"Fire!" Quinn was biting his cigar. When he was in range, he gave the order mercilessly.

"Lord Quinn, the governor seems to have said that if it is possible, we will take them as our fighting power."

"If we fight again, we are afraid that everything will be easy to say." Quinn's face was expressionless. He didn't speak any more. Instead, he picked up the phone bug and gave the order of shelling.

"Do you want to expose the underworld here?" Rosen frowned at the barrage of shells in all directions, and now he has revealed some news to the world government.

But at that time, it was for the purpose of relieving the encirclement of Andia kingdom. If the leaders of other four emperors and underground forces knew that he had such powerful weapons, he would probably become the target of attack.

So Rosen didn't intend to expose Pluto frequently.

Dorfermingo smiles, raises his finger and moves. Some of the crew members on Rosen's ship are immediately under control. Some of them take out their weapons and walk towards Rosen uncontrollably.

"What are you doing?" Robin's face sank, and his men were full of horror.

"The body is out of control."

"If you want to keep us, come in person, clown." Rosen waves a sandstorm across the air, sweeping these controlled subordinates, shattering all their control.

"You go to the bunker and control the cannon." Bonis said faintly.

"Do you want one for them?" Ainilu grinned and was full of fighting spirit. At the same time, he waved his scepter. A circle of lightning rings instantly expanded and detonated countless shells around the dawn.

However, the enemy's artillery fire is very intensive. However, as far as artillery fire is concerned, the Pluto is a huge warship of war. Although it does not want to be exposed, since it can not be avoided, there is only one war, but it is only a last resort. The main gun can not be started. Once this thing is started, I am afraid it will not be able to hide. It is not a good thing for Rosen to have a firm foothold and be targeted by other forces too soon.

He didn't want to be besieged when he wasn't strong enough to be in the new world.

"The central control room is given to you. In addition to the cadres, some people follow enilu to the central control room, control the battery through the screen, and sink them for me. The rest of them take out the artillery we bought at a high price, and let them taste the power."

Mingge stands in front of him. There are guns on all sides. If you want to kill him, conflict is essential.

At Rosen's command, enilu nodded, turned the whole person into lightning, and took the lead in arriving at the central control room. Now it's not so early to fight with the enemy on a large scale, and the ships of both sides have just entered the range.

Now it's most appropriate to let Aini Road, who is familiar with the structure of the ship, control it.

In the blink of an eye, there were only Rosen, Robin, Ron, Bonis, Valentine's day, and manatee on the deck. Even Natalie was taken away by enilu.

"We will stay and fight." But just as the crowd was obeying, lobucci stood up and said.

Kalifa and Kaku, together, obviously want to make contributions in front of Rosen. They also feel that Rosen and others will not be annihilated so easily.

"Luke, stay here, you two. It's too weak. Go back to the cabin and help." Rosen was a bit surprised, but Lucci was also a lieutenant general if he tried his best. It was a powerful force. Before, because they were undercover, they almost included their strength.

Now let them work for free, which can also be regarded as their recent accommodation on the ship.


"Go ahead." Lucci said that this battle is to fight with one's life, and the first line is the first to die.

As an undercover agent, Lucci has long been aware of contributing to undercover work. As long as he can gain a sense of trust, the risk is worth it.

Lucci said that. Kalifa and Kaku can only nod. Indeed, in this battle, they are too weak. Except for Lucci's strength, they have little effect.

But does Lucci dare to use six moves in front of Rosen?

This is also a problem.

Do franmingo quietly watching, did not stop, just staring at them in the sky, so it is enough.

Boom boom! Because in the next moment, more than a dozen ships and hundreds of cannons will roar together, covering a wide area and launching continuous shelling.

The whole sea is like the continuous sound of fried beans. The waves fluctuate fiercely, and the water columns are blown up.

This is a very fierce cannon, and some of them fall on the sea and can burn for a short time. They are very strong incendiary bombs.

“ROOM!” Luo raised his hand. After all the shells that entered his space were controlled by him, they were pushed out again and again. There was a continuous explosion in the air, and the air waves of explosion impacted Rosen and others.

"Fast round cut!" Bonis holds many swords in his hand, and instantly melts into one with his body. Then a 40 meter long knife, which is as thin as cicada wings, turns round in his hand, like a big windmill. Countless shells are cut and detonated in mid air.

"Shoot them through." Valentine's day control of the arrow, such as a streamer, a moment also detonated many shells.

However, in spite of this, the enemy's ships are too many, and the artillery fire is very fierce. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid it will overdraw everyone's physical strength in advance.

"What's in the way, sandstorm!" Rosen a tornado dust storm in the hands of the formation, and then swept away toward the sky Mingo.

"Furfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfurfur Brother Ming looked at the sandstorm coming. He suddenly raised his arm and swung forward. Five transparent and sharp lines instantly passed the sandstorm.

Mingo thought that this blow was enough to destroy Rosen easily, but when the five lines cut on the sandstorm, it was sparks that could not be cut off. The sand was not only ordinary sand, but also much stronger than he thought.

Bang bang! Five sharp lines are broken. Brother Ming's face changes slightly and jumps back fiercely. The lines are generated under his feet through the clouds. After a certain distance, he smashes the dust storm with a single blow.

"The strength of the sand crocodile! I'm afraid it's better than I thought. Sure enough, it's right to join hands with Quinn and them this time. " At the same time, Mingo was shocked, but he was also glad for his decision.

Not far away, on the huge warship, Jack looked at the enemy ships which were constantly bombarded by gunfire. He couldn't help it: "big brother, they won't be sunk by us like this. They haven't come back yet. Have they given up struggling? I want to fight that guy kroddar! "

"Don't worry, if they are really so weak, they won't be rewarded so much by the Navy headquarters. However, it's hard for them to fly this time." Quinn said, straightening his round belly again, very satisfied.

"Lord Quinn, there is one thing I feel I need to report." A flying giver said respectfully in the air.

"What's the matter?"

"Just now, through the eyes of falcon, I saw a shell from our side hit the side of the enemy's hull, but their hull sank like fluid, and then recovered. The shock wave of the explosion failed to cause any damage to their hull."

"Oh, are you sure?" Quinn was stunned. What kind of boat is this? It sounds interesting to have such a function.

"Sure, I'm afraid the enemy's ships are unusual. And if you look carefully, my Lord, their ships don't hang canvas. I'm afraid they will be mechanically modified."

"It's interesting to let everyone's ships spread out a little, attack from multiple directions, and then concentrate their firepower on me. Regardless of ammunition, any ship will have its limit. First destroy their foothold, and then slowly torture them, so that they know what cruelty is." Quinn thought and arranged.

"The main gun can't be exposed now, and the coverage is too wide, I'm afraid it will affect the main body of the warship. Let's try the power of other weapons first, Yaha ha ha..." ainilu thought about the power of 108 guns on this ancient warship, and immediately showed a cruel smile.

What if there are many enemy ships? Strong is the king! Originally, the captain didn't intend to fight with them here. You have to die. Don't blame us for being rude.

"At my command, you will press the button in front of the bottom." Enilu told people around him that there are more than 100 screens here, which can capture and lock enemy ships. All the turrets together cover a full 360 degree view.

"Yes." Natalie and others are serious and serious. This time they are facing a strong enemy, and they are in a disadvantageous situation. We must try our best to deal with it.

"Position lock 80, 90..." enilu's heart is scattered, staring at each screen. Although the lock position will be more or less deviated with the waves, compared with other warships, the accuracy of this ancient weapon is very high.

"The ship bottom compresses the sea water, the energy system operates, the sea water cannonball is being made, the high pressure is being applied, the thunder photoelectric cannons are ready to condense, and the light particles are being absorbed..." ainilu looks at some indicator lights on the operation panel and knows.

Click! All of a sudden, the whole hull of the Liming opened, and 108 cannons extended out from all sides of the hull. At the moment, some of the painted black cannons were gathering dazzling light particles, some of them were gathering lightning energy, and some of them were accumulating sea shells.

It is almost impossible for 108 cannons to appear on a single ship, even the top warship in the Navy headquarters.

Because that means that it is very difficult to transform every available part of a ship into a fort.

Because you have to consider the stability of the fort. For example, if you load too many fort on a small ship, once the gun is fired at the same time, it is possible to crack your ship.

So the material quality is not up to the standard of technology. If it doesn't surpass this era, it's a lot to have dozens of cannons on a ship. It's almost rare to have more than 40 or 50 cannons, and it's the first time for Quine to see more than 100 cannons.

"The trough! What kind of ship, so many batteries, Lord Quinn The watchman was a little flustered when he saw so many gun barrels coming out of the ship. The dense gun barrels were very deterrent, even if the enemy had only one huge warship.

"I see it." Quine frowned. The moment the fort appeared, he noticed a sense of crisis and a bad feeling.

"Fire!" At the command of enilu, a hundred guns burst out in a flash. The dawn was huge, yes, but the hundred guns roared at the same time. This kind of momentum still made the whole ship vibrate, but soon it was unloaded by the special metal hull.

At the same time, the whole sea seemed to be pierced by the deafening roar. Everyone's mind was lost, and there was a deep fear on everyone's face.

The total number of their cannons is not a lot, but they can't launch so neatly. It's too frightening. It's like standing in the thunder, with thunder roaring in their ears.