So far, no woman in Rosen's personal contact is more beautiful than Hathaway, and no woman is as powerful as her.

But last night, just as she was going further, Hathaway looked at him with a kind of blank eyes, as if to say, I just said I wanted to kiss you, others, not interested in you.

But in the face of Rosen's movement on her body, she didn't stop it. She just looked at it. After all, Rosen didn't hate it. Seeing this, Rosen turned her desire into an affectionate embrace.

That's what happened. Rosen didn't feel embarrassed. She just looked at Hathaway's eyes and became more gentle. This woman is really charming.

After last night, the relationship between the two really close a lot, but Hathaway is still very independent.

It's like this kind of feeling only takes up a small part of her life, although she also likes the feeling of two people together.

But she is not infatuated with it. At any time, she knows what she should do, and can analyze everything with absolute reason.

"Still nothing." Two people standing in the bow of the broken ship, watching the broken ship drifting to an unknown place, they have no way to determine, is not in the vicinity of the original spin.

So every once in a while, they will randomly adjust the direction of the ship, so that the whole ship is often in a changing environment.

"I want a new suit." These days, Rosen has been wearing the same suit. Although he uses the ability of sanding to remove dust and wash with water to keep it clean, psychologically, he always feels that it's time to change it.

In his mind, he felt that clothes that had not been exposed to the sun were incomplete.

"Is there anything standing on the sea ahead?" Hathaway looked into the distance. In the mist, some dark shadows suddenly appeared. It looked like something was standing on the sea.

"Giant sea kings?" Rosen heard the words and looked up, but he couldn't see clearly because of the thick fog.

"Go and have a look."


"It's a mountain, three steep peaks, very high, on an island in front of it."

Island?! Both of them look happy. Having an island means that there is a great possibility of being inhabited, while being inhabited means that there is a great probability of being able to contact other islands.

Now, I finally see the opportunity to leave this sea of fog.

"No, it's not ordinary mountain. Get out of the way!" Hathaway was more powerful than Rosen in seeing and hearing, so she instantly realized that the sound burst was coming from a distance.

Then, a sharp cone-shaped shell, with a flame, blasted towards the broken ship. Hearing Hathaway's words, Rosen immediately responded, and the two avoided at the same time.

Under unclear circumstances, it's obviously different from the shelling of ordinary shells. It's arrogant. It's the most clear thing to avoid and wait and see.

The two jumped up with a loud bang. The whole wreck was smashed, and the flame burned the wreckage of the ship, which soon sank to the bottom of the sea.

"What a strong shelling!" Rosen was surprised to see that the broken ship was destroyed, but he was slightly unhappy. After all, the ship also carried some memories of their time.

"This island is very unusual, you look carefully..." they are very close to the island, and just now it is likely that the people on the island found that there are unknown ships approaching, so they chose artillery.

As soon as Rosen Hathaway and her husband avoided, they lowered their body and approached the island as quickly as possible. As soon as they approached, they found that this was not a normal island at all.

As you can see, it's a city of steel. Along the coast of coastal defense, there are boats made of pure metal. Looking at the exposed gear structure, you can roughly judge that they are powered by machines.

Maybe it's even possible to fight on land, just like the ship white beard once showed on the top of the war, but if it's just that, Rosen won't be so surprised.

The reason why he was surprised was that on such a ship, there stood yuan qiwuhai, tyrant, basoromi bear, to be exact, pacifist.

There are many.

In addition to these high-tech vessels, there are also some naval vessels and world government vessels. It seems that there are not many, but the significance of their representation makes Rosen alert.

An island with so many troops seems to be very scientific and advanced, and it is hidden in the fog sea. This is really suspicious.

Even Rosen doesn't have to think much to know that there must be something very important in world politics here, because even in the top war, the Navy headquarters, the world government, these advanced warships, have never appeared.

Of course, this is not to say that these advanced warships are useless. On the contrary, they must be of great use. But in the war, they are the defenders. They have invested 50 warships, and their forces are much stronger than white beard.

If there is more, it will not be so easy to deploy and control. Another possibility is that the world government does not want these things to be exposed to the world in advance.

"On the island?" Hathaway asked. It's not difficult for them to leave the fog sea now. They just need to pay attention to the departure time of a certain ship and then sneak in.

You can also choose a more direct and violent way to kill them, because Rosen believes that even if there are some high-tech products on the island, even with the help of the two of them, the success rate will be very high.

As Rosen expected, the sea is in chaos now. The Navy headquarters or the world government should put in many forces to maintain world stability and peace.

It is unlikely that there will be more than two permanent combat forces at or above the general level here.

However, for those pacifists, there are so many stations here and they are responsible for guarding.

The defense strength is really amazing. After all, it's a sea of fog. There's no specific way to find it. It's very secret, but it's still so strict.

Moreover, on the towering mountain peak, Rosen can see many huge fort, across the coastline, inside a metal house, which reminds Rosen of some steel safety houses of Landis.

Although different, the whole is very similar.

"Landing on the island, then lurking camouflage, first look at the situation, do not rashly start." After thinking, Rosen said that no matter what's on the island, it's not worth attacking rashly without any intelligence.

It's not good for Rosen to attack these places, but now that he's here, and it looks very greasy, it depends on the situation.



"How's it going? Is it the enemy ship? " Zhan taowan stood in a hollowed out mountain peak and asked the soldiers who had just launched the artillery attack.

"Captain, the other side didn't fight back and immediately sank. It may be another abandoned ship lost in the sea." This soldier, half metal, half flesh.

In a certain battle, he should have died, but fortunately, he met the scientific forces of the Navy headquarters. In the hands of that great scientist, he recovered his life, but it has also become what he is now, but it is good to live.

"Well, don't let down your guard. In a few days, I'll leave and go to the Navy headquarters to become a real Navy. Then I'll leave it to you." Zhan taowan nodded and walked towards the conference room. Today, an important person will come to the general base of the Ministry of science, and some of the future security work here will be handed over to him.

Because Mr. yellow ape is too busy recently.

Magellan, the former director of the city, was demoted to deputy director because of the prison break, and Hannibal became director. Because he was deputy director, he had more time than before. At the same time, because huangape began to be busy, he would take over part of the work.

Through the special current, starting from the propulsion City, coming out from the judicial Island, and sailing for a period of time, you can enter the devil's triangle sea area.

Because of the propulsion City, many legendary pirates have fled, and the defense of the entire propulsion city has been greatly strengthened. For those who are not so strong, it is more difficult to escape from prison than to ascend to heaven.

Therefore, a former deputy director has enough management, and Magellan is no longer the director after all, and has no face to serve as the director again.

This time, he came to the city to escort some very disobedient people to the Ministry of science. At the same time, he stayed here for a period of time, and then returned to the city.