Rosen feels that when he is with white star, he can feel the beautiful side of human nature. Instead of fighting, he is tolerant, loving and gentle.

But Rosen never thought that the next moment white star even proposed to worship him as a teacher.

"No?" White Star asked in a low voice, he is so powerful, Daiken that annoying guy, all of a sudden was knocked down.

"Worship me as a teacher?" Rosen looks a little queer.

It's the first time I've met such a request since I've been out to sea for such a long time. To be honest, Rosen has some ideas, not only because the white star is an ancient weapon, but also because of this kind of character, which is really annoying.

"If you take me as a teacher, there may be a lot of trouble." Rosen did not agree, but made the situation clear.

"But didn't you say that I have great power, will it also cause trouble in the future?" White star Leng for a while, and then slightly raised his head, think cableway, she is naive but not stupid.

"Er..." Rosen is speechless. It's true that as long as the world government discovers some clues about Fishman island in the future, I'm afraid it won't let white star go easily.

The world government knows that there is a legend of sea king in Yuman island. After all, they know the truth of history. The only uncertainty is the time of its birth.

But with the surging of the sea, white star and Fishman island can not be really independent, sooner or later will be exposed.

"Then you can be my master and teach me how to be strong. I want to protect the fishman island and master the power you said." White star see Rosen did not refuse, immediately said with a smile.

"This kind of power depends on your will, but the tempering of your body and will will help you adapt to the changes brought about by this power earlier, but how can you learn from me? How do you Mermaid usually exercise? " Rosen thinks it's no big problem to accept white star as his apprentice.

After all, it's just to teach some exercise methods, and to be selfish, so there is a fetter between white star and him. If she can rely on her own strength to protect the fishman Island, it's better than abusing it or being used by others in the future.

At least in this way, even if not for their own use, will not be used against themselves.

"How can Mermaid practice? It's the same as human beings. It's the consumption of physical strength and the enhancement of physique. " After thinking about it, Bai Xing replied.

"The tail?" Rosen looks at the white star's tail. It's glossy and pretty.

"That's it." White star said tail jump for a while, all of a sudden jump of the old high, because she has a hood around the waist, so a lot of weight is pressed on the balloon, let her very light.

"Is it convenient?" Rosen is not clear about it. He guides people. He often does it on the boat, but before the mermaid changes his legs, can he really exercise like a human?

"It must be convenient. It's a part of our body. It's not difficult." White star is a little confused.

Do you think it's too complicated? But Rosen can't be blamed. At present, all the powerful creatures on the island are mermaids, not mermaids. After all, mermaids have caudal fins, so they subconsciously feel that their movements are inconvenient.

"That's good, but are you really only 14?" Rosen looked up at the sky. The white stars grew too fast. When he first jumped up, it was not the lamp, but the sun.

I really don't know how people in this world can reproduce when their body sizes vary so much? It's not rubber fruit, after all.

"Yes, oh, by the way, let's go back as soon as possible. He will be happy to tell his father the good news." White star says hastily.

"Well, I want to talk to the king." Rosen nodded. It's still a question whether the king would agree. After all, he is likely to worry about using the white star. It's reasonable for him to think so.

After all, he should know that most of him already knows the identity of white star, but Rosen doesn't want to use the idea of white star. If there is one, at most, he intends to make a good relationship. After all, white star is still very popular.

"Oh, by the way, if you want to exercise, you have to be prepared to bear hardships. First, change the habit of crying, and then..."

"And then what?"

"Learn to speak hard first, and you can't cower any more. Be confident and positive."

"Cruel words, do you want to be a pirate?"

"No, it's to exercise your courage. Do you want me to call you coward? Anyway, you are also a princess, and now you are my apprentice."

"Shifu is too much to call others cowards..."

"I can't cry."



"Say something hard to listen to."

"Ha ha ha, little white star, marry me as soon as possible, or I will make you live a nervous life every day... Yes, is that so?" White star imitates Daiken's tone and the lines once sent in the letter with weapons.

"That's cruel talk?" Rosen's forehead is sweating. It seems that this is really embarrassing for her.


Dragon Palace City.

Egg Baron looked at the phone bug in his hand, and kept looking back and forth at bokmus. Bokmus was also very witty at the moment: "you fight. You have to report the situation to your mother, but if you want to get in touch with the alliance of dawn pirates, I don't think my mother will agree. What my mother wants is annexation."

"I know that, but the dawn Pirate Group does have great potential. If the alliance is in place, maybe in a few years, our aunt Pirate Group will stand out." The Baron is really thinking about the world.

"Try it, but you should know that once the alliance is declared, it is actually equivalent to the fact that our Dama Pirate Group is sheltering this flourishing dawn Pirate Group. I'm afraid it will cause a lot of friction with the Navy." Pokmus cautioned.

"Try it." Baron eggshell thinks highly of Rosen, so he wants to lead this line.




"Now that we have Fishman Island, please send the desserts. I've been waiting for a long time."

"Mom, the desserts have to wait for a day or two. Kato's subordinates put poison gas in Yuren Island, and there were some accidents. But mom, you can rest assured that the processing of desserts has been restarted, and the quantity will be more and more..."

"Yes? That's good. The more, the better. But it should be fast. Since CADO dares to send someone to move my processing plant, there are just a few ships passing by. I'll let smudge sink them. The desserts should be as soon as possible, or your life will be exchanged. "

Originally, when I heard that the time had been delayed, my aunt's face turned black. I could feel the gloom from the phone bug. But when I heard that the number of egg barons would be more, I was happy again.

"By the way, mom, I have one more thing to report to you."

"What's the matter?"

"About the dawn pirates."


A moment later.

"Are they really that strong? Compared with even, that Fishman is still very powerful in the sea. " After a moment's silence, she asked, as long as she didn't suffer from food craving, she could communicate well.

"It's better than very flat, and there's more than one."

"Ma, Ma, that's interesting. Just as you wish, you can make an alliance with them by the way. By the way, klocdal is not married yet. I'll see who's more suitable in the family, brin? No, I can't. I still have to work hard to recruit people with good strength into the world... Qi Feng, but I heard that she has a goal she likes recently, so let's talk about castad. Um... In this way, the world will grow stronger and stronger, and everyone will be one family, one family. " She said to herself, happy.

It's a league, but as long as you become a family, you have to listen to her.

In Wanguo, the country of auntie, the ministers of the ruling class are basically Auntie's children. She has 46 sons and 39 females. This is a huge empire based on blood. It has many races and strong strength.