Everyone retreats at the same time, even an idiot knows that something is wrong, but Jabba, including John, doesn't know what Rosen is going to do!

Did he think that when Blackbeard died, they would make way for him.

In front of lourderu, no one will shrink back. All of them have been fighting for this all their lives.

And look, the super fleet in the distance is about to catch up.

You can see the shadow and the outline.

"Sand crocodile, as long as you promise to take us to lourderu, we'll get out of the way, or if this stalemate goes on, none of us can get to lourderu!"

At this time, John obviously took the medicine, and his head was very clear.

He knew very well that at this time, if they attacked alone, it would be impossible for them to take the permanent pointer from the sand crocodile.

Because their strength is much weaker, it's hard for them to win again.

And the rear fleet rushed, of course, can hold down Rosen and others, if you're lucky, you can even destroy the dawn alliance!

But what's next?

Next, no matter who gets the permanent pointer, they will face the pursuit of large forces! Even if they get it, they are not sure that they will leave calmly under so many forces.

Maybe someone with special ability can do it.

But they don't have that power on board at the moment.

So the best way is to compromise with the sand crocodile.

Go to lourderu together. When we get to the island, it's unknown who will get the treasure and who will live.

It's worth their fight!

Now even Jabba agrees with Big John.

So his silence is equivalent to acquiescence.

They just need to be on the island.

Zeus The aunt suspected that the speed of the ship was too slow, so she jumped on the white cloud Zeus and rushed straight to Rosen

But there is still a long way to go.

I don't know who exposed the news of Pantian waterfall, which led everyone to have a target to pursue.

Otherwise, they would have been lost just now. Many people saw the battlefield under the waterfall through telescopes.

People with air combat capabilities can't wait.

One by one, they soared into the air.

Although this distance of high-speed attack will waste some physical strength, but there is no way, the opportunity is in front of us, not everyone can calm down.

After all, no one knows if there is any chance.

So in an instant, at least hundreds of people rushed into the air.

And Rosen didn't respond to Big John's words and took them with him?

I'm kidding. I don't know if RAF Delu is in any other danger. How can he go with unstable bombs.

So Rosen would rather fight them here all the time.

Anyway, with their strength, Rosen doesn't believe it. If they kill another four emperors, they will still be fearless.

"Rush through!" Rosen landed on the prow of the Pluto and ordered.

"Captain, there are many enemy ships!" Bonis cautioned, though the Pluto is strong enough, strong enough.

But the enemy warships are not ordinary goods. It's OK to bump into a few. It's not a big problem to rush through.

However, if you have to hit dozens of ships in a row, it will certainly have a great impact on the Pluto. Maybe one ship is full of ammunition. Once it hits, the Pluto will need to stop and repair.

But they don't have time to stop and fix it now.


Rosen said, half squatting down and gathering strength.

The whole arm turned red.

Shock fruit ability and sand fruit ability to open to the extreme, he wants to hard rush past!

Rely on his strength!

"I understand!" Bonis said nothing more!

Whoa, whoa, whoa

The underworld speeded up and rushed forward.

"What does the sand crocodile want?"?! Is he crazy!? Hard hit? I don't believe your boat is so hard! Array! " Ordered big John.

Don't let Rosen break through anyway!

But the next moment he saw that Rosen's whole arm began to become more and more red, and the tremor halo seemed a little bright!

An unprecedented sense of crisis rose!

"Get out of the way!" Jabba's eyes suddenly solidified, and then he cried out crazily!

Whoosh! Whoosh In that fleet, in an instant, several figures catapulted away.

It's too late for the rest.


Rosen to the fleet, a full blow out, the power has exceeded any attack Rosen used before, any power!

Rosen is now really out of the four emperor level, leading by a long way!

Even Zhenzhen fruit's proficiency was advanced to the general level when the task was finished just now.

So far, Rosen has five generals, and some of them have almost reached the level of two. The comprehensive combat power is close to the unprecedented level of six events!

This fist represents the peak!

Represents the current known peak combat power!

I only heard a crisp sound, the void was full of cracks in an instant, and then snapped, as if the fragments of substance had peeled off.

That is the air is compressed into the essence of existence, and then crushed by the shock fruit!

A terrible roar of shock rushed to the fleet.

Fast and invisible.

But everyone saw that the fleet, dozens of huge, strong and special warships, were like paper that had been burned to ashes.

The wind blows, everything, with the wind, into dust

Rosen one punch down, shock and collapse, instantly destroyed everything!

Everyone thought there would be a collision, but it didn't.

All ships, like dust, have disappeared!

"That's it!"

Jabba, Big John and even the friendly dragon were all shocked!

This blow, so terrible!

Even if an island is destroyed in front of them, they can look the same.

Because they can do it, too.

But each of them felt the power of the blow very clearly.

Terrifying, powerful, incomparable!

Moreover, those solid warships were not cracked or broken, but were destroyed in a flash.

It's such a terrible force they've never seen before!

Only Jabba, sikal, John the elder and a few cadres escaped in time just now.

Blackbeard, only one man ran out.

The rest, thousands of people with countless strong, instant evaporation!

Hades ride on the wind and waves!

"Quick, there's still a chance. They can't climb the waterfall directly. They can catch up with them directly!" Big John and others were stunned for a while, then with a heart of fear, continued to say!

They are not reconciled!

"Sand crocodile, you can't run away!" At the same time, aunt and others also killed.

But at this time, a group of giant sea kings suddenly appeared under the sea.

The sea kings here are very big.

A head from the sea, out, thousands of meters high!

Like a huge mountain, standing on the sea, stopped the attack of the follow-up forces!

"It's called back at last!" White star finally breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, when she saw that everyone was fighting, but she couldn't help herself, she was very anxious. Fortunately, she finally called them out.