"The factory is under control. The Lilliputian and a toy soldier are willing to fight with us against Alfred Domingo." Good news from Robin.

Later, other people have come to have control of DREZ Rosa news, although these are expected.

Although the Lilliputians are small, their speed and strength are extraordinary. Ordinary soldiers are not their opponents at all, and even their figures can't be captured.

"You are king liku?" With Violette in, it's easy to find him as long as king liquu is still on the island of DREZ Rosa.

"Not bad." King liku nodded. Violet had already told him the details, but they didn't have much choice.

"At present, the country can not be given to you to guide. Many people have not yet seen the true face of Alfred Domingo clearly. It is still one step away." Although it has captured the kingdom of DREZ Rosa, it is not stable.

Some cadres of Don Quixote family have been killed, some have been imprisoned, what's more, with the help of sword fighters and the little ones, and some soldiers' defection, there is no problem in the overall situation.

However, I believe that there are still many soldiers and citizens in dorfermingo. At this time, any evidence seems weak. After all, Rosen and they are the invaders.

So we have to knock down the granulated sugar so that the people who have been turned into toys in recent years can be recovered and the memories lost by the people can be recovered.

Only in this way can they really see the life manipulated like a puppet.

The sound of guns can be heard occasionally in the kingdom of DREZ Rosa, but it is getting weaker and weaker. Because of the monitoring of enilu's heart net, DREZ Rosa is not a small island, but it is not a large island.

At present, Eni road's more and more excellent network is enough to monitor the whole country. However, the people are in a panic and hide at home. Some brave people take weapons and go to the streets to see the situation.

These situations are nothing. Rosen didn't pay attention to them either. The key is Quinn. The time for them to calculate should be coming soon. Now they are worried that once the cadres of Alfred Domingo arrive and are discovered by the people of DREZ Rosa, it may lead to internal chaos.

And that's very likely. After all, they all think it's a happy country.

"Big brother, it's close to..." Jack's voice just fell, a ship in front of him was suddenly smashed by a thunder column falling from the sky.

"So far away, they can monitor it?" Jack was stunned for a moment.

"Lightning? Let's put 20 escape boats, one by one, and move forward separately. Try the situation. If it's just this kind of thing and this kind of degree, fight on the island immediately. " Quinn frowned as he watched the attack from the sky. DREZ Rosa was right in front of him. He could see the island.


Jack quickly gathered 20 people and scattered some small escape boats from the warship. At most, one boat could only take five or six people. This kind of boat was not suitable for navigation.

But it was very convenient to land on the island. Twenty people got on the boat without too much fear. Then they rowed the oars by hand, spread out and made an arc towards DREZ Rosa.

And on a ship not far away.

"Klockdale, that bastard, was bold enough to beat DREZ Rosa down. Mahabass, they don't know what happened." Guladius worried.

"Is Dover coming?" Torrepol asked, with an innocent face of sugar.

"Soon." Pika's sharp voice makes many people laugh. But everyone on this ship knows pika's habit. Anyone who wants to laugh can say goodbye to the world.

"Why didn't the hundred beasts Pirate Group attack directly?" Delingello said with dissatisfaction.

There are many ships and many people. If they attack directly, they may be able to take krocdal on the spot. He doesn't believe that the powerful attack before can never be used.

"That kind of attack is too strong. The underground world has not heard of this kind of thing for the time being, and it has a great restraining effect on those who are capable." Torrepol explained.

No one dares to gamble whether that kind of attack can be released or not. If it can, maybe everyone needs to defend at the same time to be able to defend the winner.

This is the result of negotiation with Quinn on the road. In the face of that kind of attack, the only possibility is to gather all people's strength to resist. If there are many people and their strength is unified, they may be able to resist.

But it can also be overwhelming.

But that's the last way. The present way is to test first.

On the dawn.

"Here they are, just a bunch of cannon fodder." Violette saw it with his ability. In fact, he didn't need to see it. Enilu could barely sense this range. Of course, it was only reluctantly. Otherwise, the place where he just landed on Leizhu would have been on Quine's boat.

"How many people?" It is expected to send cannon fodder to explore the way first. As long as the enemy is not a fool, it is impossible to see the power of Hades, and then all of them will rush up.

You know, Rosen and they are not surrounded now. Once they are targeted from a distance, they will be in trouble. But the problem is that the lock range of Pluto's main fort is also limited.

It's really far away, but it's not infinite. In fact, Quinn and they have entered their range now. The reason why the main gun of Hades didn't start is to wait for whether there are other enemy ships nearby.

After all, the charging time of the main gun of Hades is not short. It's not likely that the second gun will be fired in a short time. Of course, only a few people on the dawn know this shortcoming, but the enemy is not an idiot and can guess it.

After all, the more powerful things are, the higher the conditions and quality requirements are.

"Quinn, Jack, and Mingo's cadres, one more than Franco." Enilu was hesitating, wondering if he wanted to wait. Maybe Franco was coming.

This position, according to the range of the previous main gun, could not reach DREZ Rosa.

"Quinn, are they here?" Rosen and Valentine's day back to dawn, Rebecca and King liku are temporarily arranged in the hotel by them, there are some swordsmen guarding their safety.

Of course, more sword fighters have now been placed in factories and underground harbors, working with the Lilliputians and being in charge of toy soldiers, which Robin recommends.

And the toy soldier told Robin a lot of things.

Rosen came back as soon as he got the news from Eni road.

Even Robin, Rowe and Bonis, the main players, hastily explained what they were doing and returned to the dawn one after another.

Everything on DREZ Rosa is a dream. If they can't resist Quinn's attack, what's the use of guarding the factories on the island.

"Yes, but Alfred has not arrived yet."

"It doesn't matter, Luo, Robin, enilu, listen to me..." after Rosen confessed, he looked at the Quine ship on the screen and gave the order of the underworld's main gun bombing.

Although it is night, it is impossible to sail at night without turning on the lights, otherwise it is possible for one's own ship to collide with one's own

With a buzzing sound, the most terrible attack was once again formed in the sky, and the whole ocean was illuminated.

"I didn't expect that such a long distance can also form an attack. Don't panic. If you don't want to die, join me to fight your strongest attack..." in Quine's cold words, the whole scene slowly quieted down.

Yes, from the previous attack range, once locked, it is almost impossible to escape, so Quine's method is the only way.

But the problem is, a lot of people are going to die.

"Ah!" The Fu writers have turned into beasts one after another, armed and domineering.

Pikatoleiboer and others also use their ability to be domineering, and no one dares to reserve under that kind of attack.

"Attack Quinn is the same as Jack.

Boom! All the ships suddenly burst out a very powerful attack, the domineering spirit dissipated, the strength gathered, like the sea roared up.

Thousands of attacks were launched in order, and the power was terrible.

After that, the two sides attacked and roared together, leaving only the dissipated energy in the whole sea.