The kingdom of Andia.

"The captain is so powerful!" Looking at the reports from the outside world, hea couldn't hide his adoration and obsession. Even if he became king, even the whole kingdom of Andia gradually embarked on the road of unprecedented prosperity.

But compared with the captain, she was still a firefly.

Kill a general, the fourth emperor? This is more deterrent than the kings of many countries.

"We can't lag behind either. We can't speed up the pace of infrastructure construction and forest resources development. We should build roads first, and then we should speed up the evil fruit collection mentioned before. We are not short of money now, and more and more refugees are beginning to pour into the kingdom of Andia... We want to build this place into the largest, safest and most powerful country in the world." The kingdom of Greece held a national conference and issued many decrees.

"The pilot project on the empty island is very successful. The people are rich, happy and cohesive. Then, the same policy can be implemented in Andia..." Alice has been going to the empty island from time to time recently through the Hualan Island route.

And the angel kingdom of the empty island has maintained a certain contact, and the angel Kingdom has gradually got in touch with other empty islands, and gradually began to contact with some Qinghai people.

"I feel that everyone is very happy. Did we all do wrong before?" James giant, the leader of the former king's army, and some stubborn former king's army were assigned walls to build the city together with the City builders.

It's called reform through labor.

But the City builders he saw now were totally different from those he had seen before. They were disobedient, had a hard life, suffered from casualties from time to time, and were dead and numb.

But now they are full of happiness, and many of the former king's army around him have gradually given up their "dignity" and integrated with them.

Up to now, James also began to doubt his past and choice

"It's amazing. I know that a country is far from his goal. Maybe, it's very possible that he can create a prosperous kingdom in the world." Said Prince brova thoughtfully, looking at the news report.

Other people in China who had an encounter with Rosen were also shocked by this record. The general of the Navy headquarters and the highest combat power were all destroyed. This is really shocking.


"This guy really scared me. I started ahead of him, but I didn't get anything. I was almost hurt in shampooland Islands... I wanted to see the war." Morris looked at the latest report, and suddenly became a little uneasy.

However, this uneasiness only lasted for a moment, and then it was suppressed. I think krocdal should not be able to kill himself. It's not like this kind of person.

But his strength now, should be stronger than himself, is really a monster.

I don't know whether he will abide by the rules and help him to ascend the position of Qiwu sea. However, seeing that klocdal even killed the general, he suddenly feels that the position of Qiwu sea is just like this. It's a bit dull.

"You can't lose to them." Morris got up and went to the dangerous place to exercise. He couldn't waste too much energy in the chamber of Commerce. No matter how he managed, his personal strength shouldn't fall behind.

And all people do not know, at this moment the kingdom of Andia attracted two special guests.

"Is this the kingdom of Andia? It seems very different..." Pluto, when Raleigh first set foot on this island, he felt a kind of unprecedented vitality, even made him feel that he was stepping into a miracle country.

"The pirate ship stops to the right, and those with a reward of more than 100 million will make a detailed registration. I tell you that when you come to Andia Kingdom, you don't want to rob and kill people. As long as you don't break the law and commit crimes, this is your paradise. But if you dare to commit crimes, even if you hurt a civilian, millions of kings will chase you to the ends of the world. Don't think I'm joking, Last time, there was a natural pirate named Shi Fa who molested the daughter of the Locke family. The whole Pirate Group was captured by our kingdom, and now it's in the city wall reform through labor... "At the mouth of the harbor, an administrator announced some precautions.

If it's fair to let the pirates into the country, really good?

Raleigh was very puzzled and said, then the administrator told him frankly: "in this world, there are too many pirates to control. It's better to guide them correctly than to let them sneak ashore. After all, our king said that blocking is better than sparing, and some pirates are not so vicious. At the same time, it's convenient for us to monitor and reduce the occurrence of malignant events..."

"There seems to be some truth." Raleigh nodded and went in towards the barrier. He looked at the wall and admired it. It was enough to defend most of the army and the strong.

It seems that this is indeed a country with high reputation and security. No wonder many people want to come here.

When you enter the barrier, you will find busy streets. It is peaceful and peaceful. The relationship between people seems to be very good. It is hard to see in a city, especially in such a big city.

Unless it's sad.

What's more, Raleigh didn't even see a riot, which was rare in the era of pirates. At the beginning, Raleigh thought that this might be a better area for public security, and that maybe it would not be so good if it couldn't be, so he planned to go to the zone.

However, even if there is still chaos in the inner city, it is very rare to have such public security.

"Are you sure this is the forbidden area of the city? So, peaceful? " Raleigh asked a passer-by to lead the way. He was just hanging out. It was klockdale's original words that aroused his interest.

When he came to the no zone, Raleigh saw that many of the pirates were getting along well, and even some of the teams had grudges, but they still restrained themselves. It's not like no zone.

"I said, sir, you must not have been a pirate before. The scandal is that you can come here to spend money, fight, rob and kill people. It's better not to do it. Our queen has strict control over these areas. Moreover, there are many pirate groups that are subject to our kingdom of Andia, and they can annihilate the troublemakers at any time..."

"That's really interesting. It's really making the best use of everything. It's not bad, but where is the casino here? It's a little itchy here..." Riley said with a smile.

"By the way, I'd like to gamble, too." The sound of the clogs, accompanied by the sound of the sticks, was very clear, and a warm voice sounded at the same time.

Although Raleigh didn't look back, but his eyes were slightly coagulated, full of accidents, because the breath of the man behind was very strong!

"Blind man? Isn't it, uncle? You're going to the casino, too? " Passers by looking at the face with X scar, eyes closed down uncle, can not help but doubt.

"I don't need to worry about that. Please let me know." A smile light say( My real name is a lifetime, but I'm used to transliteration, so I feel more appropriate.)

"OK, OK, since you are all going, let me tell you. Do you see the circular building in front of you, that's it..."

"Thank you, brother."

"Brother, are you going to the casino? That's a real fellow. " A smile and said, quite intimate encounter feeling.

"Brother? You are not blind. Can you tell if he is older or younger than you? " Passers by are very curious. Today, these two old men are really interesting. They form a team to go to the casino.

"I'm blind, but I'm not blind. Ha ha, let me laugh."

"Let's do it together." Raleigh smiles and doesn't care, so they move on to the casino.