"Of course, it's no problem. Even if you don't mention it, we'll let you meet since we see you. Robin, take her to the dawn, and I'll take her here." Said Rosen, looking at Robin.

Let Robin take it. If there are any pitfalls, Robin can cope with them. Otherwise, Natalie can lead the way and can't cope with some emergencies.

After all, it is impossible for the former Navy General to be followed by a few powerful subordinates.

"Don't get involved, if you want to do it, there are too many opportunities, father and daughter recognize each other, and there is still some private space..." Rosen saw zefa wanted to follow up, Rosen was worried about their cheating, zefa was not worried.

Over the years, he has been treating Ayn as his own daughter, but Rosen's words make him stop. After all, Rosen's words are reasonable.

"Let's go and find the coater." Rosen touched Natalie's little head. It's lovely, but it's too fragmentary. If you have a daughter in the future, you can't be so talkative. Yes, I hate

For zefa, as long as there is no conflict, Rosen doesn't intend to have anything to do with him. He is a sad general, and from the point of view that he hates the pirates, if it wasn't for the relationship of Ayn, he would have done it himself.

"Okay, okay." Natalie nodded repeatedly. The situation was not right just now, and she didn't interrupt. Now it seems that there is no big problem.

Zefa looked at Rosen's figure and said nothing. He really had nothing to say to the pirates.

In this way, the two just met and separated.

"Klocdal?" Zefa said to himself that he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Amusement park, want to play? Don't play, we are going out to do business... OK, ok... For the sake of you saying that you won't come to me for three days, I will reluctantly promise you... "Three days, this is not a short time.

Then Rosen took Natalie to play around the amusement park, and she was satisfied. Later, she found a former pirate boatman who was willing to paint Rosen's boat.

Others are very afraid. When they see Rosen himself, the door is closed. Let alone talking, they can't see him in the second place. Ordinary pirates, even those with a reward of over 100 million, don't have to be afraid.

After all, there are a lot of people on the shamudi islands. If we see them at ordinary times, we probably won't avoid them. But now the dawn Pirate Group is on the cusp of the storm, and it may attract a general to attack at any time.

Some of them are ordinary people, but many of them are anonymous pirates. They don't want to be involved in trouble.

But in the end, he found one. It was too late to close. When Rosen mentioned Natalie, he threw her in, making it too late for him to close. Then Natalie kept saying, and it turned out to be.

When Rosen returns to dawn with the coater, ein has said goodbye. Miggs seems to be in a low mood. Miggs also wants to keep him. However, ein has his own pursuit, so it's completely unexpected.

"Don't be discouraged. Their goal is also the new world. I'm afraid they will take action soon. I'd better think about how to deal with it in the future. Don't meet it one day. I can't even beat my daughter." Rosen said with a smile.

"This... I can't beat her all the time." Miggs was a little embarrassed and scratched his head. When Ayn was a kid, he pulled his wrist, but he didn't win.

"Ha ha ha..." many crew members burst into laughter.

"All right, ready to sail! Fishman Island, dreamland is waiting for us


"Is that all right?" Zefa looked at ein and asked calmly.

"Yes, although he is a navy, he is not forced, but voluntary. He has a firmer belief than me, and hopes that one day, we will not encounter him."

"I can't guarantee that." Zephyr sighed.

"I know."

"Well, let's go too. The poorest and most vicious pirates are in the new world."

Naval headquarters.

"Kapp, something's wrong. Zefatah has defected from the Navy, and he has taken a lot of Navy elite." The marshal of the Warring States period called Kapu in a very heavy tone.

Although zefa is old and his combat power is no longer at its peak, it is not comparable to ordinary pirates.

"What has the world government done?" Kapu Leng for a while, but not surprisingly, he to the phone bug, light asked the marshal of the Warring States period.

"The world government recruited the culprit of the death of Xinsheng seven years ago as qiwuhai." The marshal of the Warring States period said heavily.

"Yes, I know..."

"What do you mean, you know, do something about it!" Marshal of the Warring States period has a black face. Do you think I called you just to listen to this sentence?

"What can I do? I'm just a general. I can manage the affairs of the former general. You're the marshal, OK." Kapp immediately retorted loudly.

Marshal of the Warring States Period: NIMA!

"As far as I know, zefa seems to have gone to Shenfeng island before he left. Now he is checking the lost things, but I have a bad feeling... I'm not sure what he thinks. If he just hates the pirates, it's OK." The marshal of the Warring States period was very worried.

When Kapp received the news about ancient weapons not long ago, he almost didn't have a heart attack. Fortunately, the world government didn't fight against it. Don't you believe it was ancient weapons? Or don't you care?

If you don't care, it should be impossible. According to the style of the world government, it is likely that it has already started to act, and some spies have already lurked in.

"I'll keep an eye on the situation." With that, Kapp hung up the phone, worm, really a wave is not flat, a wave again, this sea, everywhere is full of chaos.

Zefa, what do you want to do? Do you hate the navy so much that you can't stay?

Five stars mansion.

"In view of the fact that klocdal may carry ancient weapons and warships, the five old stars jointly ordered all members of CP0 to apply for carrying part of the power rock from Shenfeng island. Once they have the opportunity, they will realize the plan of all burning, and no one can control forces similar to ours." Five old stars summoned two chief and Deputy commanders of CP0.

"Yes." Both of them answered in unison.

But a moment later, a message came from Shenfeng Island: "report, dynamo rock is all gone, monitoring judgment, is a few days ago, zefa instructor took it!"

"What?" Five old stars were surprised, this thing was taken away, this is a killer mace that can have a fatal threat to the generals. It was taken away by a zefa who betrayed the Navy.

Does he want to use these to kill the pirates? Or will it retaliate against the Navy?

"Tell the Warring States to gather all the naval forces at all costs to get things back." The five stars immediately gave the order.


"It's been a rough year."

"Yes, is the threat of naval headquarters getting lower and lower?"

"It has something to do with it. The red dog general is also dead. It's normal for him to be short of combat power. If he really can't, let some people in charge of the dragon sword go to the naval headquarters. He must keep the world in awe."


"What about Ramirez?"

"Let him come back with klockdale's head. If not, don't go back to the holy land. Let the new dragon sword guard take his place first."

"Yes." After some discussion, the five stars also made a decision to abandon Ramirez. Of course, they will let him do his best, but even if he comes back again, unless he has achievements, it is impossible to return to his previous position.

"Wow, is this the bottom of the sea? It's so beautiful. There are so many big fish. They must be delicious and beautiful. It's incredible... "Natalie was lying on the top of the hood. As the ship sank, she became more and more fascinated. She was about to squeeze her face out of the hood.

After coating, it's not too late, and Rosen and others haven't delayed. If they stay here for too long, it will be more troublesome. They set out for the new world immediately.