"Dragon, the leader of the revolutionary army, also appeared?" Green Pheasant received the latest information from CP0, his face sank, and he was afraid that he would intervene in the fight ahead of time.

"That smelly boy, I don't teach him a good lesson this time. Let the whole fleet attack and kill my son." Kapp raised his arms and was furious.

It makes a lot of Navy generals sweat, lieutenant general Kapp. Are you serious? It's your son after all. If you don't go, the two generals will lead the way, and they can understand it.

But it seems that lieutenant general Kapp is in high spirits.

"Set sail." The Green Pheasant takes a look and gives an order. Even Kapp can't stop them from arresting the dragon. The threat of the dragon is too great.

And Kapp doesn't have to protect the dragon.

The whole fleet went to the battlefield.

"The Navy's on the move. We're on the move." Those who dare to follow the navy are the troops of the allied countries.

It is one of the few powerful countries in the new world, which are similar to the countries of Hezhi that are easy to defend but difficult to attack. Some of them are even in the windless zone.

They follow the Navy, so naturally they don't have to worry that the Navy will expel them. After all, they are not the enemy.

"More and more people? Can you hold on? " Robin Xiang sweat dripping, gasping for breath asked, he and Luo, Bonis and others gathered together again.

They are powerful, but the cadres of other pirate regiments are not weak, and they have an advantage in the number of enemies. What's more, the number of enemies is still increasing.

It doesn't matter how much you knock down.

There was even a uniform that looked the same, and all the troops belonging to one country were involved, but they were soon beaten by several moves.

These guys don't know the strength of the enemy. They think that the superiority of the army will have an effect. But even if the army comes, its members can't be ordinary soldiers. At least they have to have super soldiers like one hundred to form a team to threaten them.

"Captain, what shall we do? Shall we do it?" Keela looked at the scuffle of Blackbeard, cold sweat, this group of monsters, is the new world's hegemony?

It's horrible.

Kidd also looks dignified, but he will not shrink back. Rosen was his target, but it is not what Kidd wants to besiege them at this time.

"Kill Blackbeard!" Not far away, Bonnie took the lead in saying that she ran towards Blackbeard. Can you tease me? court death.

"The goal remains the same, kill Blackbeard!" Kidd thought about it. Blackbeard was weak in the battle against the leader of the revolutionary army. Maybe taking the opportunity to win his head is a good opportunity for them to become famous.

"What do you think, Waldo? It seems that the drawing of this weapon has already fallen into the hands of the revolutionary army. " Not far away, in the shadow of a huge stone, the evil king looked at the distant battlefield and consulted Waldo.

"If the super warship had not been destroyed by the Warring States and the guy with the strange knife, it would have been razed to the ground in one shot." Waldo said faintly.

But now, it's not a good opportunity for them. After all, no one is easy to deal with. If you want to take food from these people, you need to be more patient and careful to see who can take the opportunity.

"The navy is on the move." Said Ayn, coming up to zephyr.

"Don't worry, let them fight first." Zefa is holding the power rock in his hand. He is weighing it. The pirates are all lawless. They have broken other people's country to pieces so easily.

Sure enough, all these people have to be destroyed.


"It's so exciting that even the leader of the revolutionary army has appeared, and there are so many legendary pirates. This newspaper must be a big hit!" Morgans said excitedly.

At this time, a strong torrent of air flew over and passed by his spaceship.

"A little higher." Morgans was startled. He didn't want his little brothers to fall down and be involved in the battle.

He won't fall. After all, he can fly.

"Good president." There are human beings, there are also some varieties, super intelligent news birds respond in unison.


"Here I am!" Hathaway said, "I'm here. Let Xiliu and the queen of happy street, who are surrounded by Rosen, feel awe inspiring. Did the second best master of the dawn Pirate Group release his hand?

Are all the animals and pirates a waste?

So many of them are not even involved in such important combat power? What are you talking about? It's a joke.

Since they plan to target the dawn Pirate Group, there is no lack of basic intelligence. Naturally, they also know that Hathaway's combat power is the second strongest.

And they have seen the battle just now, which is extremely powerful.

"Bang!" Hathaway cut on hiliu's Thunderstorm knife, and the two famous knives collided, instantly like thunder, while hiliu was directly shaken back for a distance.

Xiliu's face is dignified. This woman is so strong!

Rosen also seized the opportunity to kick Stuart West out, graceful and beautiful body suddenly blood dripping, even if the same level of experts, also dare not be easily attacked by Rosen.

Not to mention stutty, who is weaker.

"How did you get so hurt?" Rosen looked at Hathaway and frowned.

"It's all skin injuries. I cut off the elephant. I don't know where to go, but I don't think I can fight any more." Hathaway said, a sword cut out, flew to katakuli, but was perroth Perot's candy wall, barely blocked down.

Castad was waving a sword. Although she was not young, she looked very young, just like a girl in her twenties.

The sharp sword Qi came, but it was easily broken up by Rosen's black prison bullet.

But the general level of strength, if Rosen close, just a move, she can be abandoned.

"I'll take care of him. You stop them." Rosen said that the direct selection of katakuli as the opponent, so that ainilu can continue to accumulate Lei Ying, there is enough deterrent behind.

"Peros Perot, get out of the way. He's coming." Katakuli suddenly said with a very gloomy face. He foresaw that he was targeted.

But it's too late. Peros Perot just wanted to dodge. He was kicked out by Rosen and broke countless bones.

Peros Perot coughed blood and couldn't move on the ground.

"No, stop it!" Katakuli's face suddenly changed. He saw peros Perot dying.

Why? Isn't krocdal's goal his own? How did you become peros Perot.

The future that katakuli can foresee is limited by time. What he foresees now is the death of peros Perot. A few seconds later, if he is in the past, he can be saved.

And he'll save you.

But he is so shocked that he can't use the next time he sees and hears. He must keep calm enough to use it.

So when he panicked to protect peros Perot's life, it was doomed that the next time he saw and heard was unpredictable, and he couldn't escape.

"Although you can't avoid it after you feel it, for the sake of insurance, you can't use it for a short time. I don't have so much time to spend with you. Let's fight it out."

Rosen said to himself that the whole person was full of momentum. The fierce and powerful color swept away and enveloped the whole island. The strong sense of oppression made people who were lower than him tremble from the heart.

The domineering color almost condenses into essence, and the golden waves ripple around.

Rosen held up a huge sword in both hands, and countless dust quickly gathered together. Gold and black domineering wind up. The speed reached the extreme, and the power reached the peak in a flash. No, it was beyond the peak.

Because when he knocked out Mingo, he became stronger! The power of fury makes the surrounding sea very turbulent, and the tide of terrifying energy makes everyone look sideways.

This is a full blow from the general level. No one dares to underestimate it, even the fourth emperor.