Under the gaze of Rosen and others, a black gold metal sphere floated slowly from a central casting platform in the cracks of the island.

The cruise Guardian controls the metal sphere and hands it to Luo, who takes it.

You can see the dense lines on the black gold metal sphere. Through the lines, you can vaguely see that there seems to be a mass of magma like energy boiling inside.

There's amazing energy in it.

"Mission accomplished, about to go to sleep..."

"Luo, ask them if they will help you." Rosen quickly reminded that these robots and cruisers are not weak, although just a little superficial.

But to put it bluntly, if Rosen had not known that the cruiser had such a blood lineage detection system, according to the number of robots seen in the split island.

I'm afraid they all go together. Even if they win, it's not an easy fight.

"Can you help me?" Luo asked quickly before the cruiser fell asleep.

"Inheritor, do you need help?" The cruiser was stunned. It seems that there is no such task in his design just now.

"Yes, I need help." Luo nodded.

"Help task activation, writing..." since Luo's blood and mental state have been approved, only some intelligent cruisers will naturally accept his new orders.

Rosen can think of this, of course, because Natalie was recognized by the same robot at the beginning, but that one was too damaged

Otherwise, if it can recover, Rosen thinks it will be more effective than this one.

Enilu is always agitating, but there is no sign of recovery for the time being. In addition, DREZ Rosa's new Pluto materials are also being collected, and enilu's time is not so full.

But seeing the structure of the island and the mechanical country on such a grand scale, Rosen already had an idea in his mind.

That is to transfer the construction site of Pluto. Although Dressel and Rosa are their sites, they are too conspicuous after all. They are too many eyes and are not safe.

If you are here, concealment is absolutely the most advanced. With the help of so many forging robots, maybe Pluto can speed up the completion.

But only if they can control the appearance and hiding of the island.

"What do you rely on here to hide such a large island?" Asked Rosen.

However, the cruiser took a look at Rosen and did not answer. He could only ask Rosen to repeat the question.

"Heaven and man island has the strongest environmental control machine, which can guide the environment, confuse, and use the storm to drive out the enemy ships approaching without being noticed..." the cruiser said, a metal tower rising from the ground and into the sky.

It's very long, and it's very strong, and above the tower, Rosen saw a lot of hot and cold bubbles and dark clouds coming out, and then quickly spread to the whole sky.

The rainstorm turned into thunderstorm, and the wind became stronger.

"It's very similar to the technology that Nami learned in xiaokongdao. No, it should be said that those are the technologies that spread from here. It should be that hundreds of years ago, Qinghai people or kongdao people learned this kind of technology that should be popular at that time..."

Rosen has been able to determine that the origin of the empty Island civilization is closely related to the civilization in front of him,

Since there are controllable devices, it means that they no longer need to rely on the king's permanent pointer to get in and out of the island as before.

After making it clear, the island, under the new order, has become one again, because the robot and the island often open and close.

There are no animals in the whole island.

After that, Rosen asked the robot to work normally and maintain the operation of the island. He told Robin and others about the idea of taking this place as a secret base, which was recognized by everyone.

So after confirming the incident, Rosen calls Hathaway and asks ainilu to come with some elite soldiers overnight. Meanwhile, Rosen gives them command.

So they can build a base on the island.

So Rosen and they stayed on the island one more day, waiting for enilu to bring the soldiers.

"This is the kingdom of heaven, Yaha ha ha..." when I saw the construction robot of such a scale, ainilu exclaimed. For ainilu, who is keen on maintenance and construction, this is indeed a kingdom of heaven.

Although he was originally from heaven, it did not hinder his joy at the moment.


Rosen attaches great importance to the strategic significance here. The existence of DREZ Rosa is too conspicuous, so the appearance of this island can play a very important role.

After explaining the good things, Rosen told enilu and others to be careful not to let any tail follow in when they went in and out of the island.

Although ainilu's seeing and hearing is domineering, and the radio waves of thunder are almost invincible in perception, it can't be too careless.

After that, Rosen continued to sail.

"The front is aunt's territory." Robin's face is a little dignified. Aunt, a monster who has been in the new world for decades, I don't know how many strong people have challenged her, but all of them have failed.

It's not that they don't have confidence, but Charlotte Lingling's reputation has deterred the world for too long, and Rosen doesn't dare to underestimate it. After all, this is a super monster that can make countless strong people unable to move by virtue of strange sound.

But there was no retreat.

"Give them a call, Baron eggshell, and borrow a way." Rosen nibbled at his cigar and said faintly, informing him that he was not here to attack aunt.

"Well." Robin nodded.

From a distance, they can see islands that are not big, such as cakes and desserts, and even the sea is flowing with cream and so on.

This makes people who have never seen it marvel. There are too many things that common sense can't explain in this sea.

When they entered the sea, they could smell the sweet and greasy smell in the air.

At the moment, on the two islands at the edge of the sea, many pawn like soldiers saw the ship of the dawn Pirate Group and immediately got busy.

Once there is no new order, they will follow the daily rules and eliminate any forces and pirates who try to invade the world.

Blu Blu blu.

All of a sudden, the captain's phone rang. It was the order of the Baron egg: "let them pass."

In China.

"Mom, why let them pass? They killed brother peros Perot." A mother's son asked.

"Are you questioning my decision?" The mother's gloomy face looked down at the son and his subordinates. A sense of despairing oppression immediately made the pirate, who had paid more than 400 million Bailey, feel weak.

At this time, if the aunt wants to extract his life span, it's easy, but the rational aunt has a sense of propriety, provided that it doesn't involve food.

"No, I dare not..."

"You idiots, if you fall out with the dawn Pirate Group, if you lose my dessert factory in Fishman Island, it will be a big loss... Ma ~ ma..." aunt looks forward to it.

Many people know about the relationship between white star and Rosen. After all, the damma Pirate Group is not as close to the dawn Pirate Group as the fishman island.

In addition, recently, Kato suffered a small loss in this guy's hands, but she is waiting to see a good play. Over the years, there are not many people who can make Kato suffer a loss, except for his red hair and once white beard.

Maybe if it goes on like this, it's not certain that Kato will find himself sooner or later., After all, he doesn't have time, but he does.