Whoa! In the air, an energy arc is shooting wildly, and the whole island is full of black and red energy collisions, just like lightning. The two figures collide so fast that ordinary people's naked eyes can't catch them.

From the sky to the ground, the whole area is collapsing. The land has been leveled and many floors have been built. All the houses have become fragments, or yellow sand or white lines.

Surging in the air are the two men's unparalleled domineering color and deep armed color domineering, raised their hands and feet to play a lightning bolt effect.

"Boom!" Suddenly, in mid air, one of the figures was hit, like a meteor falling rapidly. It had been cut off many times, and the ground, which was rolled as solid as steel, cracked instantly.

Mingge just stood up from the cracked earth, immediately attracted Rosen's attack, and soon an arm was broken.


He tried all the possible ways to win one by one, but the effect was not good. He wanted to open the birdcage, but he believed that it would not be of much use to the man in front of him. Of course, in addition, he also had some unique skills in his hand.

But there was no chance.

Holding on, he can still wait for the chance. The Jedi will fight back. If he is released, he will not move at all. However, his domineering power has been felt, and many people are coming around.

In other words, in all directions, the big pirates who should come have come, and the ones who shouldn't have come.

Many of the pirates who have business relations with him will not wait for their own death to do it, but will do it when they are almost done, because he is also a help, and when he dies, some people will suffer heavy losses.

So although Mingge was seriously injured, he was not worried that he would die.

"You are one of the few people who let me suffer so much, but you can go on your way." Rosen kicks Mingo, kicks him in the chest, and then tramples him under his feet.

Jinsha sword condenses and is held by Rosen. He can be defeated by taizororosen, not to mention brother.

To be able to hold up in his hands until now, has shown that Mingo's strength is excellent.

"What are you doing? Do you really want to see me die? " Mingo grinned and his voice spread.

“JOKER! Is the ammunition promised to arrive in a month? The thief ha ha ha... "Brother Ming's voice dropped, and Blackbeard came from a distance with the core cadres of the whole Pirate Group.

Blackbeard, who has been expanding crazily recently, has a lot of subordinates. He has to have weapons. After all, he can't fight every battle himself. Otherwise, what do you want his subordinates to do? How many territory can we hold.

"It's possible to live with talents." Mingge looks at Rosen with a smile. Although he is trampled on by him, he will not give up. Once Blackbeard attacks, he will launch the strongest counter attack to finish the counter killing.

"Klocdal, you hear me. Let him go, so that I can only kill you today. After all, your crew is excellent, especially the swordsman. I'm very welcome to be my woman and subordinate..." Blackbeard pointed to Hathaway.

Hathaway frowned and wanted to help, but by this time Jack had climbed out of the crack, thought of the previous arrangement, and wrote down the account first.

"Blackbeard, you overestimate yourself. As a pirate, when do we depend on others to give us our lives?" Rosen said with a smile, then stabbed him in the heart.

"Those who don't know what to do, 16 sacred and fierce bullets. God will kill them!" Mingge looked at the stabbed sword, burst out the strongest attack, and suddenly flew Rosen out.

At the same time, the white lines on the ground instantly condense into 16 strong and sharp death lines with extremely high density, terrible lethality and penetrating power. The tips of the lines are covered with domineering force. Even the extremely thick steel will be penetrated in this instant.

Rosen watched the attack coming from the fierce stab. He had been on guard for a long time.

The grains of sand pierce the air and collide with brother Ming's God killing. At the same time, the black rope binds the ground to roll, like a black dragon, whips in the air.

The black rope sand roll covered with domineering spirit directly breaks several lines of brother Ming, which makes him more domineering and fierce.

"No way!" Mingge was stunned for a moment. How could he be so well prepared? It's like waiting for him to do his best. All the attacks from the front to the bottom are aimed at him.

Then Mingo heard the voice full of the breath of death: "go on the road."

"Stop it Blackbeard didn't come out to see Rosen kill Mingo.

With Blackbeard's cry, all his subordinates took action together, especially Blackbeard, who took the lead in the attack. The whole person was black and the sky was not clear, and now it was as black as ink.

