Rosen will now tell Hathaway the situation, Hathaway smell words, is also a little stupefied, they are so trapped in a broken ship? Drifting in the misty sea?

"Now what?" Hathaway didn't think it was a big problem. The so-called master of Arts boldly said that she could always find a way to recover her strength.

"Although we can't see the sun, judging from the current sky, it should be night soon. Let's have a rest for a night, and we'll explore together when you're almost recovered... And... Thank you." The flame reflected Rosen's face.

Most of the credit for surviving this time is due to Hathaway. Rosen subconsciously touched his chest, but he didn't even have a cigar. He couldn't even smoke.

"No thanks." Hathaway was a little unnatural, a little shy and reddish.

This is the first time that he has been grateful. All the time, he owes him more. When he thinks of the scene under the sea, he feels a little bold.

However, the situation was critical and she didn't think much about it.

"Are you shy, too?" Rosen saw Hathaway, and his chin almost fell to the ground. This is the first time that he saw Hathaway. He seldom regarded Hathaway as a woman, not for no reason.

Her character, her behavior, even the fierce villain among men, are far inferior to her, but now she still has such a side.

The beauty of shame in a moment makes people palpitate.

However, as soon as the words came out, Rosen knew why some people would pay attention to solitary birth. They said it too quickly and straightforwardly, but it was really unexpected just now.

"You... Shut up!" Peng, the defenseless Rosen is kicked out. Hathaway's face turns black. Is this bastard captain deliberately picking fault? Or deliberately remind what?

"Cough... It's very energetic. I'm sorry, I made a slip of the tongue." Rosen coughed awkwardly.

"Nothing. I'm excited too. I shouldn't be excited about these trifles. Just now I don't know why I didn't control it..." Hathaway apologized to Rosen, but she was a little embarrassed.

Also very strange, how to become so naive, this kind of thing has what good angry.

"Ha ha ha!" Rosen suddenly laughed. She used to think Hathaway was terrible, but now it seems that she is not so terrible. She has the emotion that an ordinary person should have.

"What are you laughing at?" Hathaway was puzzled, and her mood had calmed down.

"Actually, Leah told me about you before." Rosen looked at the sea and picked up the grilled fish. Now there is no seasoning, but this kind of fish is often caught and roasted at sea, especially with Natalie.

Because this kind of fish tastes good even without any seasoning.

The body and belly of the fish are full of oil and the skin is slightly crispy. It's very enjoyable to eat them in one bite. After a big war, Rosen's consumption is not light. Seven or eight kilograms of fish are eaten up one by one.

Hathaway suddenly quieted down, and for a moment she didn't know what to say.

That is to say, he knows his past, which may be all the past. If he changes to the past, she won't care. But now, she feels a little afraid. She is afraid that this person in front of her is the same as others, and she is afraid and even disgusted with herself.

Her past is not worth mentioning. It's all darkness and blood. When she was a slave, she traded with many people, not just the slaves of Tianlong people.

She has killed countless people, including the whole family, who have been angered by her, and she never thinks she is a good person.

She's just someone who wants to live.

"Are you afraid of me?" Hathaway asked with trepidation. Looking at the man in front of her, she felt uneasy for a question for the first time.

Many people are afraid of her, because she kills people like crazy. Even in many people's eyes, the devil is not as terrible as her, because in some extreme cases, what she does is no better than the devil.

"It used to be a little bit, maybe you didn't notice it. The way you look at anyone is numb, just like looking at the dead. At first, I was worried about whether you could get along with everyone, but now I don't worry..." Rosen said truthfully.

"Why?" When Hathaway heard the first half of the sentence, her heart was a little blocked, but when she heard the second half of the sentence, she felt very warm, but was her eyes like this? Why you never know.

But he noticed that

"Because you saved me." Rosen smiles. It's because she's more human. She's no longer a warfighter who can kill and die for the sake of the overall situation.

"What's the point? I went out to sea because I owe you. I didn't mean to save you Hathaway felt a little puzzled.

"There is no reason. I just want you to know one thing, that is, I believe you. I worked hard for you before. As long as I live in the future, I will make you happy every day. But if one day I'm gone, I hope you can take good care of them for me." Rosen never felt like he was going to die.

But he is not afraid. Up to now, as long as he is not crushed, he enjoys the feeling of powerful collision, which makes him feel completely in charge of his life.

And it's more meaningful.

"You..." Hathaway looked at Rosen, who was so serious and full of firmness and pleasure. For a moment, she had the impulse to cry.

Because no one has ever been able to look at her in the eyes of a normal person after knowing what kind of person she is.

Even the people of Landis can't. They regard her as a God and a savior. They are afraid of her and love her. But that kind of love comes from their belief in protecting their Savior, which is different from this.

All we know is that she is a fierce monster since she was a child. No one knows how she lived that life.

Maybe it's her strong, strong and overbearing that makes us forget that she is just a girl in her early twenties.

Wang, monster, killer, war maniac, these are nicknames given to her by others.

And she, at the beginning, in a very desperate moment, also hoped that someone could come to save her, but later, there was really no way, she took up arms, because only in this way, she could survive.

Over the years, she has been very hard, even she has been used to this kind of hard work, and gradually make a living. No one has ever said such words to her, comforted her, known her hard work, and understood her like him.


"I can't promise you."

"No? Yes... "Although Rosen was a little surprised, it seems normal to think that Hathaway is a very independent person and is unlikely to agree to other people's demands at will.

"If we can't cross the danger, I will die before you, so I can't do your request. Since you care about them so much, don't die." Hathaway's expression is indifferent, telling a fact.

Rosen was stunned for a moment. At this moment, he was deeply touched. Hathaway is really... Elusive.

But, if it's a friend, it's really worth it.

He looked directly at Hathaway as if to put her in his head, in his heart.

If Rosen used to pay a relative price for her, then from now on, he can try to entrust his life to the other party.

This kind of feeling, is he from come to this world, have never had, even if is Robin, Bonis they, Rosen have never had such idea.

It's not that Rosen doesn't trust them. Up to now, he trusts every cadre, especially Robin and Bonis.

For them, he can fight against any force in the world and will not abandon them. Rosen believes that they are the same.

But more importantly, Rosen has been guarding Robin and them as a protector, and Hathaway gives him the feeling that he is guarding each other, even if at the beginning, she just wants to repay them.

"Then you are not allowed to die, no matter at any time, in any situation, as long as I live, you are not allowed to die." Rosen reached out to Hathaway.

Hathaway shuddered. She looked at Rosen's hand quietly. She was a little distracted. After a long time, she held Rosen's hand together and promised him, "OK."

WOW! All of a sudden, the weather is very dark, the heavy rain is coming, and the rain is falling from the sky, but the fog has no sign of dispersing, and Rosen and Hathaway are drowned in a flash.

"It's such a bad weather. Let's find a place to shelter from the rain first." Rosen can build an earthen fortress with sands, but since there is a boat, there is no need to waste energy. It's better to find a place that is a little passable to avoid the rain.

Because it looks like this is a storm, who will be on the deck of the wind and rain ravaged.