Obviously, this Barrett's body is the separation of IM, and the real Barrett is either dead, or consciousness is temporarily occupied!

Whatever it is, now the ramblet is extremely dangerous for anyone.

Tenghu gravity knife summons a meteorite to fall from the sky.

But before the bombing to the sea, Barrett opened his mouth and spewed out a breath, directly smashed!

"Be careful, there's something wrong with this guy!" Raleigh reminds Tenghu.

"It looks like a completely different person!" A smile also full of dignified face, then inverted grip stick knife!


The sword sweeps at Barrett.

But Barrett stopped him.

Then Barrett kicked Tenghu with a big foot.

Although Tenghu has raised his sword, covered with armed color to block, but Barrett kicked out.

If the whole person was struck by lightning, he sprayed several mouthfuls of blood.

Face shock, this power is too strong!!

Even Raleigh was shocked!

This alien Barrett, let Reilly see an unprecedented power.

Better than captain Roger.

You can hit an expert like Yixiao with a single blow.

If it's a full blow, maybe they'll have a whoosh!

"Everyone, don't fight for each other. Keep fighting in groups of two or three!" Raleigh's voice was overbearing.

Hearing Raleigh's words, people who suffered from Barrett's loss responded.

Barrett any one of them, alone, even four emperors, there is a great danger!

Because just now, when they saw Barrett's two or three punches, they killed a strong general!

There is not much resistance in the whole city! They have never met such a terrible strong man!

Even the five old stars, after absorbing a lot of life blood food, are estimated to be unable to reach this state.

Even Raleigh was not careful. After two punches from Barrett, he was almost abandoned, but even if he didn't, he was wounded in the battle.

Finally, red hair joined the battlefield.

With a smile, Raleigh and red hair can stop Barrett's crazy killing demons!

"How long can you hold off, you will continue to consume, and I will only become stronger and stronger!" Barrett gave a strange smile and said, opening his mouth.

Some of the blue shadow seems to be carrying something from the dead, and the whole blue shadow takes something into Barrett's mouth!

It's very similar to the way five stars eat!

Seeing this scene, Raleigh and others gradually sank down.

Look around.

The world government's fleet has been inseparable from all the forces in the sea.

Even the caravans that usually trade with each other are being slaughtered by the world government and blue film.

Some people have not experienced the horror of blue shadow, but now they have seen hell.

Countless people were slaughtered.

It's not easy for them to escape.

They have entered the encirclement of the world government.

In terms of the five old stars, Big John, zefa and aunt are involved.

Zefa has seen the blue shadow this inhuman fighting weapon.

He has already stood opposite the world government.

Even if he doesn't want to choose like this, I'm afraid he can't.

Because five old stars want to kill him!

Because he is strong, but old, strength has declined, physical strength can't keep up!

It's a soft persimmon!


On the fourteenth day.

As for the pirates, the losses were heavy.

The Navy and the blue film are more and more, but the pirates are more and more weak!

Many merchants, hunters and pirates have chosen to surrender!

In the past, the world government will accept their surrender!

But this time it's different. No one knows what's wrong with the world government this time. It won't accept any surrender.

The first people to surrender have been killed.

This makes other people understand that this time it's either life or death!

The battle was fierce.

There are also a lot of people dying in the bottom of the Navy.

Kapp frowned, as did some admirals.

Some of them don't understand why they even kill merchants and bounty hunters together?

This is totally unnecessary.

In addition to increasing casualties on both sides, this will not only help the real victory of the war, but also delay it.

They can't see why the five stars gave such an order.

And after the Navy died.

Those blue shadows will also get into the body and destroy the body.

This is very uncomfortable for many navies.

But the five old stars are in charge.

Let many people dare not question.

You have to follow orders.

"Lieutenant General Kapp, why is Barrett on the side of the Navy and so powerful?" A lieutenant general after chopping off a pirate.

He quickly approached Kapp and asked with doubts.

Obviously, they have doubts about the actions and orders of the world government.

It's not just a lieutenant general.

It's a lot of names.

But in this battle, the only one who can talk to the world government is the general of the Navy headquarters.

Generals are not qualified.

Even if it is said, it is not a particularly amazing suggestion, and it will only be ignored.

That's why they came closer to Kapp.

Because Kapp is not a general lieutenant general.

Kapp's heart is heavy at the moment.

Even if there is no evidence in the Warring States period, he will make his own judgment.

It can be completely concluded that the five old stars of the world government absolutely do not belong to mankind.

Absolutely different!

Kapp can no longer be fully subordinated to every action!

But even if Kapp himself can be sure and convince other navies, he still needs evidence!

Moreover, in recent years, the world government has arranged quite a few generals in the Navy headquarters.

What have been bought? What didn't?

Kapp is not sure, so he doesn't dare to talk now.

He has to wait, wait for a better time.

At the same time, it's distinguishing.

At the moment, the Admiral who is in doubt is not likely to be a five-star man, but those naval generals who are struggling in blood.

It can't be said that they are the five-star people.

It's not arbitrary yet.

But after the operation, we must be the first to tell the Warring States!

Only the United Nations can win the trust of the Navy headquarters

Then, find out the true face of the five old stars!

Perhaps the naval headquarters of other times would not think so, they would only take orders.

But Kapp will not only think that way, but also follow it.

"There seems to be some hesitation on the part of the Navy!" The dragon claw looks at the dragon eye to say.

"No matter, after this war, there are not many naval forces that can survive. Continue to upgrade the war."

"Yes, yes."

"What are you talking about? Go to die... "Aunt arm wrapped in armed color domineering, a punch hit over, long Mou a knife block aunt's attack.

And with the energy transport of blue shadow, five old star dragon eyes launched a counterattack, and faster and faster.

However, their attack, aunt is still able to withstand.

After all, no matter where the four emperors are, they are the top fighting power, especially the strange power of aunt is not so good to resist.

One punch down, if the dragon eye has not been promoted to the peak, it may not be able to take it down.