"What's the Navy trying to stop me?" Rosen stood in the bow, looking at the two unfamiliar generals, said faintly.

With just a few warships and two generals, do you want to stop yourself and others?

Not so naive.

"Unclean man, on behalf of the just Navy, I will arrest you!" Qingfeng, her real name, Evelina, the hero of Lyon kingdom.

He used to be a royal guard.

"So in two?" Rosen looked at a serious face, hands holding a big sword of Green Feng some unexpected way.

"We don't want to fight you either. Why don't you give us Joe, Ellie and Bonnie?" Green cow light said.

He still doesn't look like he's fighting.

"Straight through."

Since we are determined to get in the way, there is nothing to say.

The Hades immediately increased its power and made a rampage.

Li Wei won't let himself and others fall into the encirclement of pirates and Navy, which is also very dangerous for them.

"Well, it's really troublesome!" Green cow hand grip, this person exudes green light, shiny.

Crackle! All of a sudden, the air burst out with a crisp cracking sound, which was not small.

The whole ship of Hades can hear it.

Rosen slightly alert, he would like to see how strong these two generals are.

With the crisp sound, Rosen saw a touch of green in the air. It was a small sapling.

"Trees in the air?"

Huala, and this big tree grows up very quickly. In the blink of an eye, it is already ten meters high and has luxuriant branches and leaves.

The next moment, it is like a balloon in general, constantly rapid expansion, less than a minute.

It's over 100 meters.

Become a giant tree.

The huge canopy is full of fruit.

There are apples, durian, oranges, all kinds of them.

Although Rosen had learned some intelligence through O'Neill's Information Center earlier.

But I was shocked to see it with my own eyes.

"What is this?! Is it the fruit tree who can do it? " The pirates who followed closely also saw the fruit trees growing out of mid air, and they were confused for a moment.

What power can fruit trees have? Although this ability is really rare.

"Fruit trees? No, I'm a wooden man with wooden fruit. I just tried to take trees as the basis and graft other varieties, because it can save many people and kill enemies at the same time. "

Green cow light said.

Then, with a wave of the hand, the fruit on the tree would crash down and be fruitful.

"Destroy it!" Rosen took a look and said to Morris.

I don't know what's different, but as a general.

Then the attack cannot be ignored.

"Tear the sky blade!" Morris nodded, waved his hands, and a dense blade of air flew out of the boat, chopping the fruit in the sky.

In the blink of an eye, all the fruit was cut into pieces.

When it became a piece of debris, in an instant, a dense and terrible explosion storm sounded in the sky.

"Bombs? Isn't that fruit? " Many people were surprised. Because of the power of the explosion, the shells of the warship were even bigger.

In other words, ordinary pirate ships are likely to be killed by an apple!

Thinking about this, many people's hearts are extremely complicated.

This will cross the sea for countless years, and in the end, it will be directly killed by an apple bomb. Isn't that a joke!

"It's no surprise. In nature, many plants have blasting effect, but I just increased the power a little bit."

Green cow said, from his feet spread out a piece of green grassland, directly generated in the air and the sea.

Spread all over the field of vision, stretching at least tens of thousands of meters.

Everyone felt like they were in the jungle.

Whoosh, whoosh! All of a sudden, the thick roots of the trees rose from all directions, ready to entangle the Pluto with Rosen and others on the deck.

"Thunder Dragon!" But Aini road wields a ferocious Thunder Dragon, originally thought that can smash these fragile roots easily.

But in fact, as soon as lightning touches these roots, lightning flows along them to the trunk of the towering giant tree.

And then, again, the crown bears fruit.

With the trees shaking, dense fruit bombs fell down again.

"Evil prison chop!" Hathaway cut out a few majestic sword, destroyed all the roots, at the same time, the sky fell down fruit bombs swept away.

But as soon as it was destroyed, these things were born again.

"I'll attack the tree! Thunder kills the gun

Aini road condensed a thunder gun, which was thrown out directly without aiming at it, because the trees were very big.

Peng's a, huge tree trunk, blow out a big hole directly!

But it's coming back soon! The vitality is amazing.

This makes enilu and others look a little heavy.

"Whoosh!" Green bull's figure suddenly disappeared, and the next moment appeared on the giant tree crown.

There is a kind of black green domineering throughout, which is connected with the towering giant trees.

The whole tree seems to be more green!

"Be my nourishment." Green cattle hand a Yang, a moment, countless fruits wrapped in domineering, millions of leaves have fallen off.

What makes Rosen's face slightly dignified is that every leaf is wrapped with domineering spirit.

It must be very sharp in terms of its speed through the air.

At the same time, there are countless roots crawling over the sea in all aspects, and the sea has little influence on them.

Among them, several roots condensed into spears, the most powerful of which were aimed at Rosen and other cadres.

At this moment, it seemed that the whole dawn Pirate Group was surrounded by him.

"Is this the general of the Navy headquarters? Is it a bit strong? What's more, it seems to be the ability to target multiple enemies! " Some of the pirates looked at the sea "forest." In a deep voice.

If this continues, the general Pirate Group will be directly consumed.

No matter how hard you fight, the explosive fruit will condense, penetrate and bind the roots.

There is no limit.


With the explosive fruit of green bull, it is more powerful.

There are many experts in Rosen's side, you can still block it, and it won't take much effort.

But those leaves are too hard to guard against.

Wuerji soared into the air and wanted to smash these seemingly light leaves with a blow to the air.

But with one blow, I found that I couldn't blow the leaves.

They look light, but they are actually very heavy.

Whoa! Several leaves, directly tearing the defense of urki, blood flow.

Other leaves, like beasts smelling the smell of blood, rushed towards urki.

A few leaves can hurt urji, if it is tens of thousands, I'm afraid urji will be directly cut into bones.

But Bonis a giant lava fist, directly blocked the tide of these leaves, countless leaves into the magma, directly melted.

"The ability of magma." The green cow frowned slightly.

As a wooden man, he is not afraid of the thunder fruit, but the magma fruit makes him care.

"It's really a good ability to attack the enemy endlessly. Even if you meet an enemy who is a little stronger than you, I'm afraid you can't help it. However, the weakness is also very obvious. As long as you are defeated, your ability will naturally disappear!"