"Come and get it if you can." She grinned.

Boom! In an instant, the fire and lightning poured down, drowning the five old stars, and the fierce battle broke out in an instant.

Raleigh and a smile could have escaped.

Especially when the battle broke out between five old stars and aunt, it was the best time.

But looking at the five stars in such a state, Raleigh felt it necessary to test their strength.

So a smile with Raleigh together, temporarily resist the five-star offensive.

It's true that the five old stars are powerful, but Raleigh, aunt is a four emperor, Waldo is a general, Yixiao is a three general,

No matter where this force is placed, it cannot be ignored.


The blue shadow hunting in other places almost never stops.

Rosen and others also lost their way.

This fog is so weird.

Now even Rosen feels the weight of his steps, not to mention other people.

"Take a break."

Although they want to rush out without stopping, it's also very dangerous for them if they don't know the direction and waste their energy.

But there is one advantage, that is, they have cleaned up the nearby blue shadow.

For the time being, they can get a chance to breathe. These blue shadows are still a great threat to them.

But with Rosen's activity, so far, none of them has died.

Except for robucci and the Pirate Queen, they lost their fruit power.

Fortunately, both of them are strong men whose mentality matches their strength. At this critical moment, they don't complain, but they still try their best.

The female emperor has no fruit ability, has the domineering color and body skill, and her combat power is still not weak.

Luckie is also very strong in physique.

"Boss, look at lourderu's permanent pointer. If it's right, the permanent pointer should be specially made. Maybe in the fog, only this thing can work."

It's not surprising that Robin would think so, because everyone knows the environment around lourderu.

If it's a general pointer or something, it's mostly useless.

But since Roger left such a pointer, it shows that the pointer is mostly special.

When he heard Robin's words, luckie's eyes were frozen. The previous permanent pointer was fake?!

"That's right." Rosen thought about it. Just now, he only focused on dealing with these blue shadow monsters. Meanwhile, he always focused on the strange fog.

It's ignored.

Rosen reveals his empty body and takes out the permanent pointer. Luckie resists the impulse to do it.

If you can get it, it will be a great credit.

In the Navy headquarters, I'm afraid it's possible to be promoted to a navy general.

But he knew that as soon as he started, he would be ashes and get nothing.

"How's it going?"

"The pointer is not in disorder, it is still moving!"

"We'll start right away." Bonis said with a little excitement, has it been so close to lourderu?

"Don't worry, everyone will get back to the top, and then open the way." Although they can't split the fog in one breath.

But it's possible to split a little bit and push it slowly.

At the same time, Rosen also had to say that the fog was really against the sky.

Even the four emperors could not split it.

And from the previous presence, in the fog.

The five old stars have a strong control over the capable. That is to say, they may have installed some machines in doranchini island.

But Rosen is now able to escape, and has no interest in machines or saving pirates.

Rosen's activity radiates, everyone's injury and loss are in rapid recovery.

"Unbelievable, is that your ability?" Just now, in order to resist the crazy attack of all the pirates, they were fighting with all their strength, including the Hawk Eye.

As a result, most people are more or less injured, and Hawkeye is no exception.

And in such a blink of an eye, everyone recovered, and the consumption came back.

If this ability can be used all the time, it's too bad. I'm afraid it's hard to die in battle.

"Yes." It's easier for us to accept what Rosen said.

We had a rest.

Start again.

Although the speed of progress is not very fast, with the guidance of a permanent pointer, they will be able to get out of the fog island.

Along the way, they saw the bodies of many pirates.

Obviously, some of the pirates did not escape slowly, but they all died.

In the long run, Rosen and others will be in danger.

Because they can't break the fog, it means that the initiative is in the hands of the five stars.

"Sand crocodile!" But about half an hour after Rosen's advance.

There was a familiar sound in front of him. It was Kapp's. There were two figures standing in the fog.

The attack of Bonis and enilu broke out instantly.

Lightning and magma, which are natural disaster forces, can clear a short field of vision to a certain extent when attacking.

But if there is no attack, it will soon be covered by thick fog.

Of course, Rosen's ability to sand fruit has the same characteristics.

Pengpeng! Two attacks were defeated by Kapp and Qingfeng.

"Get out of the way, Kapp. You can't stop us." A Kapp, a general, strength is not weak.

But compared with Rosen's side, once the battle breaks out, it won't be long before they both die.

But if they are really desperate to give up their lives.

Maybe one or two people will be dragged down.

In particular, Kapp's strength is four emperors.

"Well, it's just a pirate. It's arrogant!" Green phoenix cold voice way, the wings spread, will launch an attack.

"Wait a minute." Kapp said suddenly, hesitating.

If the fact is as they guessed, the pirates will be killed at the moment.

Who will fight against the world government in the future?

"What?" Qingfeng thought she heard wrong, Navy hero, even said let her wait?

Didn't he know that he was facing a very poor and vicious criminal?

If it wasn't for the five stars who ordered the blue shadow monsters not to attack them, they would be taken to the coast at the same time.

I'm afraid they don't even have a chance to intercept sand crocodiles and others.

Once let them escape, I'm afraid the sea will be completely restless.

Seeing that Kapp didn't give in, Rosen was a little angry and immediately yelled, "Kapp, don't forget whether you are fighting for the people or for the world government? From last time to this time, the world government has a huge secret. Do you think it's really good for the sea? I don't believe you didn't doubt the world government. "

"Well think about it, why did Roger push forward the era of great navigation at the cost of death? Didn't he know the harm of pirates to people? No, he knows, but he still does, which means that there are more dangerous things than the era of pirates. "

Rosen doesn't have to be frank about this dangerous thing. He also believes that Kapp can understand it.

"Ha ha, if you're afraid, just say it." Qingfeng sneered, but for Kapu, she still has great respect, because her country has been saved by Kapu.