Today, facing the world, the Navy headquarters announced a piece of news that made the world's navies boiling and angry.

Former admiral of Navy headquarters, assassinated by dawn alliance!

The world is crazy!

Then, a series of operational orders were sent out directly from the world government.

At the beginning of the general mobilization of the whole army, marshal Kong of the three armed forces, as the commander in chief, launched a fierce attack on the kingdom of dawn alliance all over the world.

In just two days, more than 100 countries have been involved in endless fighting.

On an island.

The blood is shining.

A naval combat team is slaughtering the whole island of civilians, everyone killed red eyes.

But there are also Navy spirit collapse: "no, they are not pirates, not pirates, why kill them! They're not informers. I know this place! "

"Carry out the order. It has been confirmed that this is the intelligence station of dawn alliance. The order we received was to slaughter the whole island. For this reason, it also sent us blue shadow secret weapons!"

"No, it's wrong!"

Bang! The navy was shot dead.

The admiral, with a flash of blue in his eyes, said to the other navies, "continue with the order!"


So the slaughter went on.

"Wu Wu Wu Wu..." the sea area of a certain Kingdom rang out a rapid alarm.

"The order of killing demons starts!"

"The order of killing demons starts!"

King: are they wrong? We are always the most loyal allies of the world government. We are not the dawn alliance! Why did you launch the order of killing demons in my country? It can't be true, it can't be true! "


The whole world, in just a few days, was dragged into the sea of war, a country with the ability to resist.

They will be killed directly by the order of killing demons to disintegrate their armed forces, and then they will be slaughtered inhuman after the country is broken.

Many people began to flee, but the sea, now everywhere is the flames of war, no place is safe.

Even the dawn alliance, which has resisted the attack of the demon killing order in three places, now has many islands and lost the war.

Although the Navy headquarters pulled out a large number of troops to fight in the reversed border!

However, the combat power of dawn alliance is not particularly strong. In such a huge war, it is basically impossible to achieve lossless.

DREZ Rosa.

All the high-end combat power of dawn alliance is gathered at this moment.

Green Pheasant, tezolo, Rufus, Alice and others all gathered together.

Each of them had a heavy face.

The first is that they can't get in touch with Rosen, but they have already made psychological preparations for this.

After all, there is no regular communication in Shenluo sea area.

It's just that they never thought that the world government launched attacks on all countries in the world even though its own forces were not strong.

It's not just the dawning allies that are under attack. Other countries are under attack as well.

It's almost like crazy. Green Pheasant can't understand such an order, especially when he was a high-ranking officer in the Navy. If such an order continues, it has no strategic significance except to increase casualties.

"The situation of the world government is not right now. I suggest that all forces should concentrate on defense and wait for kroddar or the dragon to come back before formulating an attack policy. In addition, we should immediately send someone to find out whether his death is true about the Warring States period." In DREZ Rosa, Rosen gave the pheasant a lot of rights.

Because other people's military talent, in addition to Rufus's excellent point, others are quite poor.

Now that Rosen is away, the opinion of Green Pheasant is the most valuable one.

"Judging from the emotions of the Navy's fighting with us, this news is true in all probability, but it's strange that we didn't send people to assassinate the Warring States, and the Warring States didn't kill them if they wanted to." Taizolo sank.

If the news is false, the emotions of the navy can't be full of hatred. It can't be false.

"The kingdom of Andia has just been attacked by the order of killing demons, but it has already been made into an iron bucket by us, and we are fully capable of counterattack. We just don't know how much combat power the world government will invest in the future." Alice also reported the situation there.

"Now many civilians and kingdoms are attacked by the Navy because it has something to do with us. What should we do about this?" Tezorro continued.

This is totally a kind of smear. In this case, it is neither reasonable nor indifferent.

If someone leads and points out these victims, they may finally pour their anger on the dawn alliance, so that these people who could have become allies.

It's likely to be the enemy.

"Send out the empty Island cloud made by the king of heaven, and save them as much as possible. They can't be slaughtered!" The Green Pheasant thought deeply and made a decision.

But in fact, the pheasant did not hold much hope for this.

This is because he did it with justice from the perspective of the Navy.

The dawn alliance, after all, is a pirate. Green Pheasant is not discrimination, but in many things, values may be different.

But to the green pheasant's surprise, almost all the high-level officials passed.

Shia, ganfuor, Alice, Rufus, many of them are not strong, but they do have a very high voice.

Because these are the managers that Rosen has chosen.

"By the way, in some battlefields, survivors say that the world government has used many secret weapons, including Dragon Knights, remoulding people, and some blue shadow creatures." As soon as Alice detects an unusual creature.

I can't help thinking about what Tianlong people used to do on the island of Landis.

Because we immediately raised our vigilance.

"I've seen blue shadow creatures here, but they don't live much. They may be powerful weapons or transforming creatures. In a word, we should be careful. If we can't, we should withdraw our headquarters to Hezhi first. That place is easy to defend but hard to attack. Even if there is a massive attack from the world government, we can resist it. " Green Pheasant suggested.

"Mm-hmm!" We all agree with that.

"Let's go and act separately. We have to wait for the response from the leader."


Dawning alliance also began to make response and action.

But the tragedy is still on.

War is spreading all over the world.

However, the people who reversed the boundary didn't know that such a big change had taken place in the outside world. Now they are being squeezed by the army led by the five old stars.

They are also struggling.

And just now, on the part of the pirates, two strong men fell.

Sikal, zepha!

Zefa is old after all, unable to resist the five-star attack against him.

Both of them were killed by the five old stars. On the contrary, they fought against Barrett. That is to say, Leili and others, who were fighting separately by IM, were still alive.

But the war is also very fierce, red hair was seriously injured, a smile lost an arm, although Raleigh intact, but the pressure is also growing!