Kato was wronged by this blow.

But the world's capable people are just like this. They are very strange.

For example, if he can subdue Kato, Rosen has many ways to kill Kato.

It is not difficult to kill a captured person by taking advantage of his ability.

Peng! At this time, Blackbeard was hit by Hathaway and Bonis, even if he was a triathlon general.

But being hit by two generals is also a direct backward flight.

"Get ready to run." Blackbeard said to Cato.

Although they have Barrett, Kato, and can fight with the general and Quinn.

But compared with Rosen's fighting power, it's still a lot weaker.

If they go on fighting, they are afraid that someone will die here.

"Run away?" Kato looked around. Some of the countries he has been running for more than 20 years are reluctant to give up.

After all, this is his base camp, and to escape, except Quinn and ember, everyone else has to give up.

But if they don't escape, their lives will be in danger in the long run.

At that time, once they are injured by Rosen, it will not be so easy to run.

The dawn alliance is too powerful.

Kato soon thought of that.

Although there are many unwilling.

But he doesn't want to end it yet.

And since Blackbeard and Barrett have come to him, is there any big plan? You can't wait for Rosen to come and hit him,

Quinn, ember, go Kato didn't say hello to the others.

If these people want to keep up with their pace and escape, it depends on their strength and luck.

"Want to escape?"

Kato's people didn't plan to hide it from Rosen, and they couldn't.

If there is only one more four Imperial Regiment, it is difficult to achieve.

But Barrett and Blackbeard are here, and they are united.

Want to escape, Rosen and others have nothing to do.

But when they ran away, Rosen's people were not reconciled.

After all, they traveled a long way to fight this Blitzkrieg, just to kill Kato when he couldn't reach the defense.

But I never thought Blackbeard and Barrett were here.

And they arrived almost at the same time as themselves and others.

Judging from the speed of the empty Island cloud, Blackbeard and others should have targeted Kato before Rosen made the decision.

Is it to study lourderu?

So Barrett hasn't been to lourderu with Roger before?

I don't think so.

But if it's not for the study of lourderu, it's for the purpose of holding a pirate conference and triggering the killing of demons, Barrett can understand.

But what are the benefits of Blackbeard?

How can Blackbeard reach an agreement with Barrett without any interests.

But anyway, we can't let them go.

So the attack of Rosen and others is more fierce.

Even pestering them, not letting them get away.

But it's too hard to kill them unless they're willing to keep fighting.

In fact, they are looking for a chance to escape.

"Sand crocodile, we'll meet again soon." Barrett said with a smile.

Finally, in the case of breaking kador's horn and injuring his body, he let them escape.

"I knew I should have brought the underworld." Rosen looked at the back of Blackbeard and others who left, and said with some regret.

Their strength is much stronger than that of kaiduo.

It was supposed to be a sure thing, so I didn't bring Pluto here.

And now it's just a Pluto ship, and we still need to take precautions to let it take DREZ Rosa.

"Boss, Kato's men are running away! Do you want to go after them? "

"No, go to the flower capital and take down the country of peace first." Rosen doesn't have many people on his side.

They're all elites. They're all here with the goal of killing Kato.

Many of Kato's subordinates fled everywhere. It was not easy to clean them up.

Of course, some important cadres should not be neglected.

If you let them go, they will become the strength of Kato.

So Bonis ainilu took people to clean up these important cadres.

There are also the legions of capable people in KEDO. These are important labor forces, because now that they have won the kingdom of peace.

As a country rich in glauconite, this is the territory of Dawning alliance in the future. Some forces can be used, but they can't be wasted.

It's the same as why Kato didn't kill the people in his country.

Because they all have value, they are all free labor. Killing them is their own loss.

"Let's go back first. There are still a lot of things to deal with in the revolutionary army. Saab and bear will stay here. Others will go back with me, integrate the revolutionary army, and then transfer the headquarters." Said the dragon.

Kaido has retreated, and the whole country of peace has no decent ability to resist their influence.

Soon DREZ Rosa's army will arrive and take over the whole country of peace.

Rosen nodded.

Saab and the bear stay, and they have to make raids on some important places, so as not to make Keduo's subordinates jump over the wall.

Destroyed some valuable things.

Or killing and setting fire everywhere.

"Set out for the capital of flowers." Rosen said faintly.

Empty Island cloud carries Rosen and others to the capital of flowers. Some people who are not strong but are like poisonous snakes have to be removed.

It's up to Bonis and them.

Black charcoal snake, whose strength is unknown, is the fruit of a kind of phantom beast. But he has been living a life full of money, and his strength is estimated to be average.

But such people do great harm.

What's more, his death is of great benefit to Rosen's rapid control of the country of peace and to win people's hearts.

So he has to die. He can't escape.

And now, the capital of flowers.

It's a mess.

"Lord Cato has escaped!"

"Lord quinjin has escaped, too!"

"All animals Pirate Group, it's over!"


More and more Kato's men escaped from Ghost Island, and the whole Huazhi city was in a panic. Some pirates even took the opportunity to start burning, killing and looting.

They were abandoned.

So I plan to get as much money as I can before I run away.

There were cries of killing, crying and explosions everywhere.

On the high-rise building in the center of the King City, the snake looked at the chaos and the burning flower capital, his face was full of disbelief: "impossible, impossible, how can Kato lose, asshole! Asshole! It's all you who are deceiving me. It's all you who are deceiving me, isn't it? "

The snake was terrified.

But the next moment he came back.

"Hurry up, hurry up, oh, by the way, go and bring me Xiaozi..." big snake said to a ninja of yutingfanzhong.

Xiao Zi has been salivating for a long time, but she has been hanging her appetite. At this time, no matter what, she can't let go. Who makes her so beautiful.

"Yes." The two ninjas soon disappeared.

"Kato lost?" Rihe, that is, Xiaozi, looks at the chaotic city, but for the first time she feels what freedom is.

Because if the news is true, when this flame burns out, a new era will come.

It's just that she doesn't know whether the future will be better or worse.

Looking at the chaos in front of her, she felt that the news should be true, otherwise the army of snake would have come out to maintain law and order.

"Boom!" All of a sudden, the earth trembled. In the distance, a sandstorm rolled in like a tsunami.