Aunt wants to continue to attack Brussels, but Rosen makes a move. Seven black sand blades, such as several sharp peaks, push across and cover a wide area.

"Hum!" Smudge and other cadres in front of Rosen, see, draw out the sword, she cut up a knife, thought to be able to cut, the whole person was directly shocked out.

"Smuggie!" Kerry was surprised. The sand crocodile was very strong. He wore biscuit armor and condensed shield to block one of the black giant sand swords.

But the pace is not stable, directly pushed to walk, difficult to resist.

"Get out of the way." Aunt looked at it and said that the Craig had to leave. In fact, he couldn't carry it.

Aunt grabs Zeus with one hand, and Prometheus also comes near. Aunt's other hand slaps the ground in an instant, with a loud bang. A huge thunder pillar twines the flame and bursts open in an instant.

The whole earth collapses in an instant, and the destruction of thunder and fire is extremely strong. Theoretically speaking, aunt's ability can give life to any element, which also means that she is almost a person of all natural abilities.

Waves, thunder clouds, flames, these are the things that Auntie gave her soul.

It's just because it's given, so it can't be produced and sold by itself like the natural system. After the outbreak, it takes a certain time for "homies" to recover.

Moreover, compared with herself, these means are stronger, but she is stronger.

With the palm of aunt's hand, the thunder fire column spewed into the ground, and then burst out from under Rosen's huge sand sword, instantly tearing Rosen's attack to pieces.

"You'd better clean up first." After looking at Brussels, she turned her eyes to Rosen. She also knew that there was no result for the time being, and she was not in a good mood because she was rejected.

There's an urgent need for someone to let her vent.

With one blow, Rosen's attack was broken. With Prometheus in her hand, aunt ejected a super concentrated flame giant whip.

"Peng!" Rosen blocked it with the Czar's sword, but he was still shaken for a distance.

As soon as she stepped off the ground, she stepped out like a monster of the wind and came to Rosen in a moment. Her face was gloomy and horrible.

Hoo Hoo... Aunt's right hand is covered with armed color. With one blow, the whole air solidifies instantly.

"Sandstorm!" Rosen's right arm also instantly entered the limit state, slightly expanded a circle of fists, facing up.

With the sound of boom, the waves of shock, wave after wave, overlapped and swept to all directions.

"Mom's attack is blocked again!? How is that possible? " Smuggie and cleggia were shocked, although they heard that katakuli had been defeated by sand crocodiles.

But compared with katakuli, the gap is not so big.

"This seems to be the newly rising four emperors. Sure enough, there are few people who can resist Lingling's attack in this big sea."

It's a surprise for Brussels to see this. Even he is a giant, burning giant's blood in his body, and fighting against aunt's attack with red domineering.

But if it is a normal human, even if he has such strength, without the giant body to play the super red domineering, the hard fight just now will be enough to cause him serious injury.

But for now, the sand crocodile has resisted.

"It's a monster. Although it's not as invincible as Kapp's fist bone, its explosive power is a little stronger than Kapp." Rosen made such a conclusion with one blow.

Sure enough, it's on the same level as the monsters like Karp, and it's more dangerous, because these people are used to killing, and they are cruel in nature. However, Karp still insists on a relatively normal view of justice in his heart.

So when you hit and collide with aunt, you can not only feel the bottomless power, but also the strong murderous spirit that almost becomes the essence.

"Hiss!" A flash of lightning burst out at the intersection of the two men's boxing, and both of them were unwilling to give in, constantly breaking out stronger power.

The heart of the strong makes their fighting spirit burn and boil instantly.

The two men roared at the same time, and their strength broke out to the peak in an instant. The two kinds of domineering colors washed away all life bodies within tens of kilometers. Many soldiers suddenly fell down as they walked.

"Poop Even some of the hundred battle men of the giant clan can't bear the pressure and lose their consciousness. They are too close to each other.

"Withdraw first!" When Brussels saw this, he ordered that even he felt unprecedented oppression in this kind of fighting, let alone soldiers.

In such an environment, even his combat effectiveness will be affected.

"Overlord? Sure enough, you also have! Ma ~ Ma ~ "although she was a little bit surprised, she was not very strong. In this big sea, the overlord's talent is more often just a ticket for the king.

Creak! Rosen's arm groaned, very dangerous, and then, a huge force came, Rosen was surprised, aunt had extra power?!

In an instant, Rosen was shocked to fly out, but soon the sand on the ground put up a sand wall and stopped him.

But as soon as he stopped, Rosen shaved and pulled away. As soon as he left, Napoleon cut out a flame. The sand wall was divided into two parts, and the ground was cut open. The cracks were full of burning flames attached to the wall, and they would not go out.

This is a direct change of the environment, the flame with soul, the flame sputtered out, just like endless.

However, Rosen was not surprised. The battle between the green pheasant and the red dog completely changed the ecological environment of punk hassad. Many underground plates drifted, magma flowed, and houses burned forever, while the other side turned into an ice sheet

Now, at their level, a move to attack may cause permanent environmental change to a certain place.

After dodging, Rosen quickly gets close to her and kicks her directly. She doesn't seem to want to hide.

Her defense, even she did not know where the limit was, she felt there was no need to hide.

With a loud bang, Rosen hit her with one foot and shot out directly from the back of her body, making a huge gap in a city ten kilometers away.

But aunt just staggered a few steps, and then completely stood firm, even no injury.

"Fire on the sky!" Mother seized Prometheus and poured in a lot of soul power. Prometheus instantly expanded and became huge, and then a group of flames covered Rosen like a rainstorm.

Purgatory Tornado

In the face of endless firebombs, Rosen raised his hand, ten tornado sandstorms rolled up in the sky, sweeping all the flames to other directions.

But at this time.

Boom... A huge palm shot, it's the aunt's attack, the huge power on the palm, let Rosen have no doubt, some of the top generals, if they get this move, they will be killed on the spot.

The aftershock of the attack did not disappear. Rosen and aunt thundered in an instant and collided again. The whole ground sank in an instant. The confrontation between the two four emperors put heavy pressure on the whole island.

Fortunately, the territory of Baiwu kingdom is big enough!

"I haven't seen a pirate like this with my mother for a long time." Smudge and Craig don't dare to get too close.

For ordinary pirates, they are already very well-known strong men and masters, but compared with the two men in front of them, they are a little insignificant.

"Get everyone out of the battlefield, these monsters on the sea, what are you doing on land?" Ruruya watched the battle on the far slope and gave orders to his subordinates.

Who knows if the two will continue to fight.