"How's it going?" Dawn, Robin is standing on the boat, asking mr.5 for information.

"We've exposed our whereabouts. I heard that the people from the naval headquarters have started to attack the kingdom of Andia just now." Mr. 5, answer immediately.

"Well, go where the boss comes from."


Because Robin and others deliberately released the news to keep Kapp's fleet away from the kingdom of Andia. After all, the kingdom of Andia is still developing at a high speed.

If war breaks out at this time, it will be extremely disadvantageous. Moreover, their affairs in the kingdom of Andia can not stand serious investigation, so they can only expose and attract their attention.

However, their distance and time were well controlled. The navy fleet could only stay far behind and could not get close to them. Then, half a day later, Robin successfully joined Rosen.

In order to avoid the involvement of the empress, Rosen and Hathaway got off the ship ahead of time when there was still some distance to dawn.

"Do you want to fight with them?" Mr.5 suddenly a little sparrow wants to try.

"Fight Natalie followed suit.

"No, keep on running. First get out of the Navy's range, and then find a chance to return to the kingdom of Andia."

At this moment, a naval lookout on the main ship of the naval fleet, with a telescope, looked at the members of the dawn Pirate Group in the distance, and his voice came out: "information is wrong. Klockdale is on the ship, and has not left. All the main cadres are here."

"Continue to accelerate. When you reach the range, fire at will." Green Pheasant felt a little headache. Before, she thought that the captain of the dawn Pirate Group was not on the ship. She wanted to take these people first, but now it seems that it is still impossible.

Ramirez also stopped a lot. As usual, even if he was crossing the sea, he would rush through, even if it was very dangerous.

But not now. Because of the tough attitude of the Green Pheasant general and Ramirez's previous mistakes, the world government has put some pressure on Ramirez.

Ramirez can ignore anyone, including the admiral, but listen to the world government that nurtured him from an early age.

"Report, we lost it." After chasing the sea to night, Kapp and others lost the figure of dawn Pirate Group. Compared with warships, dawn Pirate Group still has some advantages in speed.

Moreover, the climate of the great sea route is unpredictable. Once at night, the sea is boundless. Even the Navy Fleet led by Karp wants to catch up with such a powerful Pirate Group, it is not easy.

Otherwise, the pirates on the sea will have no idea how much they have been caught.

"I'll have a rest on this desert island tonight. They are very cunning. They will report to the nearby naval base tomorrow and reconfirm their direction. They can't escape so easily." Kapp gives orders.

"Yes." The lieutenant commander responded immediately.

Later in the evening, lieutenant general Kapp and general Green Pheasant held a meeting against the dawn Pirate Group. Meanwhile, the intelligence personnel in Andia kingdom brought a heavy news to them.

"Is that true? The recent change of the throne of Andia kingdom is closely related to the dawn Pirate Group Green pheasant's heart is much heavier. It is a superpower and one of many economic countries in the world.

The amount of money paid in each year is astronomical. Without solid evidence, it is difficult for the general navy to carry out large-scale operations and investigations in such a country,

"It's true. Although we don't know what role the dawn pirate group played in it, we confirm that the dawn pirate group did act in the kingdom of Andia at that time, and we heard that there was a king's guard wearing a mask in the kingdom of Andia. We guess that this is probably the person of the dawn Pirate Group."

"Ha ha ha, I have already said that it must be right to attack the kingdom of Andia. Maybe this is the nest they run." Ramirez laughs.

"It seems that it is necessary for us to go back to the kingdom of Andia. I asked the king personally. If this is the logistics of the dawn Pirate Group, it will be a great disaster in the future." Kapp's face was heavy, too.

What does a pirate want to do to infiltrate a country? Do you want to be king? It doesn't seem like it's a common method used by the new world forces. Because of the chaos in the new world, the control of their naval headquarters is weak.

This allowed Sihuang and other pirates to occupy many countries. In the first half of the great route, however, the control of the back garden of the naval headquarters was still very high.

Moreover, the kingdom of Andia is not very far away from the naval headquarters and judicial island.

If there is any sign of kroddar's activities, the country is no less than a sharp blade, hanging in the heart of the world government and Navy headquarters.

Rosen doesn't know that although they have distracted the navy fleet, Kapp and they have found out something fishy about the kingdom of Andia.

Now, after getting rid of the pursuit of the Navy, Rosen returned to the port of Andia Kingdom, the manufacturing place of ancient weapons and Hades warships.

Enilu is excitedly explaining that this completed giant is too big compared with dawn. I'm afraid the top warships are much smaller than it.

It is similar to the outline of ark proverbs. Rosen doesn't know whether it is ainilu's personal hobby or the boat itself.

But it's not so bad. The lines are much thinner and more beautiful than enilu's heavy motto.

It's a metal hull. Obviously it's not a sailing boat. On the main mast of the ship, there are all linked metal gears. Of course, all these are buried in the mast and the hull. You can only know when you open the hull.

"This ancient weapon is really powerful. Besides mechanical power, there are four directions that can be moved at any time, corresponding to four seawater turbochargers. Depending on the mechanical parts, the speed of this Pluto is faster than that of all ships now. Despite its huge size, no one can catch up with it when it moves... And this is just the most basic function..."

Ainilu said incessantly. With ainilu's explanation, Rosen and others were shocked when they looked at the ship full of gun barrels and a main turret that can rotate 360 degrees.

Speed is very important for ships. After all, it's very effective to run into danger and escape the pursuit of the Navy.

Enilu then put forward another function, which is defense function. The ship has rare memory metal. When it is attacked by artillery, the ship can automatically unload the power of explosion.

Rosen tried, and the cannons could not leave any trace on any part of the ship, even on the bare looking mast.

This means that when the two ships bombard each other, the enemy's artillery fire is almost useless to this ancient weapon, while the ordinary artillery fire on the underworld ship is powerful.

And it's not any firepower mode that Rosen knows, just like water bomb attack!

Yes, it sounds uninvasive, and it's a very common name, but after seeing power, Rosen has no doubt about it.

The fort is completely controlled by the control room in the main body of Pluto, without manpower. On the middle hull of Pluto, there is a complete control center.

Each control center has 108 screens, corresponding to 108 cannons on the ship. By pressing one of the buttons, the cannonball can lock the target at will.

At the same time, there are many metal tubes at the bottom of the fort which extend to the bottom of the ship. These metal tubes can instantly absorb the sea water and compress it into an ordinary looking sea shell.

But when a sea shell about twice the size of its head hit a mountain and smashed it completely, Rosen would never underestimate its power.

Even the top warship can't bear a single shot, and there are 108 such firepower on this ship, which is known as an ancient weapon.

And this is just one of the basic functions.