"It's really small!" When someone said that, other people responded immediately.

"The waterfall is receding, and the darkness seems to be fading away too!"?! Is it going to light? How is that possible? "

The climate here is totally different from that outside. It will not change.

How suddenly the dark sea, the day is about to dawn!

"What is that!? A light tower? "

On the waterfall, in the dark.

A tower of light emerged in the sky, incomparably grand, and the darkness of the sky, stars, and waterfalls, are absorbed like water!

It's just because of this that the darkness slowly fades away. It looks like it's swallowed up.

This scene shocked everyone.

They have no idea what this is about?!

But five old stars and Barrett's face changed dramatically.

Hundreds of years ago, this thing almost wiped them out. Now is it coming out again?

The treasure of the ancient country, finally concentrated all the national strength to create ancient weapons for them.

A weapon more terrible than the three ancient weapons seemed to be incomplete at that time.

"Did klocdal conquer lourderu and become the king of pirates?" Some people are dull, because this is the most likely thing they think of!

All in all, they have been in for more than half a month.

Success and failure, it is time to draw a conclusion.

"They made it!" Raleigh had a look of joy on his face, though he didn't know what it was.

But it doesn't prevent Raleigh from guessing that the captain let Yutian translate for you at that time.

Raleigh has a fresh memory of every word, and this is the weapon that they mentioned at the beginning, the pagoda.

They didn't untie it at the beginning, because it was unnecessary and useless. They were doomed to be too late.

And now the change, clearly has told Raleigh, the tower has been unlocked, also means the dawn is coming!

"Damn it!!! Sand crocodile actually succeeded! But also got that thing, quick, at all costs, kill all the people here, even if they have been cultivated for hundreds of years, it doesn't matter! " The face of five old stars changed greatly.

Voice down, pengpeng two explosion, the two of them become two regiments of blood red meat together.

They have no human form at all, and the blood lines with thick and thin fingers extend out in the meat ball, killing many pirates in an instant.

"Well, how could five old stars be such a thing?" But when the five old stars show this attitude, it has already aroused the suspicion of many people.

Because the devil's fruit should be the only one, but both of them will, and they feel evil.

Before, the five stars didn't want to expose this point. They just didn't want to be questioned by their own people so soon, but now they can't bear to think so. In the current situation, if they can't kill the pirates as quickly as possible.

Once the sand crocodile comes out and the two sides meet, the world government will be in great trouble!

"Damn it, I didn't expect that the sand crocodile actually found lourderu! We haven't found this place for hundreds of years! I don't know where to hide it! " The dragon claw yelled.

The dignity of the superior does not exist at this time.

The existence of the threat to their long-life plan is enough to make them completely shameless and hysterical.

"Lord IM, please help us eradicate these evils together!" The long Mou respectfully says toward the Yi Mu.

"That's just a waste of money!" Barrett said, and blue mucus came out of his mouth. The blue mucus condensed on the deck into a new human shape, and the blue figure was covered with devil fruit patterns.

Then he opened his mouth, and almost a third of the blue shadows in the whole battlefield were swallowed by him.

The figure expands rapidly!

At the same time toward already exhausted Raleigh red hair and others blow a punch!

Three personality blocks! But the consumption has already been excessive.

Plus now paid the price of the blue shadow of IM, its strength has been enhanced again.

One blow blew them out!

"Captain!" Beckman and others immediately exclaimed.

"Burn the last flame in this sea, red hair!" In the process of flying upside down, Raleigh suddenly screamed.

In any case, they will stop him for a moment!

Buy them more time! After the event, they may not see tomorrow! But what does it matter!

Boom! A breath of Shura hell, with blood splashing all over his body, Raleigh holds the sword in both hands, his body in a moment, overload operation.

Reached the strongest moment in his life!

A sword spirit, with incomparable power, almost want to split the whole Shenluo sea area!

"Let's fight again, Lieutenant!" Red hair also bathed in blood, the ultimate domineering release, a blood shadow behind him.

It's made of the domineering power released by the whole body of red hair.

Blood shadow with the red hair cut blow shot to im!

The two attacks flew from different directions, but at the moment when they were about to hit IM, they fused together!

"Heji. Red king of hell!"

Once a ship's partner, their joint attack formed the strongest attack!

"Roar!" The two attacks merged into a red king of hell, roaring and asking for his life!

Yi Mu cent body also slightly Leng for a while, this attack is very strong! It's dangerous!

Up to now, they still have this kind of strength?!

it is beyond logic and above reason!

Yim condenses a demon fruit, holding his hand like a ball, and roars to this attack.

With a loud bang, Im's body was shaken back a few steps, and the demon fruit formed by his energy was smashed!

At the same time, Im's body was torn apart with a bright red scar, flowing with blue blood.

Although it was a split, it was his first injury.

"Great! But you've run out of oil, and the lights are dry Yi Mu cent body looks at two slowly fall from mid air, the figure of a little strength all have no, cold voice way.

But Im's face suddenly changed and his body moved quickly.

Hiss! His arms are up!

A tiger gravity knife, almost cut off his head.

"I'm sorry, brother. It seems that I still can't grasp this opportunity!" Said with a smile and loss.

Redhead and Raleigh, the two strongest men, have attracted all his attention. He has lurked around him.

But Im's reaction is still too fast!!

He failed!!

"Asshole!! Damn mole ants Im broke his arm. He was very angry, because it was not only the pain of broken arm, but also the loss of part of his energy.

That's what he can't stand.

Because im's immortality is not without cost, there is not enough nutrients, maybe some years, he will fall into a deep sleep, and what will happen during the sleep, it's hard to know!!