"The reason why they were founded is to overthrow the world government and become the new king of the world." Rufus looked at the revolutionary army dragon and said with a smile.

This is recognized by almost every force in the world.

In the face of Rufus's words, long did not refute.

But what Rosen wants is not the answer: "it's just the result."

"What's the difference?" Taizolo doesn't understand. Isn't the result the most important thing.

"The process is not correct, the result is obtained, and it will not last in the end."

"Enlightenment!" Said the Dragon suddenly.

As soon as these words appear, there seems to be a flame burning in the eyes of Saab and others, which is a burning belief.


"Yes, as you said, overthrowing the tyranny of the world government is only the result, not the idea we have to achieve. What we really do is to educate, we teach the oppressed people how to resist, how to survive and how to get rid of slavery!"

"The world always thinks that our goal is to wage war and destroy the world government, but it is not. Our goal has never been destruction! But to create more seeds of freedom. One day, whether it's me or later, our thoughts will spread all over the world. "

"At that time, if the world government is still tyrannical, even without me, there will be more people to stand up, resist and fight. This is what we are fighting for."

The Dragon said.

This reminds Rosen of the scene when Betty, commander of the eastern army, inspired the enslaved people.

If we just want to save them and use them as knives or power, it will be better to do it as "saviors".

But at the beginning, Betty didn't do that. She encouraged them and gave them the idea of resisting and becoming their own hero.

Let them fight for their lives.

At most, she just helped them in the back, inspired their potential and gave them strength by inspiring the fruits, but the change in thinking was the decision made by the civilians themselves after they were guided.

So when the Dragon said that, Rosen believed it, and so did other people, because it was about their beliefs, and few people would lie about it.

"Education? It's really a good way At the same time, he has the ability to resist and think independently.

Although it is not perfect, Rosen has to say that this kind of practice and thought is very dangerous for any ruler.

It's no wonder that the world government is so afraid of the revolutionary army dragon. To put it bluntly, the strength of the revolutionary army's overall high-end combat power may be about the fourth emperor level.

At least it will not be said that it is far superior to the four emperors. Such strength is still a long way from the world government.

But such forces claim to have the possibility of overthrowing the world government.

The terrible thing is that they are spreading ideas, which may take more than a generation to do, but it will continue.

One day, the effect will be very obvious. No matter how strong the world government is, there will always be people who will die out with the passage of time.

With the spread of ideas, young and strong people will be born, which will accumulate and form a very terrible force one day.

It's like snowballing. When the base reaches a certain height, the number of strong people born will never be weaker than that of the world government.

Long has been doing this for decades.

From a person to now, he has gathered countless strong people, including many young people.

If it goes on like this, the revolutionary army will only become stronger and stronger as long as it is not eliminated.

Even if it is eliminated, there will still be a fire of thought. In a sense, the resistance of the revolutionary army will not disappear.

Rosen praised that the method is right, but it is not the most correct and efficient: "it takes a long time for you to achieve your goal!"

"This is not an easy thing. Even if I'm gone, someone will continue to do it. No darkness can exist forever!" Said the dragon, and took a look at Saab.

It is clear that Saab is his next chosen successor.

"But I don't have time. Your thinking is correct, but it's too slow. We can't just focus on our own strength and forget that the enemy is also getting stronger."

"We should take the initiative to disintegrate the power of the world government. You give them the seeds of resistance, but that is not enough. If you want to really pull down the world government, your means are too gentle."

As soon as Rosen said this, the Legion leaders looked at Rosen, but the Dragon didn't respond very much: "in your opinion, what should we do?"

"Hope, collapse! You make people revolt, but without a unified goal and hope, they will be vulnerable. Once there is any disturbance, they may just be a mob scattered in a crowd. Therefore, we not only need to educate, but also need to lead. Many people, with their blood and anger, may be able to cultivate the seeds of resistance. "

"But if we can't stand between like-minded peers and take care of each other, many people may not be able to make the same choice when they encounter difficulties, but if we lead them and lead their spirit and will, they will become stronger..."

"While we are strong, we must weaken the power of the world government as much as possible!"

"What you said, there will be a large-scale frontal conflict and war. Although we don't want to admit it, it's very difficult for us to win the frontal war. The inside information of the world government is far deeper than we think!" The Dragon shook his head.

The more you know, the more you know how difficult the world government is to deal with.

Corruption belongs to corruption, but they are not fools. Power and strength are all in their hands.

Otherwise they would have done what Rosen said.

Because Rosen's idea doesn't conflict with them, it's just their advanced version.

"If you are the only one, it may be difficult, but if you add us and three ancient weapons!"

"Three ancient weapons?" Dragon and Rufus were shocked.

Tezorro was more calm. After all, he knew it!

Each of the three ancient weapons has the power to destroy the world. It is not excessive to equate their lowest value with a four emperor.

Three four emperors, even stronger than four emperors! In addition to the alliance of their own side, they are now going to the new world. If they want to destroy any four imperial power, I'm afraid they can easily do it.

"Of course, we haven't mastered the three ancient weapons yet, but it's only a few years at most!"

Even so, long is still shocked. In his department, there are only three people who have reached the general level, and he is four.

Among them, the dragon is the strong one of the four emperors.

And Rosen side, a total of five generals, Rosen is currently the fourth emperor.

If one day, the three ancient weapons can play their full power, then they will have the combat power equivalent to five four emperors and seven generals!

This strength has exceeded the strength of Roger Pirate Group at the beginning!

It is enough to shake the rule of the world government, or even overthrow their rule. At least, once this force is formed, even in a confrontation, it is almost impossible for the world government to defeat them.

Unless they start to disintegrate internally.

Of course, the combat power is not stable, but still terrible!