But guess is guess, not sure. Harry doesn't want to scare the snake.

We'll have to wait until festa's gone, or we'll be exposed if we make a mistake.

This loses the chance to find a permanent pointer.

But at least he has a direction

The naval battle continued, but the desserts that Aunt should eat were still eating. Red hair set out to visit doranchini island. The purpose is unknown for the moment.

Rosen arranged for Aini road to keep an eye on the changes in doranchini island and report immediately.

And then wait.

At the same time, Rosen also targeted some strong men, some pirates with a reward of more than 1 billion.

Then knock them down or kill them according to the situation.

In this way, the system can be reset continuously.

Although we failed to find the opportunity to knock down the strong with a reward of more than 2 billion.

However, Rosen is now holding the idea that the strength can be enhanced a little bit, and has knocked down many pirates one after another.

However, in the general level before the proficiency is still very easy to brush.

Especially in this place where the strong are like clouds.

In addition, Hathaway and others raided the array. Basically, none of the strong men who were targeted by Rosen have escaped yet.

Rosen's action naturally made many people start to be vigilant.

Human enhancement attributes:

Name: Sha klocdal (Rosen)

Ability: Sha Sha fruit ability awakes, advanced (Proficiency: 18802000)

Ability: the ability of shaking fruit is not awakened intermediate (Proficiency: 9801000)

Physical skills: Advanced (Proficiency: 16902000)

Domineering: domineering color advanced (Proficiency: 16002000)

Armed color (Proficiency: 9001000)

Seeing and hearing (Proficiency: 7001000)

Fencing: Advanced (proficiency 14002000)

Strengthening times: 20

Effect: Defense X40, speed X20, activity x14, strength X12, experience pack x1

Next time, strengthen the conditions: defeat those who have more than 2 billion Bailey bounty strength( Strength (x8)

Random reset task: defeat those who have more than 1.5 billion Bailey bounty( Defense (X10)

Demon fruit capacity extra X1 Quest: currently 25% improved. Suggestion: after the progress is completed, the body defense at least X8 can be safely activated, and you can choose to transfer. "

On Langston, Rosen has completed six missions. Defense, speed, and even strength are no more than X4. There is no active mission.

There are still more than 2 billion main tasks that have not been completed.

Most of them are generals. Now they are all in a group. Rosen doesn't want Langston island to be in chaos for the time being.

Because Rosen's physical fitness and domineering are very strong factors, plus the general's level of proficiency is good to improve.

Six more times have been completed, and the development degree of earthquake fruit is close to the level of general.

It is not difficult for Rosen, who is now powerful, to quickly upgrade the Zhenzhen fruit to the general level.

At the beginning, Blackbeard, whose strength was already very strong, after eating the fruits of earthquake, showed a strong ability of earthquake.

Of course, if a person is not strong enough to eat the fruits of the earthquake, he must step by step improve and strengthen his body.

Rosen estimated that his current strength was a little stronger than that of the general four emperors, but he had not yet reached the level above them.

Of course, one-on-one words, protracted war, Rosen is sure to suppress a single four emperor.

This kind of strength, in Rosen's view, is not enough to be superior to others, but Rosen feels that once he combines the fruits of shock with the fruits of sand.

After studying the attack of annihilating all matter and energy with one punch, he may be the strongest in the world.

"Closer and closer to the target!" Rosen felt the power in his body and said to himself.

After that, he tried to combine the two abilities, while paying attention to the changes outside.

But Rosen never thought that today, something happened in doranchini Island, which is enough to change the direction of the whole game.

The fourth emperor has fallen!

When Rosen learned the news, he was deeply shocked!

On the island of doranchini, high in Barrett's base, when Blackbeard appeared with KEDO's head, it made everyone tremble from the heart.

"It's not true. That's the head of Cato!"!!! How is that possible?! What's going on? That's the fourth emperor! What did Blackbeard do? "

"Your Excellency!" Quinn and Jin are also full of horror. What's the matter? Lord Cato just went out to discuss with Blackbeard?

How did you die?!

This is absolutely not true! Damn it!

Even if the talks fall apart, there should be a fighting team at least. Even if the enemy is several times stronger than Lord Kaido, it is impossible to kill him in silence!

Everyone was frightened by the sudden change.

"Thief hahaha... All the rubbish here, please remember my name, and also remember that this era belongs to me, Blackbeard!" Blackbeard was laughing wildly on the high ground, and the head of Cato in his hand was so dazzling.

"It's really Cato's head! Is Blackbeard so powerful? " Someone's eyes are starting to go crazy.

It's so strong!

Kill Sihuang! No matter what the process is, the result is astonishing!

Even Rosen is no exception.

This situation is beyond everyone's expectation.

Countless pirate groups are still waiting to see, all joined the Blackbeard Pirate Group.

Blackbeard is so dazzling at this moment!

Carrying the head of kaiduo, he is like a new generation of sea king!

On this day, countless forces of the game fell into silence, as well as the study of Blackbeard.

"Is the message confirmed?" Rosen was smoking a cigar. For a long time, there was no situation beyond his expectation and control.

"Yes, it's really the head of KEDO, not a fake. It's standing in front of their base for everyone to watch." Robin's voice was heavy.

"Quinn and ember are under control, too!" Enilu also said.

Countless forces have sent personnel to check.

In the end, they all came to the same conclusion. Kaiduo was really killed by Blackbeard!

"We asked the pirates on the island that before Kato died, there was no massive battle in doranchini. With Kato's strength, it is unlikely that he would be killed in silence." It's no surprise that Bonis would think so.

In other words, everyone thinks so.

Because Sihuang is the strongest group of people in the world, who has the ability to kill them quietly.

"Lo, what do you think?" Rosen looked at him, hoping to get some medical information.

"Kato has a ferocious face and scars on his head. Normally, it should have been a very fierce battle, but the island's view is the same. No one found anything."

"Can it be someone with special abilities?"

"I don't rule that out."

"But these are not the most important. The most important thing is that Blackbeard has the strength to kill the four emperors." As soon as Rosen spoke, everyone was silent.

That's what everybody cares about the most.

Kato's death is more good than bad for Rosen.

But this signal has given countless people an unprecedented sense of crisis.