking.

Now he is still moving around in his mouth. Although his blood is extraordinary, the stored air is limited. His body desire is instinctive. Once his breath is short, the air consumption will increase.

Rosen also realized that, but Rosen thought that maybe Hathaway had never treated herself as a woman, and she was a more beautiful woman than the empress, who was still kissing by such a beautiful woman could not be indifferent.

Except for the one who really wants nothing.

Rosen also noticed Hathaway's expression reaction, immediately cast a sorry look, but to tell the truth, he is really innocent.

Holding such a body, but also under the action of sea water, clothes close to nothing, and then was attacked, the body did not respond, that is a monster

Hathaway was also a bit unexpected at the beginning. After Rosen was quiet, she didn't have any extra reaction. She didn't understand these things. It should be normal.

After all, what is more important than life? Besides, I don't hate the captain. Whatever.

After swimming for a long time, Rosen and Hathaway suddenly feel that something is wrong. Firstly, the sea animals they meet are bigger. Secondly, the sea is getting dark. Looking down, they even feel a little dark and frightening. Their hearts are filled with strong uneasiness.

They are powerful, with different eyes. They have a high degree of visibility and a strong ability of self-protection. In the sea, as long as the sea is not muddy, they can see everything nearby clearly.

Hathaway stops. Rosen's heart sinks slightly. It won't be in the windless zone. If so, it's bad. It's not as good as fighting with the two generals before.

At this time, a sea king of crocodile and snake suddenly flew over from the dark sea bottom. The speed was as fast as the wind. It was impossible to see that its huge body could burst out at such a speed.

Hathaway frowned slightly, but it was too late to dodge. She could only draw her sword out of its sheath. The light of the sword flashed in the sea, and the huge sea king's body was cut in two pieces, and the blood overflowed. Soon, a large group of sea animals would come to eat.

At this time, it's hard to hide any more, and there's something wrong with the sea area. Hathaway can only lift Rosen up. She can only hope that there is no navy here.

After all, Hathaway thought she had escaped a long distance.

They floated up with great speed, and their heads came out of the water. After scanning all around, they saw the whole foggy sea. Where they saw with naked eyes, they were all white fog. When they saw and heard, they were still white fog.

No wonder the same depth of the sea bottom, before so bright, but slowly has been dark down, the original is into the opaque sea, just don't know how far they go into the sea of white fog.

"Can you go back?" Rosen doesn't know what's going on in this fog sea, but if he can, Rosen still hopes to stay in the sea with better vision.

"No, I tried just now. After entering here, the sea is dark and I can't find the sense of direction. Let's go up and have a look first. The view above is better than that under the water, and I always feel very dangerous in the water..." Hathaway nodded.

"Well, throw me out of the water. It's windy here, not windless. It's better..." Rosen said. For the time being, the situation is optimistic. After all, now it's out of the encirclement of the Navy.

But I just don't know how long Hathaway has been swimming on the sea floor. Rosen's head was anoxic and dazed for several times, and didn't calculate the time carefully.

Hathaway pulls Rosen up and throws it out of the sea. Then she is a little weak and is about to sink. Seeing this, Rosen swoops down for a month, pulls it up and hugs the princess.

As long as he gets rid of the shackles of the sea water, Rosen is no longer a waste, and his activity is not affected by the sea water. His physical injury has stopped, but despite the activity, Hathaway is still overdrawn.

But fortunately, some of her injuries caused by sea animals did not get worse. Otherwise, she did not dare to swim in the sea for a long time.

Now Hathaway is just a little overdrawn, and Rosen's state is much better than when he was chased. After all, he is just a "Pendant" on the way.

"Have a good rest. Next, leave it to me." Rosen said to Hathaway in her arms.

"Well." Hathaway answered and fell asleep in Rosen's arms.

Looking at the lovely queen Hathaway in her arms, Rosen couldn't help looking at her more.

But where is it right now?

Rosen stepped on the moon step, casually identified a direction, and then made a rapid progress. He thought that since it was the fog on the sea, it would be much easier to get out of the fog and find one or two pirate ships.

So you can really rest.

However, half a day later, the result made Rosen frown, because with his speed, half a day later, he was still in the fog sea.

How big is the fog sea area? Or have you lost yourself here? Rosen looked to the right of a broken pirate ship wandering around, always feel, this ship, he seems to have seen.

Although Rosen realized that he was going straight forward, he also knew that in the fog, people's feelings could not always be right.

Even after a turn, he would think that he was going straight ahead. This kind of organ confusion is perfectly normal in this kind of thick fog.

Even if you have the power of seeing and hearing color, it will not be useful for such a wide range, unless seeing and hearing color is powerful enough to break through the whole fog sea area in a moment.

"It's better to have a rest before you think about it." Rosen moved towards the broken pirate ship which fluctuated with the waves, so that he had no thoughts and no results.