"I can't help it even if I'm dead. Let someone collect the corpse for him. Make a phone call to see if there's anyone alive. If not, let's go again in person." Quinn said faintly.

Originally, Peggy Wan would be a good capable person. After all, his performance over the years is still very good. I didn't expect that he would die after a trip to Fishman island. It's boring.


"Without antidote, what should we do now? Can proliferation be controlled? " When Rosen returns to Longgong City, he sees that Luo, the king and others are wearing bubble hoods to carry the poisoned people together. However, as far as Longgong city is concerned, there are a lot of them.

Some of the people on Yuren island can leave in time when they receive the news, but those near Longgong city have no chance to leave. As soon as the wind blows, they poison a group of people.

"No antidote?" Hearing Rosen's words, Shen Ping's face changed slightly with the king and Robin. If there is no antidote, what should so many poisoned people do? Will you die?

Moreover, since Rosen has killed all the people brought by the group, once Kato learns of the news, he can't be indifferent. I'm afraid that the plan for Alfred Domingo will lead to drastic changes.

"It's very difficult to deal with it. Ordinary people can't bear it for a day. The poisonous gas carries bacteria and some unknown ingredients, and it's highly infectious. If I can't filter the poisonous gas in my field, I'm afraid I don't dare to contact patients directly." Luo Chensheng said.

"There's no way?" Rosen frowned, which is related to thousands of lives, and only for one day. Even if their bodies can resist for more time, if they can't detoxify, they will be very dangerous.

"If you give me enough time, five days, no, three days, maybe there's a way to work out an antidote. Although hundreds of people need to be dissected, I'm at least sure. But now the key point is that the poisoned people can't support three or five days at all. We can do it, but most people can't..." dawn Pirate Group, with Luo in, it's hard to have casualties.

But the problem is the fishman islanders they are implicated in.

"Sharkstar, can you hold on?" Three princes were lying in nipton's arms. They were poisoned earlier, and there was no time to take any protective measures. Now the poison is in the heart, and it is difficult to move.

"In three days, I'll try..." Rosen went to King nipton and took a look at Rosen. He didn't say anything. Rosen can't be blamed for this. After all, no one expected that Peggy Wan would dare to do such inhuman things.

"Hathaway, enilu, look around." After Rosen's command, the whole person will relax and the light particles will escape from him. The activity has always been very important, and this is the only way Rosen can try.

"Uncle is shining again."

"Lo, let's see if their physical condition has deteriorated or not, or if it has been alleviated." Said Rosen chaoluo.

Luo nodded, raised his palm, expanded the scope of the room, and directly covered most of the Dragon Palace City cages. He strengthened his ability, then aimed a knife at the three princes, split them, and instantly turned his body into countless pieces.

"What are you doing?" The king was surprised.

"Are we dead?" The Third Prince of Shaxing was stunned. They were cut into several pieces. They didn't die, and they seemed to be able to control their bodies.

"Don't make a noise. They're OK. It's just my ability. I'll check their bodies and scan them..." the knife body reflected light and a dialysis light fell on these body fragments. The detection was very thorough.

Seeing what Luo said, nipton and Shen Ping just calmed down. They were too worried just now. Otherwise, they would know that the dawn pirate group didn't mean any harm to them, or they could leave now.

It is enough for him to save his own people. Even if he cuts them one by one, he will save less than 100 people. One day is almost enough.

But it's hard to save more people.

"The deterioration has slowed down. It's useful, but it's only about three days at most. I can't save all the poisoned people on the island in three days. I still have to study antidotes." Everyone was relieved to hear what Luo said.

But the next question is put in front of them. Even if it is useful, there are so many people in Fishman Island, and there are not many people they can rely on. If they want to save Fishman Island, they have to concentrate them around Rosen.

Even if Rosen's light particles escape in a wide range, it can't cover the whole Fishman island.

After Rosen raised the question, everyone fell into silence.

"Mr. Luo, we have a dragon palace in Longgong city. As long as we can cure the giant turtle pulling the boat first, we will have the power to organize people with bubble hoods to transport the residents of Yuren Island back." That's what he can think of, suggested nepton.

"Captain?" Rowe looks at Rosen.

"Go ahead." With Rosen here, we can slow down the deterioration of everyone's situation, but at the same time, Rosen can't act rashly. After all, he has to stay here to keep the ordinary fishermen from deteriorating, and there will be a large number of fishermen coming soon.

"Very flat, please take white star down, now I don't know how she is, but now Fishman island needs us more." Nipton said to Heping seriously.

"I'll take care of this little thing. This poison hasn't worked so fast for me."

"Well, Mr. klockdale, we..." the Baron egg said in some embarrassment. They are the damma Pirate Group, but now it seems that the dawn Pirate Group has a way to detoxify, and even if they go back to the world, they may not be able to solve it.

They don't have as good a doctor as Luo. It's possible that they will be killed on the way because they consume too much gas.

The four emperors are the summit of the pirates, yes, but they are also the challenge targets of countless pirates.

"Stay here." After thinking about it, Rosen didn't rush anyone out. There was no conflict of interest between him and the big Ma Pirate Group. Moreover, the two men had a good attitude before. Naturally, Rosen was not a person without emotional intelligence.

If we can make friends with some members of Sihuang Pirate Group properly, maybe it will help him in the future.

"Thank you very much." Baron eggshell and boxmusiqi were relieved, for fear that krocdal, like he had just done, would kill without blinking an eye, and would have no human feelings to speak of.


"The whole Fishman island has a gas leak? What's going on? No, no matter what happened, first grab some bubble hoods. Then, my dear princess white star, you must still be in the hard shell tower. It seems that many of the king's armies have lost their fighting power. This is a golden opportunity. I want to marry you... "In the sea area outside fishman Island, Daken watched the refugees escaping from Fishman island, All of a sudden, there was a bold idea.

Under normal circumstances, he and the former Huodi are afraid to attack the dragon palace city. After all, there are many guards, and if they don't open the channel, they are hard to enter.

But now the gate of the dragon palace city is wide open. It seems that the Dragon Palace number is constantly transporting patients to the dragon palace city. Naturally, the dragon palace city can no longer be blocked.

According to the latest notice from nipton, the residents of Fishman Island know that it is possible to go to Longgong city for treatment, but now the fish people who are not poisoned dare not land on the island, which is the biggest problem.

Of course, it doesn't include some rogue pirates.

"Hey, hey, do you see that there is a poison gas leak on the fishman island? It seems that there is no king's army and no defense force around the fishman. We're going to send out a lot of mermaids... Get ready for action."