With Blackbeard's riot, other crew members, such as bajas hiliu, also flocked to attack. It was unprecedented pressure for Rosen to attack with so many strong men.

With Blackbeard's speed and strength, it is enough to stop Rosen, if it goes well.

At this time, Mingo just burst out with all his strength. Although the attack is the strongest moment, the defense is also the weakest.

Now being close to Rosen is almost the same as being sentenced to death. Of course, Blackbeard has come to save him now.

But Rosen completely ignored Blackbeard's attack at the moment.

"Crazy?" Blackbeard saw that he was attacking, but Kroc still didn't plan to give up killing Mingge. This move puzzled Blackbeard. Even if he could kill Mingge, he might be killed by himself.

Life for life? This is not a wise choice.

But in black beard doubts, the air suddenly disappears, as if has been bounced, then two figures suddenly appear in front.

"The impact of the bear!" Tyrant bear, open the palm, already ready air compression gun head-on toward the Blackbeard Pirate Group paste in the past.

Blackbeard was stunned for a moment, and immediately opened his smoky palm to meet him. The attack of bear, the former tyrant of qiwuhai, waiting for work, can't be underestimated, let alone burst out from him.

He has seen the power of this move. Maybe he will not die if he eats it on the front, but it will definitely hurt, and most of his subordinates will be injured.

After all, the appearance of tyrant bear was too abrupt, which caught them by surprise.

"Secret way!" The transparent bear palm shaped air gun was about to explode, but it was swallowed directly by the black smoke in Blackbeard's hands.

But when Blackbeard looked up and saw the other man clearly, he was dignified and unbelievable, and even with some awe, a cold sweat dripping from his forehead: "leader of the revolutionary army, dragon!"

"What?" Dragon's wanted notices are all over the world. It can be said that no one does not know him. Wherever he appears, there must be great turbulence.

The others who watched in the dark were stunned.

"What's the matter? How did the leader of the revolutionary army show up here and still stand on kroddar's side? " Peros Perot also said with some panic.

It's a bit more than expected.

"The original seven armed sea basolumi bear, the leader of the revolutionary army dragon!" Diocesan frowned, and tezorro stopped playing with the gold ring.

"He's in the new world?" The queen of happy street was surprised to see the dragon under her cloak. At the same time, she glanced around. Finally, she fell on luckie and found him.

In fact, it's nothing if you just see the Dragon himself, but the signal is too complicated for krocdal.

What agreement has been reached between the two? Is the weapon drawing handed in? If that's the case, it's a problem.

"What's going on?" Mingge gives out his last cry. He is not reconciled. He looks at the two figures and the man who is fighting with Quine. He is confused.

Where do so many strong people come from?! He is not reconciled. He is the one who is going to win. Damn it

Whoa! But no matter how unwilling he was, Rosen didn't have the slightest weakness in his hand. His sword pierced his heart. He was domineering, his sword was powerful, his sand was broken, and everything was rampant in Mingge's body, killing him in an instant.

At the same time, 1 billion Bailey mission completed, speed X6!

But Rosen's face didn't relax at all. Instead, it was more dignified. He suddenly turned his head and swept out a sword. A tall figure was shot in a bucket, which exploded and rocked Rosen out of a distance.

"It's a great response." Diocesan regretted that just now, for a moment, he made a choice. He thought that he would relax for a moment after killing Mingo. He didn't expect that he would not leak. Moreover, the speed was too fast.

Still hiding strength?

But at this time, a syrup suddenly spread from the ground. Rosen had just dodged a blow. No matter how strong he was, some attacks could not be avoided.

In an instant, the pink syrup directly fixed Rosen's feet. It was peros Perot, the candy Minister of the Da Ma Pirate Group, who paid a reward of 700 million Bailey.

"Well done!" Diocesan grinned. Maybe he could only imprison the enemy for a while, but there were more things he could do at that moment.

So strength is not particularly strong enemy, sometimes can play an unexpected role, not to mention, peros Perot is not weak.