The conference room was very quiet for a time. The chief and Deputy captains of the dawn Pirate Group and the cadres involved in the war were put on the table.

The strength of the dawn Pirate Group is strong, but the Navy headquarters wants to wipe them out.

But if all the naval headquarters and all the forces are going to pursue klocdal, who will maintain the stability of the sea? Who will monitor the actions of the four emperors?

Let alone all, even if it is half of the deployment, for the Navy headquarters, it is also a huge force. It must be considered in the long run, and we can't blindly face hard.

Unless the conditions and conditions are very favorable, it is easy to suffer heavy losses.

"What strategies do you have?" The marshal of the Warring States period asked.

Everyone bowed his head and pondered. If the strength assessment is accurate, it will take at least two generals to kill kroddar. At the same time, it will be possible to carry the order of killing demons, several generals and a large number of Navy elite.

This is the most intuitive and relatively conservative combat power in hard war. The navy can still pull out this power. However, they need to consider who will go and whether there are better strategies to enhance the winning rate and reduce casualties.

The crusade against the fleet is imperative this time.

"It's easy for the inside of the pirates to disintegrate. Our CP0 will be responsible for weakening the enemy's strength and even causing civil strife." The commander in chief of CP0 took the lead.

"How to do it?"

"There are some good candidates in cp9. They are good at lurking and undercover. After the Sheriff of justice Island died, they also idle a lot of time. I will call them up and assess them in the name of CP0. If they are qualified, I will send them out. They have the identity of a boatman to cover up. When we confirm the whereabouts of the dawn Pirate Group, we will create an opportunity for them to go undercover." The commander-in-chief of CP0 didn't say who, but since he said so, the Warring States and others naturally believed it.

After all, these are the majors of CP0.

"Well, I'll trouble you for this matter. As for the expedition fleet, let the Kapp Green Pheasant lead the team. You generals can choose to join the expedition fleet freely. We must put this matter in place as soon as possible. Klockdale can't stay long." The cold voice of the Warring States period.

"I can a helping hand awesome in a month, and I hope you will all give it your strength." Ramirez said with a smile.

"However, in addition to the Navy headquarters, the bounty should also be increased accordingly. Maybe there will be excellent bounty hunters coming out of the new world and causing them some trouble. Even if they can't be killed, it will be enough to consume their living strength. At the same time, I will tell the news departments everywhere to put the dawn Pirate Group in the position of the fourth emperor. I'd like to see that, Once in the new world, how long can they live? " The marshal of the Warring States period was shocked by the final tone.

Marshal of the Warring States period is going to kill the dawn Pirate Group?! This move is really a bit cruel. If a pirate group that has never had any influence in the new world is really shaped as the new fourth emperor, it will take the place of white beard.

In that case, we will face the attack of countless big pirates, as well as the exploration of the other four imperial levels. At that time, the Navy headquarters may even eradicate the dawn pirate group without a bloody sword.

But the only disadvantage is that such operation will make the reputation of the dawn pirate group reach a very high level in a short time, and it is not impossible for the dawn Pirate Group to gather a group of powerful outlaws.

But now it is necessary.

The Navy headquarters has used the method of killing wolves and swallowing tigers many times, and it has been successful many times. The new world is a place where the waves are scouring the sand. The dead big pirates are better than krocdal. I don't know how many of them are.

As powerful as the former Rox Pirate Group, it has also been destroyed. Sometimes, the fighting and conflicts between the pirates can solve the troubles caused by more than half of the world's pirates for the Navy headquarters.

"Do you have anything else to add?" Asked the marshal of the Warring States period.

"Marshal of the Warring States period, I request to fight at the new world naval base! If the dawn Pirate Group really arrives at the new world, I can also set about the arrangement and let the pirates consume each other. " O'Neill suddenly stood up and said.

The marshal of the Warring States period took a look at O'Neill. The general, who was not very popular in the Warring States period, seemed to have grown up a lot after the Landis incident. He not only took the initiative to accept many difficult tasks, but also completed them very well.

And his momentum, courage and means have already stood out among the generals. Unfortunately, his strength is still a little poor, or he may even become a candidate. But this time, lieutenant general O'Neill is willing to take the initiative to go to the new world full of crisis. His courage and determination are commendable.


"If other people have no problem, release the latest reward order and news content."

At night, a Pirate Island in the North Sea, newsbird has begun to publicize the result of the war, which belongs to the Navy's victory.

There are also the pirates involved in this incident and the latest wanted notices.

"The trough! Am I drinking too much? Klockdale's bounty of 1.88 billion Bailey, ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand... "A marine thief was drunk. When he saw the first piece of the reward order, he was shocked.

Are you kidding? The reward of the strongest pirate captain who rules this island is only 250 million Bailey. What the hell is this klocdal? Did you do anything?

"Old drunkard, are you crazy? Didn't you watch today's news? White beard died in the battle, and so did red dog. Although the Navy won, it was a tragic victory, and red dog was killed by klockdale! " A pirate captain laughed at the shrieking pirate.

"Red dog, that's not the highest combat power of the Navy headquarters. He's dead!"?! The old monster with white beard is dead, too? " He was so muddled that he drank too much yesterday and slept until now. As a result, the whole world turned upside down?

"But this group of pirates is really powerful. I'm going to go to the great route to find one, piece soon. I hope I don't meet them."

"But no matter how to say, this reward is too exaggerated. Damn, 1.8 billion Bailey. Kill him. One life, no, ten lives are enough to spend!"

"Then you have to have a life to enjoy it. The generals can kill people. That's a monster, but we're afraid Beihai will be in chaos."

"Ha ha, what's the fear of chaos? We pirates like chaos. The more chaos, the easier it is to get money, women and good wine. Boys, get ready to go and be smart!"

"Hey, look at this news report, it says that the dawn Pirate Group is expected to become the fourth emperor!"

"What?" No matter how high the reward is, they, who are of average strength, will only feel with emotion, but not really feel it. Some of them even grind their swords to dawn.

But the weight of Sihuang is that three-year-old children all know what they are afraid of!

At the same time, the reward order and news reports spread all over the world. With the death of white beard and red dog, the whole world set off a huge wave.

"Ah! Sister Hathaway, she has become so valuable. The reward of 1.2 billion Bailey is really exciting to me. Hum hum ~ "on her way back to daughter Island, the Pirate Queen received the newspaper and wanted notice from newsbird.

"Well, that smelly man is worth 1.88 billion. I'm just a fraction of others. Let me see..."

Enilu: new bounty 740 million Bailey (original 480 million Bailey)

Nicole Robin: a new reward of 520 million Bailey

Although Robin's risk rating is higher than that of enilu, the reward is from 100 million to 500 million, which is a very exaggerated increase, and the Navy headquarters is not particularly clear about robin's ability.

And then there's the latest bounty from Bonis and Rowe.