"No!" Green Pheasant saw the sand flying everywhere, and immediately knew that the situation was not good. He put his hand on the air and wanted to freeze the sand.

But as soon as the ability started, it was found that the sand couldn't freeze, all of them were in high-frequency oscillation, and the temperature was still high.

As soon as the ice spread, the sand vibrated and the ice broke, there was no way to form a whole frozen effect.

Then, there was a huge bang, which attracted almost everyone's eyes!

Because of such a powerful explosion, I'm afraid it will take the fourth emperor to fight with all his strength.

In an instant, within this range, there were 4 naval ships and 6 pirate ships, with a total number of more than 500 people. All of them were smashed and spattered with blood mist

"How skillful is he?" Hathaway was a bit surprised. She once practiced this move with Rosen. At that time, she was still very reluctant to start, and her control was weak.

Because she knew it, when Rosen used this move, she kicked Aini road to the bottom of the original dust world, and at the same time, she sank rapidly.

Because they are also in range. If they don't sink to the weakest place below, they will also suffer a heavy blow.

"Kuzan!" Kapp and others were shocked. The Green Pheasant was really hit. Is he still alive?

If he died in this way, the damage to the navy would be too great. After all, Green Pheasant is the new marshal.

The next moment after the explosion, the bloody Green Pheasant, like a bird with broken wings, fell straight down from the sky.

Green Pheasant is very strong, but his defense and strength are obviously not as good as that of his aunt. With this blow, he is on the verge of death and has abolished all combat power.

And Rosen three quickly toward the Green Pheasant, Kapp and red hair after a blow, taking advantage of the anti shock force, from mid air toward the Green Pheasant flying fast.

The speed is extremely fast, because he knows that the Green Pheasant must not fall into the hands of Rosen and others, otherwise the consequences will be very serious, and the escalation of the war may be only a minor aspect.

"Green Pheasant!" Marshal Kong, Huang ape and others suddenly lost their minds. After all, Green Pheasant is a very valuable and powerful combat power of the Navy headquarters.

It's just that he was so unlucky that he was directly targeted by the three generals of the dawn Pirate Group. That's why he was so embarrassed,

Even in the Warring States period, if you let him against Rosen, I'm afraid the result will not be too different.

As soon as they were distracted, they were won some forerunners by their opponents. They had no way to support the pheasant in time.

Except for Kapp.

Red hair could have rushed up to stop Kapp for a moment, but he thought for a while, but gave up, even as an enemy.

But red hair still hopes that the Green Pheasant can be saved, because once the Green Pheasant is killed, the battle is bound to escalate, which is not what red hair hopes to see.

Although the fight is fierce now, neither side is ready to burn the boat. Fundamentally speaking, it's just a matter of who can't bear the "loss" first.

So in every war, those at the top will always sacrifice the least, while those at the bottom will sacrifice the most.

"No way!" Rosen abandoned the pheasant and turned to meet Kapp. Now the pheasant will not be able to fight in a short time.

Unless you give him a little time to recover, he may be able to slow down and continue to fight with his monster's constitution. Of course, even if he can do it, his combat power is not enough to fear.

Hathaway and Aini continue to fly towards the pheasant.

Peng! Rosen had a punch with Karp.

"It's not good for you to kill the pheasant!" Said Kapp in a deep voice.

"CP0 caught my man, I need chips, I won't kill him!"

"What?" Kapp was surprised that it had not been mentioned in the meeting.

In this way, it can also explain why Rosen and others had to surround and kill a general at the beginning of the battle.

In principle, it's easy to be targeted by other navies. Even aunt Kato didn't do that.

Because there is no need, they who stand at the top of the world all know that this battle will not become the final battle.

It is more about the realization of a goal and a strategic goal, and this goal is definitely not the complete destruction of one party, because we all know that it is impossible to achieve it.

"You don't know?" Rosen frowned, but in any case, Rosen would not give up the advantage he had.

At this time, the Warring States chose to bear the big Ma's strike hard, and then flew to the Green Pheasant. Hathaway had successfully caught the Green Pheasant, but at this time, the Warring States also arrived, without hesitation.

Prepare a golden shockwave. Plan to shock Hathaway first. It's better to let her go.

But a few white lights suddenly fell from the sky and enveloped the Warring States period.

His golden shock wave hit out, even in the white light with his side exploded, blow out.

"This is an ancient weapon, the king of heaven!" In the Warring States period, it was obvious that the dawn Pirate Group was imperative to capture or kill the pheasant.

At least such a plan should have been discussed, but the specific goal may not have been determined at that time.

Otherwise, it was impossible to stop the Warring States just in time.

In the white light of the Warring States period, the golden light on his body began to fade. Before the Warring States period, he had seen Ramirez die in such a white light, and he did not dare to be careless.

He suddenly shot the golden light big fingered Buddha, boom, white light violent shock, his strength is stronger than the level of two major generals, but also very dangerous.

Because in an instant, there are seven or eight white light gathered on this white light, strengthening the analytical field of white light.

Today, the number of white light emissions to the limit, and then go on, will seriously affect the life of the king, or even overload.

But if there is no way to fight, Rosen will continue to let Robin use this ability.

"Save the Green Pheasant or the Warring States period, choose for yourself!" Rosen stepped back.

Kapp looked at the Warring States and Green Pheasant, struggling. With his strength, he would attack Hathaway faster than Rosen.

But looking at the Warring States struggling in the white light, he was not sure whether the Warring States could struggle out. After all, it was an ancient weapon.

If what Rosen said is true, the pheasant may not die!

Kapp thought for a moment, and recalled Rosen's expression just now. He should have done it, so he abandoned the pheasant and flew towards the Warring States.

Kapp looked at each other in the Warring States period and had a tacit understanding. After all, he was an old comrade in arms for decades. They hit each other at the same time.

Inside and outside the white light, bang, white light smashed.

But Rosen with green pheasant and Hathaway and others, quickly evacuated here!

"Marshal Green Pheasant is captured by the dawn pirates! Ask for support All naval ships immediately announced the news, and called on the strong nearby to intercept Rosen and others.

"What?" This announcement made the pirate Navy shocked.

Even before the pirates didn't know that Green Pheasant was the marshal of the Navy headquarters, but even the general was the Navy's highest combat power, and Green Pheasant had been famous for a long time.

He was captured alive in such a battle.

In an instant, many generals and major generals swarmed along the way. They didn't want to save the pheasant, but they wanted to buy time for the strong navy.

Otherwise, if the new marshal is captured, it will really break the sky!

"Was there a plan?" Marshal Kong's face was also extremely ugly.

Even in such a battlefield, as long as the general level is not deliberately targeted, there is no problem in preserving himself.

"Order the special forces of science to fight and take back the pheasant! Don't let the dawn Pirate Group retreat completely The air marshal issued a new combat order through the telephone bug!