Rosen's bounty went up from 1.88 billion Bailey to 2.299 billion Bailey.

Hathaway's bounty went up from 1.2 billion Bailey to 1.35 billion Bailey.

The Eniro bounty went from 740 million Bailey to 1.02 billion Bailey.

Robin's bounty went up from 520 million Bailey to 700 million Bailey.

Bonis bounty went up from 440 million Bailey to 560 million Bailey.

Rowe's bounty went up from 340 million to 500 million.

The Valentine's Day bounty went up from 190 million Bailey to 300 million Bailey.

The lobucci bounty went up from 0 Bailey to 120 million Bailey. The reward was offered for the first time with special status, and the reward was seriously lowered.

The rewards of urki, Mr. 5 Miggs and others did not fluctuate. After all, they did not participate in the war, and the Navy did not pay so much attention to them.

Of course, it is worth mentioning that in this war, the reward of manatees was successfully raised from 100 Bailey to 1000 Bailey, which is the fastest rising one of all.

In addition, there are other outstanding and fast-growing crew members who have been offered a reward ranging from 10 million to 50 million Bailey, including kalifa, Kaku and Natalie.

Well, that's right. Natalie's been offered a reward.

At the moment, she was very excited: "Wahaha... I've been offered a reward. I'm finally offered a reward. I'm also a qualified pirate, 10 million Bailey! Uncle, look... Sister, look... This is me. Wow, it's a good picture... "

Natalie, with a wanted warrant, wanders in front of Rosen Hathaway and others. She is so happy that she is not paid for nothing at last.

"Remember to give me a raise." Natalie showed up in front of Rosen.

Rosen has a headache. Are the Navy idiots second class? How to offer a reward to a child for eating your rice? Or did you hit your parent officer?

In fact, now the Navy headquarters is also depressed, because they arrested a 40 million Bailey's pirate, and then the pirate called out a little monster, a little monster and so on.

At first glance, they were beaten to pieces. Then they were tortured. They came to the conclusion that the so-called little monster was actually just a child in the dawn Pirate Group.

Originally, the superior did not intend to offer a reward, but the pirate madly suggested that the Navy offer a reward to the child, because this is what the child said to him, so that if he is caught, he must say it.

If the pirate is caught, he will not be reconciled. He must want to drag the murderer into the water.

When the Navy thought about it, the kid in the dawn Pirate Group was so arrogant, and it was learned from the pirate that he was really beaten up one-on-one.

So after the Navy decided, it issued a reward for Natalie, which is 10 million Bailey. If the reward is set too high, I'm afraid the world will laugh at them and say that they are afraid of a child.

But it's no good not to offer a reward. After all, although the people are small, their combat effectiveness is real, and there are still threats. If they are so small, they can kill 40 million Pele pirates. Who knows how far they will grow in the future.

And the manatee. I heard that a big pirate was crying for a big reward. He said that he was threatened by the manatee. Finally, the officer yelled at the navy in charge of landing intelligence with a black face.

You said that even if you offer a reward to someone, how can you even offer a reward to a pet? Do you want to offer a reward for the ants on the dawn? Besides, pets are so cute, how can they be offered a high price reward? It's too poor

"What are these two devil fruits?" Rosen looked at the two demon fruits on the table and asked Bonis after investigating the situation.

"Animal, scorpion and Superman are soft fruits." Bonis said.

"Soft fruit? What are the characteristics of competence? " Scorpion fruit, this animal is very intuitive, but soft fruit Rosen suddenly did not expect.

"According to the record, this is a fruit that can make any object soft, or fragile, and elastic at the same time." Bonis explained.

"Well? There are three kinds of attribute States, which seem to have certain shaping It can make objects weak and then fragile, and it also has elasticity. These characteristics, if well developed, seem to be good capabilities.

"Yes, boss, if you have the chance to take two demon fruits, I hope scorpion fruit can give me." Bonis said suddenly.

"You want scorpion fruit? Say the reason. " Rosen frowns. Bonis is his right man. If conditions permit, Rosen hopes to get a better fruit. Scorpion fauna may be good, but it's not very good in Rosen's memory.

There are more possibilities.

"I've checked this fruit. It has a strong ability to release toxins and take drugs. The animal Pirate Group and plague Quinn are still alive. If he doesn't fight us head-on next time, but secretly releases plague on the island, we can't prevent it..." Bonis said his reason.

Rosen thought that Bonis's words are reasonable. Although scorpion fruit may not be able to absorb all the pestilence toxins, it should have some effects.

Therefore, Bonis's consideration is relatively complete.

"Let's put it first. Don't worry. Let's collect the fruits in the new world to see what kind of demon fruits we can get. Then we can make a choice. There's no need to consider taking the demon fruits because of a single effect. What we're considering is to match your existing ability as much as possible... As for the poisonous gas, there's a lot to worry about. Don't worry too much for the time being." Rosen thought about it and said.

"All right." Bonis naturally has no opinion on this. Since the boss has arrangements, he can follow the boss's advice.


After Bonis stepped down, Hathaway came back from the prison. After drinking a glass of water, she looked at Rosen and said, "most of the men in dorfermingo are willing to surrender, including baby5, bafaro, senior, sugar, and other inconspicuous and unwilling ones. I've disposed of them."

"I've worked hard for you. Did you take anything out of their mouth?" Rosen is not surprised. Needless to say, baby5, I think I can recruit you if I need you.

As for the others, bafaro and baby5 are partners. After the death of Alfred Domingo, they are hit hard and hate each other. But they have been pirates for so long.

There is still this awareness. Not everyone has the courage to accompany him to death.

Saini Orr once led to the tragedy of his wife because he was the leader of the Ming Dynasty brother and the thief. So the sense of belonging to Tang Jike's family may be less intense than others.

Sugar is simply not determined. If Mingge is still alive and wants them to surrender, it is not easy to achieve even with Hathaway.

But Mingo is dead, and they have to rethink their future.

"You took out some things and materials and sent them to sister Robin. After integrating them with the data from punk hassad Caesar, you can calculate the yield of the artificial devil fruit. At present, apart from the rare materials, it seems that you don't need other harsh conditions. If there are not enough personnel, Punk hassad has caught some pirates..."

"Well." Rosen nodded.

Rosen is very concerned about this. The yield of artificial devil fruit should not be very high. Otherwise, over the years, Kato could not have only a few hundred talents.

But I hope it's not too low. After all, only five can produce one more capacity position. If only five can be produced in a year, it's too chicken.

So Rosen is waiting for Robin's statistics.