"It's a good move." Rosen's face sank. Such a big hand rolled directly from the island. Even if they could break it, there would be a lot of broken earth and rock.

In any case, their boat would be towed here even if it didn't sink, but they still miscalculated.

"Well done, pika." Torrepol is also on the island, sugar is nearby, they come out to fight, need to use all the fighting power.

At the same time do not rest assured that the sugar will stay in DREZ Rosa, so in case of something, not necessarily in time to recover.

Quinn and Jack look at each other faintly. There is no big fluctuation in their heart. It's good to be stopped by someone. Although the ability development looks good, it's not enough to surprise them.

"It's too early to be happy." Under normal circumstances, Rosen really can't help it. After all, this kind of large-scale attack can't be cleaned up even if it is broken.

But don't forget that Rosen's Sha Sha fruit ability is already at the awakening level. The awakening of the natural system is much stronger than Mingo's awakening. The shattering ability and the weak Sha domain are all very powerful.

Rosen said, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and his palms were desertified. The whole person soared into the air. One sand fist converged at a high speed, and one hit the giant hand of the island, which was able to motivate.

Peng! In an instant, all the earth and rock burst out like a cloud of fog. The earth and rock turned into yellow sand. Pika was in a daze in the sand. He didn't expect that the enemy would break his attack.

However, this instant turned the whole mountain into sand, and forcibly plundered his control. It was too overbearing. In an instant, he lost his sense of earth and stone.

"If you like to play with dirt, I'll give you enough. It's a world of dust." Rosen manipulated it with his hands in the air, and the half empty pika was immediately wrapped up in the yellow sand near him, completely surrounded.

"Damn, armed!" Pika was trapped in the sand box, a little flustered, then his fist covered with armed color domineering, a punch in the sand wall above, but did not move.

When he wanted to move again, he noticed that the whole box was falling rapidly, and his body was instantly out of balance.

He suddenly remembered that there was the sea below. If he was sunk into the sea, then

"Sand crocodile, you bastard." Mingge flies in the air in an instant. He can't watch pika sink into the sea.

When he got to a certain distance, he raised his arm and waved it fiercely. Several dense lines pierced the void, and the other end was on the ground of the island.

The sandbox falls on the line steadily, and then the line is covered with armed color, which becomes extremely sharp and cuts the sandbox.

Ray Ying, Rosen disappears in an instant. What he's waiting for is this opportunity.

Whoosh, Rosen appears next to Mingo and kicks out with a domineering kick.

"Spider's nest." Mingo's reaction was also very fast, but when the defense was just formed, Rosen had already kicked him. Like a ray of lightning, he hit the island and smashed a low mountain in an instant.

"Damn it." Mingge stands up from the rubble on the island and wipes the blood on the corner of his mouth with his hand. His eyes are a little dignified. How much stronger is the sand crocodile?!

Buzz! It was like a bomber sounded in his ear, and Rosen's face changed slightly, because there was a strong breath across the sea.

It's a prehistoric mammoth, and not far away Quinn is keeping throwing. Obviously, Jack is sent by Quinn.

"Next." Quinn nibbled at his cigar and said faintly.

"I'll do it." A crocodile turtle species of animal gave the giver a cruel smile, and then automatically went to Quine's side, was picked up by Quine, ready for a while, shot out faster and more fierce than the shell.

Peng! The Fu giver hit the mast directly and broke his head. But when he reacted, he still laughed wildly and killed Rosen and others with a knife.

"Hum." Bonis stepped out, and his whole body turned into a blade. With a fierce swing and a clang, the giver was chopped out in an instant, but soon got up again.

And it seems that Bonis's injury to his body is not serious.

"Are you capable of animal science?" Bonis's eyes sank slightly. He who is capable always means he is difficult to deal with.

And this is just the beginning. Many givers are thrown over by Quine, and some are knocked down in mid air.

But after all, the dawn is big, and many people begin to fall on the ship. Bonis, Luo, Robin, Lucci and others have already started.

"Valentine's day, to replace enilu, pay attention to my information, pay attention to safety." Rosen's last sentence means something.

"Klocdal, I've come to get your head." Jack became a man and an elephant in the form of drought. He stood up, but he was obviously an elephant.

Rosen knew there was no way to avoid it, but he couldn't fight on board.

"Hold on, I'll get rid of them as soon as possible, enilu. You can deal with that elephant. Don't fight on the boat." Rosen said, a month toward the enemy leader Quinn rushed past.

"Oh? Is it for me? It's interesting. " Quinn is insipid.

"Stop." Jack finally came, how could he let go the prey in front of him, but at this moment, a flash of lightning struck in front of him, and it was Aini road.

"Big guy, Ben Raytheon will play with you, God's ruling!" Enilu raised his hand and shot a thunderbolt.

"It's really the fruit of thunder." Jack doesn't dare to relax. He's strong and he's good at fighting, but he's a natural fruit. Every fruit deserves attention, especially the reward is not low.

He set up his arms to defend himself. The color of his arms was not used yet. With a bang, he was directly rushed to the island, but he didn't suffer much damage. He was just rushed away.

"What a tough body." Ainilu is serious. After eating his divine judgment, it's like nothing. This guy is definitely not weaker than him, or even a little stronger than him.

But Eni Road, without any hesitation, turns into an electric light and falls on the island in an instant, confronting Jack. At the same time, Eni road turns into a big fat Thor, and the crazy electric current entangles him.

Recently, he has become stronger and stronger.

"Forget it, warm you up first." Jack stepped out, crushed the ground, dried up and decayed, which was similar to Rosen's cycle of erosion. He was a drought.

"Arrogant Qinghai people, discharge, 100 million volts!" Aini road is not the master of good temper, hearing this, my heart immediately upset, together with the destruction of all the power of thunder to fight out.

Jack didn't dodge. He just tightened his body. The thunder hit him and hissed. His body stopped for a while, but it didn't scorch.

Jack takes out two sharp machetes and waves them towards Aini road. Aini road raises his scepter and defends with his not very skilled armed color.

Jack, more than eight meters tall, and his mammoth fruit, are not only highly defensive, but also terrifying,

Just a blow on the scepter of Aini Road, the afterwave is like a roaring storm, sweeping everything around, stamping the ground.

Aini road was split back a few steps, looked at the scepter in his hand, suddenly there was a big gap, afraid of another blow, it was scrapped.

So enilu immediately changed his thinking of fighting. Instead of fighting with this monster, he had to use thunder and lightning to kill him

On the dawn, diamandi's ship approached, and some enemies began to jump over. Manatee, Robin, Rowe, Lucci began to resist, and the men in the cabin also came out. Except those who stayed in the central control room, all those who could join the fight joined in.

Even death.

"Everyone, don't leave this ship." Luo shouts and says, in order not to let everyone die, in order to resist for a while, he has planned to open the room all the way, and strive not to let anyone die.

Within the scope, he can save a lot of people in a flash.

Robin also knew Luo's ability, and immediately gave an order: "everyone, take Luo as the center and start fighting."

There is no problem with the operational policy, but they have to face too many enemies and they are too strong.

Don Quixote, more than 100 headed by Diamante, headed by Tang Ji - KDE cadre, including the only rescued PKCa.

At the same time, five real players are also covetous. Robin has no advantage in their strength, on the contrary, they are a big disadvantage. They don't know when they can last.

If you want to win this battle, I'm afraid it's not enough to knock down Quinn or Jack. At least you have to knock down two of Mingo, Quinn and Jack in a short time. After all, the enemy forces are too fast. Only in this way can they turn defeat into victory.

But it's too hard.

However, there is no other choice but to fight to the end.