Hearing Rosen's words, Robin and others' eyes suddenly lit up. Yes, they were seriously injured, but this is definitely an opportunity.

With Rosen's words, dawn turned her bow and headed for DREZ Rosa. Then he asked roe to deal with his injury, relax, and let the active light particles escape directly to treat the crew.

His activity is better than any other healing medicine, and as long as they get to DREZ Rosa and find the Lilliputian Princess man Shirley, their injuries can be recovered quickly. At present, they only need to have some combat power.

Ainilu was hardly hurt. It's not that he didn't try his best. On the contrary, in the fight with Jack, ainilu's heart occasionally noticed that the crew was in danger, and he would send down thunder.

He played jack with a kite almost all the way, because the front is not what enilu is good at, although his physical skills and domineering spirit have improved.

But with a high defense pure melee enemy close combat, give up his long-range advantage of lightning, that is a brain problem.

And dawn just drove a distance, Rosen received a message from Hathaway, saying that she had won all the enemies, but in the process of pursuit, the natural ability person accidentally passed the information out.

"Hahaha, it's a good story. Punk hassad is very important. Even if the clown doesn't go in person, he will send some capable cadres. If someone comes to support him, he will kill them all." Rosen finally got good news.

In this way, it will be easier to capture DREZ Rosa.

"Yes, how are you doing?" Hathaway asked with concern.

"Nothing. There was an accident."

"Do you want me to come?"

"Not for the time being. Just control punk hassad."

"Well, then... Be careful yourself."

"Why are you so tender today?" Rosen was full of doubts.

Gaga, but as soon as she finished, Hathaway hung up in a panic. Then she looked at the latest news report: "dawn pirate group vs beast Pirate Group, fierce conflict, fighting lasted more than 9 hours!"

"All animals and pirates? That is to say, it has something to do with Alfred Domingo. If anyone dares to come, they will all be killed. " Hathaway made up her mind in silence.

Because he made some deals with Mingge and knew Mingge's character, xinwenniao Wang didn't report Mingge's story. After all, it was qiwuhai, and some reports had a bad influence on him.

Of course, if brother Ming loses power one day, it will be different.

DREZ Rosa.

At the moment, Don Quixote cadres who remained in the palace were left with only BABY5, Maha Beth, sainior and JOA, all of them are capable.

If you think about it carefully, with one or two exceptions, the rest of Mingo's members are capable, including Mingo's own and punk hassad's cadres. There are at least ten capable people.

It's just that DREZ Rosa is not very threatening. Mahabas's ability seems to be the superior fruit of Valentine's day. He can exert ten thousand tons of power. This alone is not weak.

But with his clumsiness, ten of them are not enough for Valentine's Day kites.

"How is violet?" Mahabass was a fat, blonde man with chest hair, and he was sitting in a chair.

"Ability to the limit, coma in the past, hateful, useless guy, just saw the little Lord was kicked away by klockdale, no below." Old woman Jorah, an artist, complained.

"Don't worry, young master will be OK." Bafaro, a twister who ate the fruits of twists and turns, often forms a partner with the weapon man baby5.

"Although we are not really cadres, we are a woman after all, and it is of great use to keep her." Sennior bit the pacifier and said faintly after a sip.

The strongest cadres went out to fight and left them to watch their homes. In order to get the first news, some of them came from factories and some from underground ports.

After all, they have the ability to gaze at the fruits, they can still collect the first-hand information in the distance, and they can also know the outcome at the first time.

However, recently, violet was forced to overdraw his ability. Now he can't hold on. At least the cadres think so.

In fact, that's true just now, but now violet has recovered a lot, and is slowly waking up. Then she can't wait to use her ability again.

She wanted to know if he was dead, and if he was, it would be great.

She used her ability to look at the past again. Although it was near dusk and night was coming, dawn was too big and easy to find at sea, because it was heading for DREZ Rosa.

Then she couldn't see Mingge. She only saw the battlefield before, where the remnant Party of the hundred beasts Pirate Group was fighting with the Navy, but they were all behind the mat, and the family cadres were on their way back by boat.

From their expressions, Mingo is still alive. How can that monster die so easily? But why is the dawn Pirate Group heading for DREZ Rosa? Do you want to attack DREZ Rosa?

Violet tangled, although she also hope Mingge be knocked down, but also to another group of pirates, good and bad, she can't tell, say or not?

Violette hesitated for a long time. At last, when the cadres were talking outside and didn't care about her, they sneaked away from the window. Not everyone of these people knew how to see, hear, and be aggressive.

Even if some understand it, it's impossible to keep it all the time. Seeing and hearing aggressive passivity is a very obvious reaction to murderous Qi, but it's just the same for others.

Violette felt that they wanted to meet the Pirate Group. After all, they had a grudge against Mingo. If they would not destroy the country, they would not tell the cadres and seek cooperation. But if they were also full of evil, they would tell the cadres and let them fight.

For this, she needs to make some arrangements. After all, they are very close.

More and more close to DREZ Rosa, their injuries have improved a lot, even Rosen's have recovered a little, at least the injured hands and feet have barely been able to use.

And the crew also began to look at their new arms and thighs: "it's made of gold. The tips of the five fingers are also added with stone. It's really good."

"I want a sea king's arm, preferably a claw. I think it's very handsome." The pirates are optimistic. They don't care when they die, as long as they choose their own way.

And for the great dream of the captain, to change the world, they are not afraid of death.

Rosen didn't feel so sad. It's not that he was cold-blooded, but that he made the same choice as these lovely crew members and could die at any time.

"Boss, we can see DREZ Rosa in front of us, but there is a boat standing in front of us."

"Found, but it doesn't matter. Even if found, it's too late for them." Rosen didn't care.

"There seems to be only one woman."

"Oh?" It was a bit of a surprise to Rosen.