Some of them have spent many years here to become the king of pirates.

But they didn't succeed, but they were not willing to let go. They wandered in this sea area every day and night.

Because there are no countries or cities in this sea area, in order to survive.

No matter living in caves or underground.

No matter how difficult the conditions are, I'm not willing to give up. This is obsession.

So whenever there is a glimmer of hope, they will fight for it.

Now hearing Rosen say that, they broke out on the spot.

Because shocky fruit is obviously hopeless.

But Rosen gave them new hope.


As long as we can get to lourderu, what will happen then? Who knows?

First of all, with the help of the most powerful dawn Pirate Group and the ancient weapons they hold, they can also interpret the historical text.

Indeed, as he said, it may be possible for them to find lourderu in the shortest possible time.

"Hey, Blackbeard, you're not lucky." A moment ago, Blackbeard was able to drive these outlaws with the help of the shock fruit.

But in the blink of an eye, these pirates surrounded Blackbeard instead.

One by one, each of them showed his worst.

Even Blackbeard's face sank.

These pirates may be a little weak, but they are all a group of crazy people.

What four emperors, general in their eyes, do not accept.

Although it often leads to the loss of a large number of subordinates.

But sometimes it does.

"Hum!" Blackbeard snorted and attacked directly.

But he's stuck.

Kaiduo didn't hesitate to attack Rosen directly, because there are two generals in, he thinks there is still a chance.

"Dong!" But Kato just ran a few steps, and Rosen hammered in the air again, and the strong and fierce air shock wave came.

Where kaiduo is, the earth is smashed, the air burst, the air shock wave is transmitted, and the sea surface is suddenly raised by tens of meters!

The tsunami is coming.

Kato's whole body was blown hundreds of meters away from the air, and blood marks appeared on his body.

"Damn, white beard's ability is really tricky!" CADO gave a cold voice.

"Thousand empty chop!" And the attack of Qingfeng and lvniu has come from behind.

Green phoenix a blow cut out, a towering huge blue sword gas, mixed with the power of terror directly hit.

And in the process of flying, the sword Qi turned into dozens of Dao.

Suddenly, the power has increased several times.

Rosen turns back, grabbing the void with both hands, covering it with domineering force and bulging muscles.

At the same time, the ability of shaking fruit is activated.

The whole world seems to be distorted by the shock.

The earth shakes and the sky moves, the air shakes and waves are invisible, but one by one.

Hands suddenly a twist, those sword Qi directly twisted direction in mid air, hit on the ground.

At the same time, the figure of Qingfeng in the distance, feeling uncontrollable, wants to be caught by the shock of the air, and then plunges down to the ground.

"No way!" With a roar, Qingfeng's whole body burst, her white wings covered with armed color, and she burst into the sky, escaping from Rosen's range.

"Still not strong enough!" Rosen was slightly disappointed, mainly because he had just started.

Otherwise, it would be no problem to smash the general's defense directly within the scope of the air quake.

"Tianzhu!" The green ox controls a sharp root, condenses the domineering spirit, and stabs down from the sky.

Extremely fast, pierced the air barrier, broke out a sharp sound explosion, a cloud of sound barrier burst in the air.

"Sand crocodile!" Rosen had just started another attack.

I can't do it very skillfully, so I can only gather a crocodile's arm to cover the sky.


The crocodile's arm collided with the sharp root in the sky, and there was a strong explosion.

At the same time, it's still bombarding!

Mutual impact, like two high-power engines constantly releasing energy, impact deadlock.

Click! But after all, Rosen is stronger.

The roots burst to pieces, and the sand crocodile bit at the green ox,

The green ox's body suddenly turns green, and the sand crocodile passes through it.

The body burst to pieces, but it was wood root debris that flew down.

His figure condensed from the towering tree again.

But his face was heavy.

At the last moment, kaiduo and Qingfeng were defeated again.

Both of them are falling from the sky.

Try to avoid the jarring fruit ability of Clarkson!

But the scope of the earthquake is so large that it is almost unavoidable.

Even when white beard used fruit power.

Can not avoid sometimes hurt their own people.

Seeing this, Rosen squatted slightly and the ground sank suddenly.

Shock halo enveloped fist, Rosen a dragon straight fist, bang out, only to hear a bang of the sky.

Following a short click, the atmosphere was again shaken out of a dense crack.

The position of each crack is full of tearing, shaking and crushing force.

"Damn it Feel the wave of terror coming.

Kaiduo was not reconciled. He changed the dragon's posture directly. The Dragon claws attacked him, and his mouth condensed the strongest fire.

At the same time, Qingfeng also condenses the golden sword! Continuous blasting!

Boom boom! The shock wave collided with the two men's attack, and the whole sky exploded!

All kinds of energy crushing.

The swept tsunami was immediately smashed by the shock wave and burst into water and sprinkled in the air.

And the attack of two people, also can resist the earthquake ability of Rosen hard finally.

This is the adverse fruit that dominates the power of destruction..

If it's sand fruit, Rosen may not be able to do it.

But Zhenzhen did.

Even though Rosen is not developing it as well as sand.

But as far as the frontal open and close attack is concerned, it is much higher than the sand.

"This may be my way to break the limit and surpass the four emperors!" Rosen was hot.

As long as the fruit can be well developed and used with the fruit capacity of Shasha.

Rosen thinks that it is not impossible to surpass the four top generals and become the strongest in the world.

Just imagine, the shattering of Zhenzhen fruit has great lethality, if the shattering force is carried by the earthquake again.

And this almost inevitable range of attack, one punch down.

Everything is dust.

"Come again!" Rosen's fighting spirit is high, although the enemy has two generals, one is the fourth emperor.

But in a short time, Rosen has no problem fighting them.

But over time, it's Rosen who is in danger.

After all, there was not a weak one present.

That is to say, we have got the fruits of shock, and the lethality has increased dramatically.

Rosen can fight three in one.

If it is before the change, he can at most resist Kato and one of the generals.

No matter how much, he may have difficulty in fighting back.


Click, click

Three people besieged Rosen, but Rosen also through the actual combat, constantly running in shock fruit.

So you can see smashed atmospheric cracks everywhere.

With the passage of time, they also found that Rosen had plans to use them to hone the ability of shaking fruits.

This discovery made the three people's faces as black as coke.

At the same time, the attack is more fierce.