"Kill Rosen broke into the bullfight arena, and many guards rushed up and fell down. He couldn't help fighting. Finally Rosen mentioned the person in charge of the venue.

"Take me to the place where the swordsmen are held." Rosen's eyes were cold. With one look, the person in charge immediately lost all the courage to resist and refute.

"Lay down your arms and live." Rosen ejected a grain of sand, which directly bounced into the hesitant crowd. The man who was the most murderous was hit by the grain of sand, and then turned into smoke in the wail.

Clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang.

"Boss, didn't you say that I would deal with it?" Valentine's day with an umbrella floating in the air, mumbling mouth said.

"Don't you take care of all those things outside? Leave some with the ability to act. " Rosen thought of the guard, died a lot, Rosen feel helpless.

It's not a good person to kill at ordinary times, but it's time for DREZ Rosa to employ people. Whether he can survive or not.

The person in charge with a cold sweat on his face took Rosen to the dungeon. He stood aside, flattered, and didn't dare to breathe.

Rosen looked around, and the cages were displayed one by one. There were a lot of people in custody. At first, there were at least five or six hundred people.

The number of swordsmen is too small for a country, but they are more or less better than ordinary soldiers.

Rosen's arrival attracted everyone's attention. The person in charge went to the door of the cell one by one and kicked the door fiercely: "get up, get up, all of you."

"What's the matter?" Some fallen asleep swordsmen opened their eyes in a daze, not knowing why.

"What is that?! Kroddar

"What?" The whole dungeon is boiling up. This is a hot pirate recently.

Although the bullfight arena is relatively closed, many people are sent in every day, so they naturally know something about the outside world.

"Go and bring Rebecca first." Rosen said to Valentine's day, Valentine nods, a arrow points to the head of the person in charge, let him lead the way.

Rebecca is a celebrity in the arena. No one doesn't know her, but today is really miserable. Now these people are looking for her? Is it a friend?

If this is the case, then I will suffer. The person in charge of the meeting feels that his heart is going to stop.

"Now you have a free chance to fight for me for half a year. After half a year, you can choose to leave on your own or continue to stay. Promise, I can let you out now." Rosen didn't have much to say.

It's just a normal deal.

Although Rosen's voice was simple, it still made waves in the crowd of sword fighters. Immediately someone yelled: "I'd like to, I promise. This is the thigh that comes from the door. Are we going to destroy the Navy headquarters or the fourth emperor?"?! You say, I'm Charlotte's submissive! "

"Half a year? Compared with the arena, which is dark and has no idea of the future, it is a paradise. But why do we believe you? "

"I can't manage so much, as long as I can get out of this place and let me do anything." A pirate laughs wildly.

It's not too late to escape when you get out. Now the most important thing is to get out of this broken cage. It's better to take off the stone handcuffs.

"We are all willing to!" Many pirates are excited to say that some of them are not only looking forward to getting out of the prison, but also excited that the high reward of the pirates should recruit them. It's incredible.

"As a Don Quixote, I believe it's your choice, bet not to bet on it, see yourselves, or say, you want to die here or die in the arena, follow me, maybe kill several Tang Ji" family cadres. Rosen lit his cigar and said softly.

"This is good, this is good! Ha ha ha... I'll work for you for half a year. "


For the people in the cage, no matter what Rosen says, Rosen can achieve his goal. One is to win a thousand games and leave the arena after reaching this impossible goal.

One is that you can leave right away, which is not a choice at all.

Rosen got an answer, a desertification, all the cells of steel, walls have disappeared, as long as it is not made of stone, completely unable to carry his ability.

Then Rosen threw a bunch of keys on the ground: "untie your shackles and follow me."

"Go with you, you are nothing. When I take off your head, I will be the strongest person in the world." But there are always people who are self righteous.

After unlocking the handcuffs of hailou stone, a pirate turned into a wild boar to fight.

Rosen did not have the slightest accident, looked up and held the pig's head, then cut his body in two, and finally died in pain: "who else would like to have a try?"

"The giant pig man, a pirate with a reward of 200 million Bailey, can't even stop a single blow?" The swordsman who knew the PigHead just now was stunned.

At first, there were very few people who were ready to move. When they heard this, they were all honest. Bailey 200 million, in the new world, is not a bottom fish, but a certain strength.

It seems that it's true. There's a lot to be done with krocdal.

Pirates are very aware of current affairs. If they can become famous with a powerful boss, many people will abandon their original captain.

“BOSS? She needs treatment. " On Valentine's day, Rebecca came from afar with weak arms and legs. Along the way, the swordsmen gave way one after another.

Since I know klockdale, I have a certain understanding of his subordinates.

"I'll take care of it." Rosen looked at Rebecca, who was still bleeding with bandages, and frowned. Don't die. It will take more time to die.

Rebecca is a little different from her impression, but there is no big difference. She has long pink hair, beautiful face and even perfect development. Her face is slightly green and her clothes are exposed.

Brother Ming, this guy is really evil. Mingming can give her a good time. She has to dress like this to expose herself to the audience and let her fight.

"Who are you?" Rebecca's eyes are a little confused. She has a fever and the wound is beginning to infect. She is not very conscious.

The Don Quixote family would have treated her if there was no riots today, after all, they would not let her die too soon.

"It doesn't matter who I am. Let's recover first." Rosen held Rebecca, no other ideas, just agreed to the deal, Rosen will fulfill in place.

Otherwise, she may not be able to survive, but she has her own activity, which is no problem.

"Are you here to kill Alfred Domingo?" Rebecca's little hand suddenly clung to Rosen's shoulder, like a dying man's last reluctance.

Rosen thought and nodded.

"I want to kill him, too. What can I do for you?" Rebecca's eyes are full of desire, and there is something that is not good.

This makes Rosen a little surprised. Rebecca doesn't seem to be like this. In order to keep her daughter from falling into hatred, Cyrus taught her to be a kind-hearted person.

But now, Rosen sees something else, something more in line with the survival of this era.

"Take care of the injuries, and help me take them back." Rosen pointed to the swordsmen.

Cyrus was a powerful fighter, and his daughter was not weak. Especially, she didn't use the real way to kill the enemy all the time. She just danced with the sword to drive the enemy out.

From this point of view, her strength is comparable to many powerful pirates, and she is still small and has strong shaping.
