The battle of Baiwu Kingdom continues, and aunt begins to be injured. However, the two of them have been killed in the battle. Aunt's face is not good-looking.

After all, these two ministers are all her children. It's a pity that they died like this.

After all, it costs a lot to cultivate strong people who can carry the flag.

"Bastard sand crocodile!" Aunt angry, breathing is also short, the whole person looks embarrassed, even if the fourth emperor is a monster.

It can't bear the attack of so many strong men, and once smugjik died, all the troops of Baiwu kingdom were aimed at aunt.

Her situation is more and more dangerous, just a white light even fell on aunt's arm, almost decomposed her.

But she just relied on her natural tough body and strange power, in the case of paying arm injury, broke free.

What's more, it's a few white lights that break free. As one of the top fighting forces in the world, even the king of heaven can't absolutely suppress her.

But it's enough because of this mistake.

Aunt ate Rosen and others to fight with all their strength, and the whole person flew back to a clearing with blood.

Then, thousands of guns roared, and the scene was very terrible. If it was an ordinary small island, it would have been blown to pieces by the artillery carried by hundreds of thousands of troops.

This scene is more terrifying than the killing magic firepower that Rosen has ever seen.

Even if she was stronger than steel, she could not bear the prepared bombing attack. When the bombardment stopped, she was more seriously injured.

But even so, she still has the strength of the first World War.

But at this time, Rosen actually rose from the ground.

"Original dust. Sand boundary!"

Hum! Rosen saw the right time. Now she is at least half weakened and injured. This is a golden opportunity.

With so many powerful people and hundreds of thousands of firepower, even if she wants to escape, she may not have time now.

"Damn it Seeing Rosen's move, aunt changed her face.

Weakness, drying, explosion

Burst out in a flash.

A terrible mushroom cloud rises in the sky, and the roar spreads all over Baiwu kingdom.

"Are you late?" On the coast of Baiwu Kingdom, two figures gallop like the wind.

Everyone can't believe it. These are the four emperors.

They are Kato, shanks with red hair!

"Red haired boy, don't get in my way." Kaiduo, the beast, became a dragon. He opened his mouth and spewed out a breath, but he was easily blocked by Griffin with red hair.

"Are you sure you want to trouble me at this time?" Red hair, eyes slightly a coagulation.

"Well, the so-called relatively stable advice that you and the world government follow is nothing more than that." Cato said coldly.

Red hair didn't speak. Seeing that kaiduo didn't continue to attack, he continued to go on his way. He felt that his cooperation with the five old stars was no problem.

But he didn't expect that aunt and sand crocodile would fight so fiercely, revealing a huge flaw. Moreover, many members of CP0 died, which was equivalent to stepping on the shoulder of five stars and slapping them in the face.

Of course, the most important thing is the emergence of the ancient weapon king.

The reason why the sea can maintain a relative balance is that these prohibitions have never appeared, and it is difficult to pose a substantial threat to the world government.

But if ancient weapons appear, not to mention mass production, even seven or eight will seriously affect the balance of power in the sea.

If it is controlled by a pirate group, it may even produce a more dangerous force than the Rox Pirate Group.

The world government will not allow this to happen.

Among the four emperors, there are usually Navy undercover agents. On the contrary, the four emperors are not fools. In recent years, there are many pieces in the Navy headquarters.

Although the Navy sent troops very fast, they still saw the clue. Later, when the Navy passed by their territory, it had completely exposed its purpose.

How can such a large-scale mobilization of troops hide from the real masters of the new world.

That force is almost half of the wealth of the world government. If the four emperors meet alone, if they don't spare the way, they will be wiped out.

The reason why the four emperors have not been eliminated in recent years is that the world government does not want to go too far, causing the four emperors to join hands. The second is that there is no real basis for shaking the world government, and the overall situation is relatively stable.

In particular, red hair became the four queens. For some reasons, she promised to control the conflicts among the major forces for the world government to a certain extent.

At the beginning, red hair found Rosen in the hope that Rosen could join him and make the world as peaceful as possible, because it was less than the time the captain had predicted.

But now everything has changed.

Now Hongfa and kaiduo are in the Baiwu kingdom. The purpose is the same, that is to prevent the sand crocodile from fighting with Sihuang aunt.

If the fight continues, the two men may be destroyed in the face of the unprecedented powerful coalition of the world government. In that case, the strength of the new world pirates will be greatly weakened.

That way, the world government will be able to control most of the new world, and the living space of the other four emperors will be compressed.

The fourth emperor refused to do such a thing, and even other big pirates with a little territory could not tolerate it.

The news has spread out, and now the big pirates in the new world will certainly take action and try to resist the biggest pressure of the world government in recent years.

"I didn't expect that klocdal, who just entered the new world, could fight Lingling for such a long time?" CADO was on his way quickly, and he couldn't believe it.

When Jack died before, he couldn't get rid of himself, and he didn't care about it for the time being. Of course, he didn't look down on the sand crocodile, but he had to pay more attention to it.

That's not true, but I can fight Lingling for ten days and nights, and I haven't decided whether to win or lose. No matter what things and forces the other side has used, they are all part of their strength.

Cato can no longer ignore this thorn.

It was only when KEDO arrived that he was even more shocked

After the explosion, the mother's skin was split, and Prometheus and Zeus were all killed. Even things created by soul objects have limits.

Napoleonic knife also appeared cracks, aunt seriously injured! Even if the monster is invincible, in the situation of several times stronger than her strength, it is also likely to enter the death!

Whoa! At this time, more than a dozen white lights in Luo Bing's control blocked all directions of aunt. She wanted to dodge, but this time she was a bit slow.

The small half of the body and arms are directly frozen.

She tried to pull, but now she is very weak, even Rosen and others who are responsible for the attack are panting after a full blow.

A useful attack cannot be launched in a short time.

Not to mention being the aunt of the attacked party, she was also weak to a point that she never thought of.

Feeling that her body was quickly broken down and even eroded into her body, she frowned slightly and cut off her arm with a knife.

Most of the white light solidifying on the arm naturally falls, and some of the rest of the body can be expelled by the domineering power of aunt.

"Lingling!" Kaiduo couldn't believe what she saw. Lingling was forced to break her arm.

"This?" Even red hair was shocked.