"Ha ha ha... Sand crocodile kid, it's very good. If you want to kill me, just try and see how I can break your head!" Kato, hit hard by three men from enilu.

It's just skin injury. Although there's blood flowing, it's under his muscle peristalsis.

It just squeezes the split skin and flesh together, and it soon composes.

Super recovery ability, but more desperate defense, compared with aunt, not inferior.

Their power to destroy the island hit KEDO's tough skin, just like skin trauma.

"What a monster Taizolo sank.

If it's one-on-one? Are you not going to be consumed alive?

It's very possible.

If they don't fight hard, they will escape if they can't fight. In terms of their strength, there's no problem.

But he insisted on fighting with Kato. Kato would be fine if he was attacked by them for dozens of times.

But if they get hit a few times, the situation is totally different.

But fortunately, they are under siege and will soon win.

Even if Kato is a monster, the king of beasts, and the strongest creature, he can't survive in such a strong power.

The so-called single pick the strongest creature, undead.

It's not really immortal. At the beginning, Yutian could split his defense. There's no reason why so many of them couldn't.

In this world, Kato's defense is really hard to break and kill.

But to say that he is not dead at all is more a kind of praise for his achievements.

Now kaiduo has proved that he really can bear the title under the siege of two four emperor level strong men and three general level experts.

He can still fight back now.

And there has not been any major injury, which is very difficult for the other four emperors.

Even white beard is no exception.

Although the destructive power of white beard is amazing, its vitality is obviously not as outstanding as that of kaiduo.

He waved a mace, lightning and domineering dance, the city of general muscle, burst out of shocking power.

Moreover, when fighting, kaiduo will also use dragon form to fight according to the situation.

"Five Dragons turn to extinction!" The whole dragon burst out a terrifying domineering, with endless wind.

The area where he stood became the area where the wind roared, and countless destructive tornadoes whirled out of his body.

At this time, a dragon sounds. From these destructive tornadoes connected with the sky, five giant green dragons fly out.

Five dragons circled around kador. Kador waved his mace and smashed one of the dragon heads with one blow, but soon recovered.

This made Kato's heart sink.

As for the revolutionary army, he has not paid much attention to it.

It doesn't matter why they are called the most vicious criminals.

Because in his view, they are just a group of sewer rats who are engaged in destruction under the rule of the world government.

But the strength that dragon shows at the moment, let him move very dangerous.

"Roar, roar..."

All of a sudden, the five dragons raised their heads high and aimed at Kato's body from five directions.

In the mouth of these green dragons, there are black domineering convergence, but also continue to squeeze, compress, gradually condensed into a point.

Boom boom! Domineering attachment in the wind, five black wind burst out, want to shoot through all things.

"No way!" Feeling the fatal crisis, Keduo abandoned the attack and concentrated all his strength on defense.

He had a hunch that if he couldn't stop the blow, he would be in danger.


Kato's whole body is covered with the real domineering spirit!

The next moment, the sky and earth like explosion will cover Kato, endless domineering explosion, forming a series of tornadoes, the island's people, with a lot of flying.

The smoke dispersed, and a fist sized blood hole was shot through Kato's abdomen!

"Your Excellency!" Kato's men, though in a fierce battle.

But I'm always looking at Kato.

After all, once Kato is defeated, they will either surrender or flee.

But in that case, it also means the end of the group!

They have been domineering for so long that no one is willing to give up such a life.

"Original dust. Sand boundary!" And just after Kato had resisted the dragon's attack.

Rosen, who has long been ready, has made an earth shaking strike!

Kato had been forced to flee.

Now it's enough to press him to the ground.

With the explosion of the original dust world, Rosen and they can sense that the breath of Kato decays rapidly.

But there are still problems.

"It's hard!" Rosen was biting his cigar and his face was heavy.

"It's not enough. Come on! Come again Kato's will to fight wildly is not weakened. Even now, he can see bones in many places of his body.

But he is a tough guy!

Even though he used to be mean and shameless, as a pirate, these are just basic qualities.

Rosen and others, of course, will not be scared away. They came for the purpose of killing Kato.

But just as the five of them are about to launch a joint attack, they plan to beat Kato to death.

An arrogant voice suddenly rang out: "thief ha ha ha, Kato, you look so ugly now!"

Livy frowned at the familiar laughter.

Looking at the source of the sound.

"No wonder the defense outside the kingdom of peace is so weak. No wonder it's so easy to come in. It turns out that Kato was blocked in the nest and beaten!" This voice is more impolite.

Not far away, many captains and commanders of the army were shocked by a shockwave.

Other people subconsciously let them go.

Because they recognized this group of people, and enough to let them fear.

Even Quinn and Jin frowned when they saw the arrival of these people, because this power can not be underestimated, and they did not know whether it was an enemy or a friend.

"Blackbeard, Marshall D. titch!"

"Son of the devil, Barrett!"

"How did they get together?" It's not just Kato who's surprised.

Even Rosen is hard to understand such a combination.

Did Barrett join hands with Blackbeard?

When did it happen? And even to the land of peace!

What's the purpose?!

The battle of the whole battlefield came to an abrupt end.

"If you come to mock me, you can go away!" Kato's welcome.

He didn't show a decadent expression just because the current situation was unfavorable to him. He was still arrogant and ferocious.

"We are a little relieved to see that you are still in such a spirit. We are here to seek your alliance, but your current situation is not very good." Blackbeard grinned.

"So we decided to change the terms. You promised to share with us the manufacturing methods of some weapons and ammunition, and then we'll talk about the fair alliance," said Blackbeard with a greedy eye in his eyes.

But in fact, the Blackbeard pirates and Barrett were wary and dignified.

Because the strength that Rosen and dragon concentrate here now is too strong!

If it was normal, seeing such strength, Blackbeard would have run as far as possible.

But now the situation is different. The world pattern has changed because of the strength of dawn alliance.

They need the CADO League more.

Otherwise, they would have hidden in the dark and killed Kato, and then occupied his country and his world-famous weapons.

However, the birth of dawn alliance has sent a signal in the world of pirates that it is difficult for a single force to survive in this big sea in the future.

So they decided to save Kato!