"You're a tough guy!" After Rosen hit Quinn with a giant fist, the yellow sand giant scattered. It's not easy to maintain such a large body and fight with high intensity.

Before the blow, Rosen decided that he couldn't win in a short time, but he wanted to go back to dawn, and Quinn didn't let him, so he had to fight so hard.

Two people's blood and sweat flow down together, at the same time with the steaming heat, high-intensity fighting, pressing the body's ultimate strength all the time.

"You're not bad either. Do you want to be a cadre of our hundred beasts Pirate Group? How about giving you the same status as Jack? " Quinn took out his cigar, lit it and took a sip.

Two faces with blood, not good-looking, but awe inspiring.

"I hate gas." Rosen said lightly, so far, Quine's fighting style is very aboveboard, direct and straightforward.

But Rosen didn't forget the fishman gas incident.

"It seems that I don't like it, so I can't help it. Next, I'll try my best to kill you." Quinn felt sorry and then took out dozens of pestilence drugs, including his favorite mummy disease.

A person who has been killed by mummy plague bullet will have blood boiling all over his body, burning like a flame. He will suffer a lot and die like a mummy in the end. Even Lufei can't be immune from such poison.

Crush these potions and drop them on himself. His body already has antibodies and antidotes, but the enemy doesn't.

Rosen did not speak, the whole body began to enter the overload state, the sand inside the body floating, all in the high-speed collision, slowly become red, like tiny magma particles, which will make the force more terrible.

In fact, he has some advantages over Quinn, at least Quinn has taken more attacks than him.

But Quine is really able to resist. For the general strong, if you hit him with a fatal injury, it's just like skin injury. Quine looks embarrassed at the moment, but in fact there is no fatal injury, but it costs a lot.

Rosen took out the phone bug. Even in the fierce battle, Rosen also protected the phone bug. After so long, he was worried about robin's situation.

Quinn saw Rosen call, also did not stop, he also needs time to recover some physical strength.

"Robin, how's it going?" Asked Rosen.

"I'm the only one who's still fighting, and a few others are injured. There are two sailors who don't have time to rescue. Luo's physical strength is going to the limit, and Bonis..."

"What happened to Bonis?" Rosen's heart sank to the bottom. Since he only fought against Quinn, the dawn had to bear twice as much power as them.

Although Robin, Bonis and Rowe are here, they've been carrying it for a long time, and he can't solve the battle on his side.

"An arm was cut off by Alfred Domingo..."

"When talking to your captain, how dare you be so careless in your fight with me?" Dorfermingo is out of breath. Nicole Robin is really hard to deal with. I also blame the iron man for consuming too much energy. Otherwise, it would take so long to deal with them.

"Robin, you fight the clown?" In Rosen's eyes, he was murderous. Obviously, the situation was so bad that Robin had to fight Mingo, and Bonis broke his arm.

Although there is Luo in, maybe we can take him back, but it shows that Bonis has little combat power left now.

Then the ship's fighting power is even less. The situation is far more serious than Robin said. Maybe she is the only one left to fight.

"Tell Valentine's day, aim at my sandstorm." Rosen can't spend any more time with Quinn. It's a bitter battle that is several times stronger than their strength.

But it doesn't mean they don't have a chance to win.

"But you're still there." Robin, holding the phone bug, didn't want to give such an order, otherwise he would have done it for Valentine's day.

"It's going to be OK." Rosen hung up the phone bug, palm on the ground, a huge tornado dust storm soared into the sky.

"Have you finished your last words? I'll give it to you on your way Although still want to rest for a while, but Rosen has begun to attack, Quinn will not retreat.

"It's you who should give your last words! The black rope is tied up Rosen slammed his hands on the ground again, and the ground turned into a black sand rope, which immediately entangled Quine's body and limbs.

Quinn struggled for a while, but he didn't understand: "what can you do if you try your best to trap me for a moment? You're not strong enough to attack me. "

"A moment and a half will be enough. Before that, I'm afraid I can't trap you for a few seconds." Without the consumption in front, Rosen would not be able to bring this short-term bondage.

