The fire in the city is still burning, Rufus's eyes are more dignified than ever, because not only did he see the cadres of sand crocodile captured, but also chostu intact.

Although unwilling to think about the bad possibility, the fact seems to be in front of us. Is the sand crocodile dead?

Rufus doesn't believe it, but if not, what about them?

Rufus is in danger when facing the siege of field and Surma. At this time, he doesn't care about his ability to hide, but even if he doesn't hide, he may not be able to last long in the face of two super strong men.

If he wants to escape alone, it's still possible, but there are always times when a man can't escape. At present, too many people are following him in the battle, and his sister is also there.

In this case, they can only die and die, and Brussels is resisted by rubit and derriguez, who are also Rufus's powerful experts.

The rest of the admirals, CP0 and giant fighters were fought by the Legion leaders, but they kept falling. They were fighting with their lives. It was enough for them to fight giant fighters.

But now, the other side has not only the admiral to join, but also the CP0 members, as well as the captains of two underground kings. Of course, Rufus also has the rebel army to join.

However, Rufus is far inferior in terms of the number of top-level combat power and medium-level strong men. In order to get him out of the siege, many army commanders have resisted their attacks with their lives.

Looking at a powerful soldier, turned into a cold body, Rufus eyes burning with anger.

Now Rufus's casualties are increasing, and Rufus also knows that if he is defeated, the high-level of the war will be decapitated by them, which means the defeat of the war at that time.

So Rufus still can't die. Now after paying a heavy price, he can barely stand still for a while. Maybe there will be a turn for the better. He is not willing to fail like this.

"Rufus, let's go. I've already guessed your purpose. As the deputy commander of CP0, it's wrong to covet ancient weapons, but the crime is not fatal. Come back with me and accept the punishment." It's a stack of air sheets.

Although Rufus twisted most of his attacks, some of his powerful domineering spirit still passed through his body, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

The next moment.

Rufus wanted to fight back, but sulma cut it. Rufus stepped back in time and was cut off a strand of hair.

"Field, is that all you think about in your head? I don't believe it. " Rufus sneered, since field knows his purpose, then his real identity doesn't have to guess, underground king, soldier master.

"It's just some underground business. As long as you are willing to become a dragon sword, I believe that five old stars and Lord im will let bygones be bygones." After all, they have been colleagues and comrades in arms for more than 30 years.

It's not as deep as feeling, but it's also a pity to watch Rufus die like this. After all, Rufus is very powerful and useful to the world government.

"I'll help you too, speed regeneration!" King chostu saw that there seemed to be a lot of friendship between field and Rufus. His eyes twinkled for a moment, and he decided not to look on, though not very elegant.

But now it is still the most important to win Rufus, so King chostu showed his strength for the first time. His body muscles are wriggling and twitching wildly, and the whole person swells like an inflatable meatball.

But it's not that the expansion of the overall balance becomes larger, but that when it becomes larger, the whole person is like a lumpy piece of meat. To put it more vividly, it is to insert both hands and feet on a piece of meat.

But the ball was tight, like a muscle ball. Chostu slapped Rufus, and a swirling column of air burst out of his palm.

Rufus's eyes suddenly coagulated, and all the places where he stood were undulating and twisted like waves. Even his position seemed to be misplaced.

It's clear that chostu's attack is directly towards him, but he still fails to hit, passing by, Rufus distorts the distance of space.

Boom! But this air ripple directly blasted a tall building with amazing power.

King chostu's strike has attracted many people's attention, because it is very powerful. Even if there is no general level, at least there is a quasi general or a general.

Although such strength is not the top among many strong men, we should know that chostu himself is not a fighter. He is the king of a country and the top of the powerful.

This kind of strength is almost impossible for those noble and royal families, because since ancient times, dignitaries disdain to wield knives and guns.

"You'd better take him down first, so as not to have too many dreams at night." Chostu opened his mouth. After hearing this, Surma stepped up his attack.

Field is staring at Rufus, eyes heavy and some vigilance: "did not expect that you should develop the ability to wake up, really beyond my expectation, you hide very deep ah."

"Just like each other." Rufus cope with the attack of Surma, exposed the biggest card, wake up, he deal with more leisurely.

However, it is unrealistic to say that we can fight these enemies by awakening. At most, we just delay the time of defeat.

"I can't keep you. I'm sorry!" The deeper Rufus hides, the more murderous filde will be, because it means that Rufus's imaginary enemy and target are likely to be the aristocracy of the world.

Otherwise, why do you hide your strength in front of them and the world government all the time, and also deliberately develop it in terms of awakening, for fear that the five old stars and Lord im will target him?

Boom boom! The three men besieged Rufus, ruruya and rubit together. They were worried, but they were also very dangerous. They wanted to help him, but they had no chance.

Poof! A blood spatter in the air, Rufus finally can't bear the three people's joint efforts. When field uses the frozen border to block Rufus's awakening field, he is slashed by Surma.

Although the twist ability has shifted part of its power, the knife is still deep in the bone.

"Rufus!" Ruruya was startled and distracted. He was kicked off by a CP0 member and hit the wall fiercely.

"My Lord!" Rubit was also dignified.

"It looks like a total failure this time, ruby. Retreat and take her away." Rufus gave a quiet smile.

"My Lord! We haven't lost yet Rubit is not reconciled to say that if they leave, it is to leave Rufus and let Rufus give them back.

So many of them could escape, but Rufus was sure to die.

"It's an order!"

"I'll run away. If you want to run away, run by yourself!" Ruruya was ungrateful. How could she not think of the result of her escape.

"Don't worry, none of you can escape! When Wang solves him, it's your turn. " Joe Stuart gave a cruel smile.

These traitors will finally pay a heavy price today. As he once thought, he is the ultimate winner and everything is under control.