In Langston, there is a famous food gathering. This sea area gathers fish from all over the world, from all over the world, from the first half of the great route, from the new world, and from the windless zone.

All the ingredients you can think of are in the sea from Langston island to the upside down boundary.

So in Langston Island, there is a very special food culture.

All kinds of delicious fish make up of delicious food.

Every day, thousands of fish are made into delicious food and presented to all tourists.

There is a characteristic of the pirates who go to Shenluo sea area. They don't like to tell others about Shenluo sea area.

So there are a lot of legendary pirates here, but it's just like disappearing outside.

Rosen knows why.

Because the more people know about Shenluo sea area, the more competitors they have. After all, lourderu exists in this sea area.

More people, their probability is small, but it is not absolute.

Once in a while, news got out and was heard.

However, large-scale publicity is not allowed, and the world government will not let this happen. In the view of the world government, you can survive here or do anything here, but you want to spread it and attract more people.

I'm sorry, they're blocking information from all kinds of sources.

Because the world government will not reduce the probability of finding lourderu.

Here, Rosen estimates, should be the sea of miracles that Yamato has been looking for!

Shanzhi should have read some biographies written by people who lived in Shenluo sea area a long time ago.

Knowing this, Rosen can't bear it.

Adventure, is to keep surprise interesting.

Ice cream is one of the first delicious foods to do well.

Rosen brought Natalie for ice cream.

However, when they first arrived in this wilderness, they felt that the atmosphere here was very depressing, even heavy.

And very quiet.

The food here is put in the open air, but many of them use ice bed to keep fresh. It's very clean, and all kinds of stalls present all kinds of food.

Stalls are built with simple shantytowns, which look simple but not cheap.

When Rosen came in, he found out why there were so many people here, but it was so quiet.

Because there are so many strong pirates here.

For example, as soon as Rosen entered this food gathering area, he saw a group of Pirates eating raw fish. The captain was moonlight molya, and Princess ghost.

"Nana, here, here, wow, the raw fish here is really delicious." Perona called out when she saw Natalie.

"Really?" Natalie's eyes lit up. Fish, her favorite.

"Stop, you're going to run away, and you won't get the ice cream."

"Ah, how can that be?" Natalie can only say goodbye to Perona in tears.

Mollia breathed a sigh of relief.

Kidd at the side stall was in a bad mood when he heard the cry.

Kidd: women are the most troublesome!

But when I saw Rosen, I still counseled!

Kidd didn't forget how hard he was taught in the shampooland islands.

"Is that the captain of the dawn Pirate Group and the leader of the dawn alliance? Sure enough, it's domineering. It looks younger than the one on the wanted list! " A captain who lives in Shenluo sea area all the year round looks at Rosen and others and comments.

Rosen took a look at these people, ignored them, and continued to walk inside.

The dessert is still inside.

"Ohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohoh Once upon a time, the ghost mother-in-law of Raytheon island was dining at a stall.

After the meal, she obviously didn't want to pay, and she wanted to sell umbrellas to make money.

The owner of the shop has no choice but to be harassed by pirates.

But if a legendary pirate like the ghost mother-in-law is in trouble, it's hard to say whether anyone will take action.

"Oh, sand crocodile." The ghost mother-in-law saw Rosen, put away her umbrella and left.

There have been skirmishes before, so as not to be cleared.

The more Rosen walked in, the more heavy his heart was.

There are too many strong people!

Peng! All of a sudden, at a stall, an old man with curly hair who looked a little thin smashed the table.

"Ah, my poor little silver axe John, who has the same name as me and has been on the same boat with me, why are you missing now? He said that we would have dinner together today, but you turned back... I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!"

The old man was constantly hammered on the ground.

"Captain John, Captain John! You calm down, I'll give you medicine right away... "A group of people like the crew continued to persuade.

"Who is that old man?" Some people don't understand.

These people have just arrived.

It is also the first time to enter the Shenluo sea area.

"So young, no wonder you don't know. This guy is John from the Lockheed Marines! But, to be exact, Big John! There is also a legendary pirate named Little John

"You mean, they're all called John, and the Lockheed Marines are?"

"White beard, Cato, aunt, have you heard of the golden lion?"

"Of course."

"They used to be members of the Lockheed Marines!"

"Lying trough!"

"I'm kidding. If there is such a strong group of pirates in the world, is it possible that the world government will be overthrown by them?"

"You can find out the past in any pub here. I won't tell you more. Let's talk about the story of big and small John."

"All right!"

"A long time ago, there were two men named John in the Lockheed Marines, so sometimes they were confused when the Navy offered a reward, because they were still partners on the same ship, which made many pirate hunters confused and didn't know who they were. It is said that they often fought because of this. Later, the loser was called Little John and won the prize, He was called Big John, but big John was very overbearing. After winning, he gave him the nickname of silver axe, and he was not allowed to use the name of John.... "

Rosen listened quietly.

There is such a story.

Rosen had doubts before, because the information he got was that John was John and the silver axe was silver axe.

Later, when Wang Zhi called the silver axe John, he thought they were the same person. Maybe the information was wrong.

But now, the information is correct.

But that's not the point. After all, when people are on the sea, who can have no stories.

What Rosen really cares about is that this big John is better than little John!

I don't know if it was better than him before or still better than him now. If it is still better than silver axe, then the strength will be terrible.

"Captain, Captain, here comes krocdal!"

"What?" The bad old man, Big John, raised his head suddenly, his eyes were crazy.

Then, whew, he rushed to Rosen, and Robinson was on guard.

"Did you kill little John, did you kill him... You should have killed him, no, no, you shouldn't have killed him... You should have killed him, shouldn't have killed him..." his brain seemed to be in trouble.

And such a person, for anyone, is an unstable bomb.