Soon after, the country of peace was controlled by Rosen's army. The country of peace was not small, but it was not as big as those first-class countries in the world.

After the defeat of Kato, there was no resistance in the whole country of peace.

When the body of the black charcoal snake stood in the square the next day, there was almost only skeleton left.

At the same time, the next day, in the name of Guangyue family, rihe gathered a lot of old soldiers, such as Ren, bingwulang, Kang family, Hetong and so on

Their loyalty to the Guangyue family and their appeal to the people are amazing.

"It's up to you to deal with the treasure house of Kato. The ghost island and the flower capital will build two bases respectively."

Today is the day when rihe became a general. In the name of Guangyue, countless people gathered from all over the country.

Most of them look as thin as firewood, some only smile.

Some toxic and polluting factories, which paid no attention to production at all costs, were knocked down by the order of Japan and Japan, and the river began to be managed.

The food in the snake garden was distributed to everyone, and the founding policy was in effect.

However, in order to avoid the loss of his country's ignorance of the external situation, rihe specially asked Li Wei to dispatch an army to go deep into the people and teach them some common sense of the outside world.

After all, we don't have common sense, but we will suffer a lot after the founding of our country.

Because in the land of peace, the stone of the sea floor alone is enough to make people all over the world excited.

And it will also bring huge wealth, and in a short time, it will become a very rich country.

When the country of peace completely changed its head and face, and the new general came to power, the whole flower city was filled with joy.

Five days and five nights of joint banquet, singing and drinking, they are oppressed, oppressed for too long, need to vent

And they all know that the country of peace now belongs to an organization called dawn alliance.

Before becoming the general of the kingdom of peace, rihe had followed Robin Hathaway to other countries and saw the facts that Rosen had told her.

She saw DREZ Rosa, the kingdom of Andia, and even went to the empty Island, the kingdom of angels.

The prosperity and pride of the people make Japan and Japan see the future of the country of peace.

So she is happy, if the legend of 20 years can come.

She really wanted them to see a rich, happy and vibrant country.

Saber and Rosen are standing in the tall building, looking at the city of flowers.

"We came too late." Saab looked at the country of peace and was deeply ashamed after learning about its history.

But even if they had known before, they could not kill a fourth emperor head on.

"Such a country, I believe, is not only a country of peace, so we need to work harder. One day, we can supervise the whole world, and such things will naturally be greatly reduced."

Rosen said faintly.

"Of course." Saab nodded for sure.

"How's ace? I haven't heard much about him in the new world. " Rosen was suddenly curious.

In these major events in the new world, we didn't see the original white bearded members. Even when the Navy headquarters invaded the new world, they didn't come.

"In the Shenluo sea area, it seems that there are some discoveries, and they are entangled by some things."


"What's next?" Asked Saab.

Now they are strong, of course, but they can also compete with the world government.

But the ability of five old stars makes them fear incomparably.

Because many people with abilities have not yet developed it to the awakening level.

Once the battle with the five old stars starts, I'm not sure I can win it.

"Wait and see. What's going on in the world government?" Rosen won't attack the five stars for the time being.

But their movements must also be known at all times.

"With the announcement of the independence of the new kingdom of Landis on Hualan Island, after a series of national manifestos, I went to the kingdom of Andia to make a public speech, leave the world government, join the dawn alliance, and then go to the kingdom of Baiwu."

"Now there are 189 kingdoms in the world, and 37 of them have declared their ownership of Dawning alliance and are living under the new order. Among them, 14 of them are being invaded by some of the world government's allies, but this is normal." Saab said.

Although Rufus, the revolutionary army, the dawn Pirate Group, tezorro and others control a total of 37 countries.

But there are many small kingdoms among them. Of course, the world government is the same.

At present, the largest countries in dawning alliance are Andia Kingdom, Baiwu Kingdom, and the kingdom of bridge in the East China Sea. These are all great powers with more than one million troops.

And the country of peace, DREZ Rosa and so on, are slightly weaker, but not weaker.

The kingdom that is fighting the most fiercely now is the kingdom of bridge, which is also the only kingdom that they have not withdrawn their troops after they have attacked other kingdoms.

The world government even sent just people to fight, but in terms of mobility, no force in the world can match the king of heaven.

As long as there are a few strong soldiers on the battlefield, the dawn alliance's reinforcements will arrive earlier than they did before more reinforcements from the world government arrived.

World politics, of course, has great general level combat power to deploy, but Rosen also has it.

And less than the critical moment, now the generals do not dare to move.

After all, everyone knows the truth that one hair touches the whole body.

With the declaration of the independence of the 37 kingdoms, some of them, led by several big powers, called Rosen the real king.

The real speaker of dawn alliance is Rosen, while the revolutionary army dragon is the dark king.

To him, it doesn't matter who is the king. What he carries out is his thoughts.

And it really needs a king in front of the world, and the effect of Rosen's new order is better than that of the revolutionary army.

The United time of 37 countries announced to join the dawn alliance, which angered the world government and shocked the people all over the world.

Because no one has ever been able to control so many kingdoms except the world government.

Even the Lockheed Marines, who were the last generation to be the king of the world, did not have such great achievements.

This has nothing to do with strength, but is a kind of new order management ability. It can be imagined that there must be talents who are good at running the country in dawning alliance.

But even if the world government wants to fight back in a short time, or even suppress the dawn alliance, it can't.

Because of these two battles in the new world, the naval headquarters and the world government have suffered heavy losses in combat effectiveness.

High end combat power loss has Ramirez, field, kuzan!

This loss is no different from that of the Navy headquarters, which directly reduced the three generals. It is even more serious.

Even the world government cannot ignore such losses.

The loss of the middle and low-level combat power is even more serious. In fact, it is the middle and low-level combat power that can really stabilize a place for a long time.

Therefore, even if the world government is furious, it can only symbolically order some participating countries to attack the anti treason state.

And inside, there's a lot going on.

There is a shortage of marshals, generals and CP0 in the Navy headquarters.

At the moment, the five old stars are having a headache about how to fill their combat power, and the last list of generals has been submitted.

They should make greater efforts to create one or two generals themselves, so as to stabilize the internal situation as soon as possible.

"Lieutenant General Olney, I think it's good. His performance in these battles is OK, and he has done some secret work for us. I suggest that one of the artificial generals be given to him." Long Mou light says.

"It works."