Boom boom! The two people constantly collide, with rings of air waves and sparks and lightning scattered everywhere in the air. Especially with the special environment of Raytheon Island, there is no more doomsday scene like this.

"Enilu, you go back to DREZ Rosa first!" After thousands of fierce attacks, Rosen and diocesan took the initiative.

But it's not so easy to turn this initiative into a winning rate.

In this case, we can only let ainilu go back to DREZ Rosa first, so as not to drag on for a long time, and everyone will rush for the magma fruit again.

When we get to DREZ Rosa, there is Hathaway, other members of the Pirate Group, and the Pluto. I'm afraid no pirate group dares to attack DREZ Rosa alone, except for the four emperors.

But at the moment, even if the four emperors attack DREZ Rosa, Rosen is not afraid, because with a smile and Raleigh's character, they can't sit by and watch DREZ Rosa be destroyed.

"I understand!" Ainilu naturally doesn't worry about Rosen. Now the captain's strength is beyond his ability. However, when the things at hand are falling behind, he should also practice in Raytheon island.

This place is very conducive to the improvement of his fruit ability.

"Let's go." Enilu and Bonis left.

As long as the fruit of the magma is not here, even if other pirates come, the probability of launching an siege on Rosen is not high, and Rosen alone, even if the fourth Emperor himself comes, he can go.

There's nothing to be afraid of, of course.

"Damn it, this guy is much better than me in both strength and speed. If he can't do it alone now, I'm afraid he won't have a chance in the future..." diocesan was more and more frightened.

What they want from each other is to eradicate each other, not to go on like this. Rosen is powerful, but unless the opponent makes a huge mistake.

Otherwise, at most you can only hurt him. It's not easy to kill him, even though Rosen has already become a three event general.

If diocesan wants to escape, it's hard for Rosen to keep him.

But both of them didn't give up. After all, it's only a theoretical statement. Now they are both calculating with each other in the battle, as long as the other side falls into the trap and suffers losses.

Then the war situation may turn around in an instant, but at their level, it's not easy to make mistakes and be counted.

"Sand bite finger!" In Rosen's food, the two fingers are together. The red sand inside is burning and vibrates with high frequency. The domineering and collapsing abilities are concentrated here in an instant.

Suddenly a point out, diocesan wine barrel a block, but a very strong penetrating wave or through the barrel, and hit diocesan body.

This spiral air wave penetrates a mountain behind diocese and smashes the top of the mountain.

However, diocese, who was shot by the air gun, vomited only a mouthful of blood, just like nothing happened. His body is much stronger than the mountain peak.

"The spirit of resentment is attached to the body!" The huge resentment spirit is attached to diocesan. He intends to work hard. Otherwise, he just passively accepts Rosen's attack.

It's not what he wants. He wants Rosen dead!

"Ah, ah!" The spirit of resentment is painful, so when he is attached to diocese, he is also painful, but this pain can make him strengthen himself with the help of the spirit of resentment.

In addition to tormenting the dead soul as the source of strength, the bitter spirit who is the fruit of bitter spirit can also make the powerful bitter spirit cling to his body and push his strength to a new peak.

When the spirit of resentment is possessed, diocese becomes very terrible. Like a ferocious monster, he chooses people to eat. He is bloody, his arms have become ghost claws, and his eyes are red.

This tall body, at the moment also pulled up a height.

"It's like a monster." Rosen frowned and felt some threat.

Any general level master who goes all out and works hard can't be underestimated, just as he once did.

"Ah..." diocesan suddenly roared. The sound waves, wave after wave, made Rosen feel that his emotions seemed to be aroused.

And it's like the blast sound wave of the strong wind. It's also very powerful. All the rocks nearby turn into dust.

Rosen no longer hesitated. The awakening area was covered. Within the visible eye, it was all turned into yellow sand, and a strange ability was blessed on the battlefield.

Let any enemy, have a sense of weakness, diocese's roaring sound wave attack is also weak a lot.

"Die Diocesan slapped it instead of taking the bucket.

With huge palms and sharp fingers, Rosen was fearless, armed and domineering. He leaned back and punched hard.

The red sand is boiling, concise and domineering roaring, and a blow is sent out from the air. In an instant, a column of air pours at diocese.

With a bang, the air column collided with diocesan's palm, and diocesan was separated from the air by the air column.

"Lingcha!" But diocesan, who flew backwards, also made an attack, but Rosen couldn't see it until he saw and heard it.

It's too late to escape.

"Armed color, hardness and rigidity!" Rosen's whole body is strong and powerful. In this way, no matter what ability it is, Rosen is totally fearless.

Whoa! An invisible resentment spirit splits on the body and dies after a shrill scream.

Rosen's armed and domineering spirit has reached a height that ordinary people can't reach.

One hit to defend, Rosen took advantage of the victory to pursue, step a little, disappear in a flash, the next moment appeared in front of diocesan, a punch to his body, but was blocked by the elbow.

But the fight between them was many times louder than the thunder on the island.

Rumbling, the close contact between the two sides is to hit hundreds of moves... The whole island, mountain one after another smashed.

"These two bastards, when do you want to fight? Don't beat the thunder god to pieces. I can live on this..." not far away, the ghost mother-in-law stood on a boat and said wistfully.

As for the other pirates, although they also watched, they did not dare to get close at all.

"Hahaha, there are still quite a lot of pirates. Take a few back..." at this time, the Navy warships appeared. Although there were only three, the leader let the onlookers disperse as birds.

Because it's Kapp! He also wanted to see if he could get the fruit of magma.

"Lieutenant General Kapp, he just caught several pirates. From their mouths, he learned that the magma fruit had fallen into the hands of the dawn Pirate Group, but the people with the fruit had evacuated. Now diocese and klocdal are fighting on the island!"

"Well, I saw it. It's very hot. It's good. I've decided. I'll go to fight too!" Kapp took off his Navy cape and showed his strong physique.

"Two thousand shells first, say hello to them first! I've done such a big thing last time, but I haven't settled with them yet! " Kapp twisted his neck and bones, making a clattering sound.