"You want to get involved?" Rosen took a look at Barrett. Although he was a bit surprised, he was not afraid. After all, not long ago, Rosen did not flinch in the face of so many strong men.

Even if Barrett recovers completely, if he is faced with the lineup of just now and besieged by many generals, even the fourth emperor can't guarantee that he won't fall.

So Rosen has no fear of it.

"I want everything that can enhance my strength, but not today." Barrett said, driving the submarine away.

"It seems that he has not fully recovered, or is preparing for something. I don't know whether fista has got the permanent pointer of Lavrov..." Rosen is still very concerned about this.

If they do, I'm afraid they're already planning a frenzy.

But it's not a good time to start anyway. Is it really possible that we are so close?

Rosen is a little bit unreal.

Looking at the battle breaking out in the distant sea of fire, Rosen does not intend to participate now. Whoever dies or lives is good. Rosen, who has become the winner, still has many things to deal with.

And I'm afraid that both sides of aunt Kato won't give up easily. Maybe revenge is coming, so we have to be prepared.

However, unless they do it in person, it is possible to bring a threat to Rosen, but it is just a threat. Maybe the four emperors are beyond the normal. However, Rosen's three major general level strength, together with Shanghai Sewei and others, as long as they are no longer under siege like today, even if they face the four emperors and keep their life stable, it is still no problem.

The birth of this situation today is nothing more than that many legendary pirates have made a wrong assessment of the strength of the dawn Pirate Group. However, after today's World War I, no one dares to underestimate them.

Maybe they can kill Rosen together, but the problem is that Rosen's level of strength is very likely to pull several experts of the same level on the road before they die.

And the premise is who is willing to be dragged on the road by them?

No one is willing to. This can be seen from the battle just now. No pirate alliance is really United. There are too many things to stab in the back.

Everyone is waiting for an opportunity.

The ship headed for DREZ Rosa. Valentine's day and others who got the news turned back in the Liming. In fact, liming was not too far away, but was moving and wandering in the nearby waters.

But also encountered small-scale attacks, is the encounter.

Valentine's day and Natalie and the other crew were also injured.

"I killed a big guy with a bounty of 40 million Bailey today!" Natalie said with a silly smile, ignoring her little face.

During the voyage, dawn encountered a small group of pirates who were sent out to search, but they were not the main force. After all, Rosen was their first target.

It's more important to get a warship than to get a whole design drawing.

"Great." Rosen rarely did not hate Natalie. It can be seen that she tried her best to let a child do his best. This is his fault.

"Such a young boy won 40 million Pele's pirates?" Tezolo's men, Mr. Tanaka and Baccara, were both surprised to see Natalie.

Are adults big monsters and villains small monsters in the dawn Pirate Group?

At this time, the manatee also asked for credit, took out a reward order, on which a 250 million Bailey pirate was offered a reward. Then he tore it into pieces and pointed at himself.

"Hahaha, OK, everyone did a good job. Let's tell you, the party is coming!" Seeing this, Rosen said with a hearty smile.

Although this battle is difficult and many people have been injured, it has achieved great results. After this battle, as long as aunt Kato doesn't attack, they will have a firm foothold in the new world.

"It's amazing." Taizolo looks at the manatee, his eyes are full of doting, but he is found by Robin. Robin holds the manatee in his arms and declares his sovereignty.

But little manatee didn't want to jump on Rosen's shoulder.

"Yes, it's time to have a party, meat and fish!"

DREZ Rosa, the whole world celebrates. After the people know about the conspiracy of Alfred Domingo and their secret control, they are only grateful to the dawn pirate group who occupied DREZ Rosa.

In addition, the old royal clans like King liku and Rebecca are more recognized by the masses after they understand the truth.

It turns out that king liku raised money in order to protect the country and kill people, which was controlled by the fruit ability of Alfred Domingo.

On that night, in addition to leaving the basic garrison personnel, the land of DREZ Rosa lit a bonfire of celebration, which was almost a national celebration. Parties were held everywhere, and all the expenses were paid by the dawn Pirate Group.

In fact, he used the savings of Alfred Domingo, who had copied all the palaces. Moreover, Alfred Domingo really had a lot of money in the past few years. This can be seen from the time when he offered a reward to usop.

There are still billions of Bailey's funds in Alfred Domingo's hands, and when he counted them, he found two demon fruits, which are not man-made.

Rosen is not surprised by this. You know, in total, the ability of Alfred Domingo can be said to be one of the largest in all the pirate groups. If the man-made is not included, even the exposed animal Pirate Group is not as good as Mingo.

The underground middlemen are not so well-known. Almost the whole group of pirates, together with punk hassad's subordinates, are capable men.

So there is the devil fruit, which is expected. The devil fruit is checking what kind of ability it is. Looking at the laughter of the whole dawn Pirate Group in the big courtyard, Rosen knows that everything is worth it.

However, there are still several problems to be solved. One is the cadres captured by dorfermingo. The second is the artificial devil fruit process of the factory. How much can the output be? After all, it's a quick way for other subordinates to strengthen themselves.

For this reason, we should not be disappointed if we do not hesitate to have a confrontation with the hundred beasts Pirate Group. The third is how to arrange for the national political leaders of DREZ Rosa. The fourth is that it is almost time to recruit the strong pirates.

The result of this war will be known to the whole world tomorrow. His fame will go up to a higher level and more people will be needed to guard their territory.

But that's all on hold tonight.

"What do you want to talk to me about?" Tazolo sat on the gold chair, Baccara pouring wine for him, looking at Rosen asked.

"Why help me?" Rosen didn't answer immediately, but asked a question that tezolo didn't want to answer.

"I was happy to do it, so I did it."

Rosen was silent, looked at the cigar in his hand, knocked, lit it, and then said slowly, "it's not because I want revenge?"

The smile on tezorro's face suddenly solidified.

Baccara was stunned for a moment. The captain with this look had never seen her for many years.

"Every time I talk to you, it's disgusting."

"That's because it's all true. In fact, it's just Tianlong people. It's not that you can't kill them." Rosen knows that taizolo can't put it down, and it's impossible to put it down. It's just that he made a mistake in his previous efforts.

While in Andia, Rosen made a little correction, and now he is on the right track.

"I'm not a lunatic like you." Taizolo didn't feel that Rosen was talking big, because from the past events, the general, Tianlong people, he had killed.

"Your enemy, I know who he is. I heard that he is still living well. How about helping me? I'll help you kill him in the future." Rosen held out his glass and came to drink on Valentine's day.