Jabba's words immediately aroused a lot of people's speculation that life is coming to an end? So I'm going to have a try.

Is there a treasure of immortality on lourderu?

If so, that would be great!

Is there really everything in the world? Everything you want?!

"You've always had a good relationship, but do you think lourderu really has it? We didn't open the core, but... "Raleigh shook his head and didn't have much hope for it.

"I know, but who knows if I don't try?" Jabba said calmly.

Sikar is also helpless, Jabba decided things, even he is unable to resist.

"The sand crocodile is your choice?" Jabba looked at Raleigh and asked.

Other people intercepted Rosen, but did not do their best, but distracted to listen to these people who had landed on the lourderu.

Because they are likely to reveal something in a few words.

In this way, the pressure of Rosen and others is much less.

Except for Rosen, he faces his aunt and Blackbeard, and the pointer is on him forever.

His enemies in this direction are more and more crazy.

"Almost." Raleigh said faintly.

"In other words, do we have to face each other?" Jabba said and pulled out a famous sharp knife.

There is no plan to retreat.

Boom boom! Rosen also pays attention to the situation in the field, but does not dare to be too distracted.

Blackbeard and aunt are not weak.

If they don't pay attention to it, they may get it.

"Silver flash!" A silver disc whirled, like a whirlwind, pointing to Rosen.

Bang! But on the way, he was cut down by Hathaway's Yang knife, which stopped him from moving on.

Buzz! The eagle's eye cut out a cross of knife gas, Hathaway jumped away, chopped down on the silver axe, directly pushed him, knocked over a lot of people, retreated hundreds of meters.

"No one can stop us!"

Whoa, whoa! Rosen hammered out two fists, smashed the shock wave, and lifted away countless pirates with a reward of over 100 million,

Some of the weak were directly shocked to death.

And the range of shaking fruit is very wide.

Group wide attack can completely weaken the enemy's advantage in number.

But it's still hard to break through.

Bang! Jabba collided with a smiling sword.

In the end, Raleigh didn't want to fight Jabba, but stopped Jabba's attack with a smile.

And Raleigh waved his sword from the outside, and raised many pirates, although Raleigh was originally optimistic about Luffy straw hat.

However, things are developing too fast, and the situation is completely out of control.

Even red hair sacrificed a lot of things, and the stability maintained by the world government no longer exists.

Maybe just as red hair once said, prophecy is prophecy after all, and they are people living in the present.

For them now, that's the truth.

"Oh, my dear silver axe, you are still alive! Let's join hands happily. When I become the pirate king, I will make you a deputy pirate king. "

But behind Raleigh, a group of powerful pirates also appeared.

Big John!

At the same time, it is also the closest to the existence of madman.

Hearing the sound, the silver axe looked and frowned.

Even hetui spat blood sputum on the ground.

Mad! Bad luck!

"Krocdal, I miss you so much!" Big John's eyes became wild. He held a big sword on his left and right, and each sword was shining.

The electric light is chirping, as if a thousand birds are chirping.

It's furious.

He rushed in, and enilu turned into lightning in front of him.

Rosen is under enough pressure at the moment.

If there are more strong players, Rosen will not be able to lead them to continue to move forward.

In this case, if you can't keep moving, it means chronic death.

Because there will only be more and more enemies.

Not less and less.

Peng! But enilu waved the scepter of thunder.

He was blown away by Big John's electric knife.

Big John is powerful!

It's the fourth emperor class strong!

Even Aini Road, in the face of such a crazy opponent, in the case of hard hitting, was also shot out.

Although not hurt, still can fight again, but also see the strength of the two, there is a gap.

Big John kept on killing Rosen.

Rosen frowned, too.

If aunt Blackbeard has another four emperor level master.

He's not passive, he's in danger.

But at this time, both the dragon and others were entangled by more pirates.

Some of them, the single combat power may not be the dragon's opponent, but in the case of a large number of people, they have been completely entangled.

It's not so easy to get out in a moment.

"Boom!" Rosen's fist hit the air wall, and a wave of shock rippled out.

But big John held the knife in both hands, and suddenly everything happened. The extremely sharp light of the knife separated the invisible power of vibration.

The whole person still maintains the assault posture.

If Rosen is going to block at the moment, he will be able to, but one of the attacks from aunt and Blackbeard will fall on him.

Aunt's attack is strong enough!

Blackbeard's attack, can instantly suppress their own fruit ability, will make him more passive!

When Rosen was in a dilemma, two extremely fast figures came flying.

"Fire fist!"

"Phoenix seal!"

A hot, dark red fire fist bombarded him laterally, and a blue bird quickly came and kicked Big John's knife with one foot.

Both attacks are very powerful.

Even big John, suddenly suffered from these two attacks, also felt the pressure.

He wielded a knife, swept out a sword, cut the fist of fire.

The other knife could not be waved. When Marco kicked it, the ground collapsed and he was almost buried in the soil.

"White bearded Pirate Group!" Many people were shocked to see the people coming.

Although the white beard Pirate Group is no longer as brilliant as the white beard at that time.

But for the strength of fire boxing ace now, as well as his identity, still let countless people fear.

No one dares to look down on the white bearded pirates.

Marco and fire boxing ace have the fighting power of general level, and several of their pirate captains are able to hold down the general level.

Even if they are no longer the top-level Pirate Group, there are only a few of them with the ability of the sea.

"Get out of here first." Fire fist is not interested in the throne of pirate king.

The reason why he fought for the permanent pointer was that he wanted to do it for white beard.

Even if white beard doesn't need it.

But for ace, it's necessary. He wants everyone to see that if they want to be a pirate king, they can be a pirate king.

Daddy, he's not! Never a loser!

But never let the permanent pointer fall into the hands of others.

And don't want to see Rosen and others besieged, first leave here, and then find a way to win.