When Rosen and others went to the Shenluo sea area, the great inspector of the Warring States period suddenly asked the five old stars to enter the holy land.

Naturally, the reason is to protect the safety of the world's nobility.

In view of the recent attack on the Holy Land and the status of the Warring States, the five old stars allowed the Warring States to enter.

As a guard.

After all, the loss of field and Ramirez really weakened the security of the holy land.

Five old stars may not care, but many Tianlong people are really scared.

So the arrival of the Warring States was very popular.

He stood on the high building of the luxury manor, overlooking a towering building in the distance.

That's the administrative office of five stars and IM, if there's any secret.

So most of it will be in that building.

"I hope our guess is wrong." If their guess is true, it will be a disaster for the Navy and for the world.


Naval headquarters.

"Zhenzhen fruit? This thing should not fall into the hands of the enemy as far as possible. Lvniu and Qingfeng, please take a trip." The Yellow ape looks serious.

Since he became a marshal, he has seldom played around.

And the pressure is not small, especially in the previous situation, the lack of high-end combat power in the Navy headquarters, Wang xiaqiwuhai has been vacant for a long time.

He can't relax if he wants to.

And the fruit of the earthquake falls in the depths of the new world.

It is very difficult for a large-scale navy to pass. We can only let two generals and a few elite navies go to see the situation.

It is not enough to be a general. After all, the fruits of earthquake are bound to attract many people.

"No problem." A man and a woman answered in unison.

Shenluo sea area.

"What are you doing?" Rosen looks at the negative ghost behind him and helplessly looks at Perona.

Perona was startled: "I..."

"Don't be afraid of him, quick!" Natalie pounced directly on Rosen, using her little hands and feet to imprison Rosen's body.

"Not yet." Natalie dares, but Perona dares.

Just now, I was fooled by Natalie. She was so crazy that she even shot krocdal. When did I have the courage?

Bang! Rosen punched Natalie down, knocked her dizzy like a fish hit by the shockwave, picked her up and threw her into Hathaway's arms.

"You're here for the final Island, too?" Eagle eye suddenly asked.

"Well, sort of."

"You don't know much about the Shenluo sea area. Now is not a good time to participate. There are several old monsters in the old times who don't care about the world. However, after the news of Raleigh came out, they have been wandering around the lourderu area. Most people are close to them and they are directly sunk."

Rosen face slightly a coagulation, can let Hawk Eye call monster, at least also have Hawk Eye such strength.

Maybe even better.

Hawk Eye is a special kind of triathlon. His swordsmanship is superior to others' two, and the other is domineering.

"It seems that you seldom hear about the old-fashioned pirates outside."

"The news of Shenluo sea area is almost isolated from the outside world. It's a world of its own. Even the Navy doesn't necessarily want them, because many of them are demons." The eagle's eyes were slightly dignified.

"What do you say?" Obsessed? Is it an adjective or a real physical change?

"Looking for lourderu has become their obsession. They sit in the Shenluo sea all the year round and don't care about what's happening outside. Maybe you've heard of some names, such as John, Wang Zhi, silver axe, Jabba, sikar..."

Rosen's eyes narrowed slightly when he heard this. Many of them were famous strong men in the Rox and Roger pirate groups.

Rosen thought that many of them might have died before. After all, it's 38 years since the active age of Lockes.

Many of the people who were active at that time were old, even if they were not dead.

Maybe I'm already enjoying my old age, not necessarily.

But it didn't.

They can't let go of the obsession of being a pirate king.

So he stayed in the sea area of Shenluo, spent the rest of his life looking for it, and completely ignored everything outside.

So that they did not go out of the Shenluo sea area, and the Navy headquarters did not even offer them a reward.

To be exact, there was no increase in their rewards, no news about them.

"So, some people spent decades here and didn't find rafdelu?" Hawk Eye is obviously a man who runs around.

Where there is a swordsman, there is him.

So he knows more than Rosen.


With the affirmative answer from Hawkeye, Rosen is not surprised why those people are called possessed.

For decades, around the nearest sea area to lourderu day and night, the result is that we can't find it. It's really maddening.

"Interesting." But Rosen was fearless.

After all, they have four generals, many quasi generals and one general level combat power.

This force is to fight against the unprepared naval headquarters, and it is no problem to retreat completely.

But Hawkeye's words let Rosen understand how deep the water in Shenluo sea area is.

After that, Rosen invited Hawkeye to dinner, and followed the few islands with permanent pointer in Shenluo sea area.

Because only the permanent pointer is valid, there are countless undiscovered islands in this area.

When it comes to the next location, Rosen will let them go.

Rosen, the island they're going to now is a place called the Tarn islands.

Along the way, the storm never stopped, and even a natural Aurora fell down, with destructive power, making a big hole in the deck of Hades.

After Rosen and others reacted, they let Aini road rush to repair.

Even the Hades could not avoid these natural disasters, let alone the ordinary Pirate Group.

No wonder there is hardly any national civilization in this sea area.

If a small number of people and the strong can say that with the help of some special terrain, they can really survive.

But if you want to build a large-scale city and civilization, I'm afraid it will be destroyed by natural disasters on the first day.

Along the way, they also met some very large sea king class, Rosen let white star try to play their ability.

In the end, it's just driving them away, not controlling them, and it's no use giving them orders.

This makes Rosen suspect that either the sea king controlled by white star is limited to those living in Fishman Island, or her ability is not enough.

Rosen himself is more inclined to the second point.

"Captain, enemy attack!" Enilu's eyes suddenly opened.

"No one?" Mr.5 has been looking at the screen, and found no trace of the enemy ship.

And is there any pirate group that dares to attack them now? If so, I really admire their courage.

"From heaven." Said enilu.

Boom! Along with the lightning, a group of Pirates wearing the same clothing as the spread of wings, actually fell down along the lightning.

Patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter patter.

"Lead this pirate ship to the whirlpool and destroy them!"