In Quine's view, there is no decisive force, even if he is trapped for a while and a half, what can he do.

On the contrary, it is meaningless for Rosen to limit his action by overdraft his domineering power and ability, which will only increase his consumption.

But Quinn didn't think so the next moment, because he suddenly raised an unprecedented sense of crisis.

"Are you coming?" Rosen grinned. Although the opportunity was not the best, he didn't have much choice.

"Hum!" The sky was suddenly filled with lightning and light particles, and then a column of energy formed rapidly over the island.

"What is it?" Quinn's face turned pale and looked up suddenly. This dangerous feeling was even more serious than that brought by Rosen, which made him have the illusion of facing the angry governor.

Rosen did not have any hesitation, instant desertification, into the depths of the earth, has been deep, how deep drilling.

Quinn realized that his bondage was gone. Damn it, that guy escaped ahead of time. It must be something he made! Quinn wants to run, but it's too late.

A column of energy dropped from the sky, submerged him, instantly spread to the whole island, spread out, and almost reached the sea area beyond dawn.

"What is this? The whole island is shrouded!" Mingge was afraid for the first time in his heart. He was overbearing and could sense the energy of destroying heaven and earth.

A ship in charge of encircling the dawn got a little closer and was vaporized by the diffused beam of light!

"Lord Quinn seems to be still on that island!" A giver said with difficulty, this sentence made all the terrified pirates and DREZ Rosa's soldiers fall into silence. Is Lord Quinn going to die?

When the energy column dissipates, the previous island has been completely flattened, leaving only a bottomless pit, and the sea water is rushing into it.

"Boss, are you ok?" Valentine's day looks worried.

The fighting on the ship also stopped suddenly. At present, only Bonis with one arm and Robin with too much consumption are left. They have reached the limit and can no longer afford to open the room. Luo, who can only attack with a knife, Luo bulucci with a satisfied but scarred face, and little manatee without injury.

"Is that another thing the world government sent us undercover to investigate? What a terrible power. " Looking at the strength just now, he felt that he was too small. He was afraid that he would evaporate as soon as he approached.

Can they survive?

"Here it is Jack also looks surprised, and then directly abandon the opponent Eni Road, jump on a nearby ship, to the ship's subordinates shouting: "get close to it now."

He was worried about Quinn's safety. If Quinn died, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Moonwalk!" But the first one to rush out of the pit was Rosen, bruised and bloody, with his arms and thighs bent and broken. He looked very miserable.

"The power of ancient weapons is really great. Even if they have dived so far underground in an instant and accumulated sand shields, they still can't carry them." Rosen's heart was dignified, though a little sad.

But the result is still very obvious, at least for the time being, he can't feel Quine's breath, but Rosen personally thinks that he should still have a breath, but if there is no one to save him, with the sea full, he is also very dangerous.

Rosen wants to fight for Quine with his seriously injured body, but soon sees Jack driving a boat. Rosen hesitates for a while and chooses to retreat temporarily. Now he is in poor condition.

Stepping on the moonwalk, one foot crossed the sky to dawn: "dorfermingo!"

Domineering, murderous, completely release!

"Well?" Mingge heard the voice and raised his head. A shadow like a beam of light came over. It was Rosen who rushed from the air.

He wants to defend, but the furious Rosen is too fast. Brother Ming only has time to cover his whole body with arms and fight against the attack. He has just been overwhelmed by the power of the underworld, and he can't react to it for a moment.

Peng! One foot directly kicked Mingge's arm. With a click, the bone was smashed. Then, the rest of his strength was not reduced, and the sole of his foot was imprinted on Mingge's chest. The strength of his spirit was transmitted from his back, and a big hole was blasted in the sea. Then, the whole man flew backward towards the island and smashed a mountain peak.

"Dover!" Diamandi, Pika and other cadres suddenly exclaimed.