Beka punk, a mysterious scientist, by virtue of a variety of technologies far beyond this era, has made many incredible things.

Pacifism, human giant experiment, making the first man-made fruit, man-made creatures, transforming warships, making the dead have the ability of demon fruit

As well as the discovery of life plans, they were discovered and controlled by the world government, and then worked for the world government.

Life plans include the most famous use of lineage factor technology.

For example, Lei jiuyongzhi of jerma 66 and other superhumans are a kind of technological application of lineage factor, and even many experiments are related to this lineage factor technology, that is, the design and understanding of life, reaching the micro level of gene, and analyzing the mystery of life.

So this talented scientist is at the forefront of the world.

From jerma 66, we can see that they are not capable, but they have almost the same ability as the devil's fruit. Even if they don't wear combat power, their bodies are as strong as steel. In various senses, they are no longer flesh and blood.

Lei Jiu is able to use and absorb poison and gas to a certain extent. If he is stronger, is his ability similar to that of Magellan?

When Rosen heard the name, he was shocked. Although the doctor did not appear officially, the whole world, black or white, was deeply influenced by his science and technology.

Rosen once thought that the bloodline factor technology might be the transformation and application of biological genes. For example, the man-made dragon of punk hassad might be the product of genetic transformation and cultivation of a variety of powerful beasts.

But from its use of the devil fruit, Rosen thinks it's not so simple. Life design, literally, has a very deep understanding of life.

Even in the future, Becca punk will be able to give all kinds of superhuman abilities to human beings, and will not be affected by any sea water or stone. Rosen will not be surprised.

Judging from what he has revealed, this kind of technology is not even the best. Rosen thinks it may be to cultivate a new and very powerful creature.

However, from a few words, we can see that Beka punk is not a lunatic scientist, and he still sticks to the bottom line. Therefore, he will give up some experiments that are effective but costly.

Nevertheless, the scientist, Rosen, felt that no one in the world could be as valuable as him, even the fourth emperor.

This is because this person is likely to be one of the chips for the future world government to eradicate the new world. It is impossible for such an important talent to have any kind of protective force around him. Moreover, if all kinds of technologies that have been born at present are in the hands of the world government or the Navy headquarters, they will be too hidden.

"What's the matter?" Hathaway, aware of Rosen's dignified expression, could not help whispering.

"We are really lucky. This island is the most advanced one in science and technology in the world. It's not simple. We can't be careless." Rosen can imagine a doctor who affects most of the world if he is really studying weapons on this island.

It must not be worse or even stronger than the pacifist. If something can threaten him, Rosen is not surprised.

"I understand." Aware of the seriousness of Rosen's words, Hathaway also began to be vigilant.

A moment later.

"The food on this island is really good." Rosen is eating food. The food here is self-help, because everyone's appetite is very different. Some people can even eat dozens of Jin of food at one meal, and some people can eat two or three jin of food.

If the same amount, I'm afraid that many people will starve, so it's the chef who is doing it. Take whatever you want and eat whatever you want.

That's why Rosen thinks the food is good. Fruits, vegetables, and other ground meat, which they haven't eaten for some time.

Although the sea is rich in all kinds of fish and king of the sea, there is no lack of food, but often eat, it will be greasy, and there is no seasoning, it can only be said that there is no problem to eat full, eat well, it is impossible to enjoy.

But now it's different. I didn't expect the Navy food to be so good.


"Why do you eat fish? Change this... "Rosen saw that Hathaway still brought a plate of big fish, although the smell of frying overflowed, but in the sea, they also ate too much of this kind of fish.

With that, Rosen cut half of the steak in his plate and put it on Hathaway's plate. Hathaway took a look and ate it. In fact, she didn't care about what she ate.

However, since he gave it to himself, let's eat it. It's a good feeling.

"Excuse me, is there anyone sitting here?" A Navy man came to Rosen with a plate. It was quite open here, mainly in the corner. It didn't attract people's attention.

Although this position is not conspicuous, but with Rosen's domineering, we can still hear the conversation.

Listening to the Navy's conversation, Rosen also collected a lot of intelligence, but did not expect that in such a humble position, there would be a table to fight. Is it true that the naval guards here have a good relationship?

In other words, both of them have been suspected, but no matter which one, Rosen didn't refuse. He looked up at the comer, and immediately calmed down a lot. Judging from his rank, he was just the most ordinary Navy, and his breath was weak.

"Sit down, please."

The Navy sat down, looked at Rosen and said, "which division are you from? After dinner, do you need to take part in the Dragon hunting battle? I heard about this dragon hunting battle, but I want to fight against the frost dragon that can spew cold ice. Doctor is really powerful... "

The navy is well-known, and for a long time, the base named Shenfeng island has never been discovered by any pirate forces, let alone attacked.

Strict security work is only daily and superficial. In fact, many people are Mingyan Lisong, because the possibility of invasion of islands that have never been attacked, or even nonexistent islands on the map, is too small.

Even if the previous war exposed the pacifists, many forces were very interested, and even sent a large number of intelligence personnel, but it is almost impossible to find here.

"In fact, we're not from here. We're the escort ship of the prison ship. What's the matter with the Dragon hunting battle here? I've heard that you have a lot of strange things here before. " Rosen's answer was flat and complete.

He didn't know the Naval Formation on the island, and he didn't know whether the navy was testing himself, so he directly made up an identity that was not a Shanghai army on the island, which would be more appropriate.

"It turns out that it's the brothers outside. I don't know that dragon hunting is normal, but it's no secret. Maybe you will be invited to watch the battle tonight. This dragon hunting battle is a man-made creature created by the doctor. The giant dragon runs in with the powerful soldiers on the island. The giant dragon is the powerful fighting force of the biological Legion. We will clean up the pirates later, All these will become our powerful fighting power, so we need to tame them ahead of time... "The young Navy was a little excited, and he also wanted to be a" Dragon Knight ".

If you have such a powerful dragon to accompany you in battle, you can not only protect more people, but also get credit quickly and get promoted quickly.

"Did the doctor make a lot of these creatures?" Asked Rosen, and Hathaway lowered her head to eat.

"There are not many words about the dragon, and each one costs a lot, so only a few people have the chance to become Dragon Knights in the future." The Navy shook its head. Everything has a cost.

And the more powerful things are, the higher the cost is. Just like pacifists, the price of each one can be used to build the most advanced warship.

"Here comes the doctor..."

"The doctor came to the canteen? It's rare. Who's the man around you? "

"You don't know that. It's Magellan, the strongest man in prison. It's a pity to push him into the city. This time, he really lost his temper."

"The prison director, who is no weaker than the general?"

All of a sudden, the canteen was full of excitement. A group of people were coming in from the gate. The first was a white coat, slightly old man, and then Rosen's impression of Zhan taowan, Magellan, and some of the accompanying officers.